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Shabbat Dinner Research Paper

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Oleh Lemishka
Professor Thomas Wetzel
THEO 231
20 October 2017
Shabbat dinner On Friday, October 20th, I attended Shabbat dinner. Campus Ministry space was chosen to host this event and it was not meant to hold as many people as showed up to the event. There were supposed to be 50 people but about 75 showed up. Shabbat stands for a day of rest and it is prohibited to work on that day abong Jewish community. The Lord rested, so should everyone else. It lasts from sundown on Friday evening through nightfall on Saturday night. The origin of this day can be traced back to the time when Earth was created in 6 days and on the 7th day the Lord rested according to Torah (Exodus 31:15-16). The first thing that I have noticed were the candles that were burning. Later, we were informed that the whole dinner begins when it …show more content…
It gives a chance to put aside daily routine and focus on personal things. Jewish community respects their traditions and follow the rules that were set long time ago. It is something I do not see in my community. Everyone is busy with work and there is barely any time for a break. Let us get back to the dinner. In class, we have read the stories of creation of Earth by the Lord. After applying the logic and not taking everything literally, we are sceptical of those cases and probably not everything in them is true. Some of the things still make sense nowadays like taking a break to manage personal things. My brain made an immediate connection between grape juice and bread. In Catholic tradition they stand for blood and body of Jesus. For Jews, wine/grape juice stands for appreciation of Shabbat. During the whole event, me and the person I came with were talking to some faculty members that were sitting right next to us. Discussion wehad was interesting and pleasant because they wanted to find out more about us, where we are from, and what other languages we

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