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Navel Research Paper

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You will not have to be a celebrity to pierce your navel, as you can easily get it from any piercing shop today. If we look back to the middle of the 19th century, we will see that movie producers in Hollywood were banned from showing navel or belly buttons. This is simply because, Hollywood actresses at that time would wear jewels and pricy gems in their navel and authorities wanted to limit this practice. However, that was the time when the practice of wearing valuable jewels on Navel had been started.
The History of Navel Piercing
In ancient civilization, the trend of body piercing was considered as the sign of courage and fierceness. In ancient Egypt, Pharaohs believed that navel rings were the sign of transition from the life to the infinity. …show more content…
Titanium offers some unique benefits that cannot be found in most of precious metal in the world.
However, its availability and affordability have made it a smart choice for people who love to have jewelry in their several body parts. Apart from those qualities, the precious metal offer style and comfort without causing infection and irritation. # 4. Acrylic
The metal is popular mostly for lightweight and should be used in healed piercing. Many people with new and healed piercing always use acrylic. It should not be used in newly pierced areas, since the metal can emit toxins.
However, apart from this, the material comes with a great finish and durability. Acrylic is a transparent substance and they return an opaque feature when mixed with other colors. It is said to be the perfect material to make jewelry, and people are gladly wearing rings and other accessories made of Acrylic in their navel areas.
# 5. PTFE/Bioplastic
Monofilament Nylon and Teflon, which is popularly known as PTFE is one of the safest materials for surface piercing. The material can be used in the area where flexibility is needed. However, the metal has a non-stick surface and the metal can be used for initial

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