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Personal Narrative: My Small Group Reading Intervention

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Although the student is working hard and paying attention, it is apparent that pronunciation concerning phoneme sounds, rhyming words, and sight words areas that should need close concentration. Since the student is bright, capable, and motivated, the help he needs from me as a special educational teacher is to incorporate considerations into my small group reading intervention lessons. It is my goal to help him to accelerate his rate of learning to decrease his need of intensive intervention in reading.
During the school year, I spent special time each day incorporating considerations into Ms. Williams’s lesson plans and my instruction during small group reading intervention time that would benefit this student. Based off my observation of his social …show more content…
I carefully selected books from many different genres with beautiful illustrations. As I read, the students interacted with the text. I asked the students questions and looked to him for a response. I wanted to make sure he was engaged, learning and following as the story developed. I made sure to model the phrasing as I spoke. I sounded out the way words and phrases should sound when spoken aloud. I also modeled my directions as I gave them. By doing this, I made sure he could follow not just by words but by actions. With the use of modeling, my intentions were to empower him to feel capable, motivate him to learn and full of the self-confidence he needed to succeed in his task.
I wanted for my student to be able to do some independent reading. We practiced these books every day at school and some afternoons. Soon he became proficient at reading the word without the picture. I selected books he could easily read by himself. They were very basic books that had a picture and the associated word. I obtained stacks of these books and sent one home each day for him to read to his mother. He loved taking books home to his mother to

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