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Does Daylight Saving Time Save Energy?

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During the first few months of DST the television and movie industry take a hit in their economy. With an increase in people staying out later to shop, go to the ball game or even take a stroll in the park many television shows will not introduce a new season until the summer months and Hollywood releases its box office hits during the summer and fall months when people are more likely to sit in a theatre or on the couch watching tv.

Daylight Saving Time is in fact a political ploy to avoid making meaningful legislation to reduce energy usage. The study "Does Daylight Saving Time Save Energy? Evidence From a Natural Experiment In Indiana" October 2008, examines a financial burden presented to the energy consumers during DST. During DST there is an actual increase in the energy demand due to air conditioners needing to remain on longer. This was a net increase of $3.29 per household per year or a total of $9 million per year, not to mention the amount of pollutants emitted into the air from increased driving. People are not going to walk to the store or ball park, they will drive which also increases the gas usage during DST. Instead, Congress continues to extend DST by months and convincing Americans that it is to save resources needed to fuel our day to day lives. …show more content…
In the study "Does Daylight Saving Time Increase Risk of Stroke?" conducted by the American Academy of Neurology February of 2016, analyzes the effect of interrupting the internal body clock can increase the risk of strokes. There was no increase in stroke risk four days after DST and zero increase of death related strokes in hospitals the week after

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