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How Is Climate Change Affecting The Uk

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Climate Change affecting the UK:
As we all know, climate change is very real and evident and anyone anywhere in the world could be affected by it. One of the countries that is going to be affected by climate change is the United Kingdom. The UK is already known to be rainy quite often, but with climate change, in the winter, UK is going to see almost five times more rain than it does today. Sadly, all this rain is going to cause multiple floods. They are calculated to be like the floods of 2007, and unfortunately they will happen much more regularly. Along with that, the rising sea levels are also going to be a threat and since the UK is completely surrounded by water, it might just have to change its name to Atlantis considering large areas of it will …show more content…
Many homes and jobs are at risk of being lost due to the floods as well. Moving on to the summers of UK in a hundred years, we can assume that they will be very dry and hot. Droughts are going to be much more probable which could greatly affect crops and the lifestyle of citizens. Heatwaves, like the one in 2003 are, like the floods, going to be happening much more regularly. In fact so regularly, that they will be the norm, and I am quite sure that we as humans will not have evolved in the next sixty to hundred years to live comfortably in such climates. To top this all off, Wildlife is going to be different as well. Many animals will attempt to travel north to find a more comfortable environment, but will have to fight with the native species already present in the north. As many negative side effects there are to this, climate change could possibly have positive side effects as well. Although the rate of summer deaths might rise, the rate of deaths related to cold weather will decrease. The new climate could also allow for new crops to be farmed in the

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