Part of the American dream is completing a college degree and to work in a field that you obtain your degree of study in. We rely on professors at the universities to educate, to challenge our way of thinking and to encourage students to think outside the box or to create a new standard. It is the Human Resource manager duty to make sure their professor possesses the background and the knowledge to complete such life changing moment in student’s life. Let us explorer if some of the professor performance and their pay are in align. To begin, the United States Department of Labor defines merit pay as a raise in pay based on a set of criteria set by the employer. This process is called Merit pay, but is also known as pay-for-performance;…show more content… Professor Jones, will receive a total of increase of $2,400 to his annual salary. I would like to point out that Professor Jones is passed the average pay of his peers but he did received the top performance review and this is why I recommended him for a pay increase. Professor Karas will be receiving a raise of $3,000 to his annual salary. I am aware he is seeking employment outside of the university; I would explain to the professor this was the best I could do after a one-on one comparison to his peers with the limited experience. With this raise, I would like for him to increase the number of students and show an upward trend of his performance review over the next three to five years. Professor Franks, I recommend he receives $5,000 increase to his salary; this increase will be to close the gap between him and his peers pay since he possess the years of experience to justify the raise. I would explain to Franks, that a “failure to meet” performance review will no longer be acceptable and I would like for him to increase the number of students in the next three years. The last and highest raise will go to Professor Houseman; in reviewing his performance, the years of service and the number of students he teaches; I couldn’t believe he was second to the lowest paid professor. Since I cannot predict the funds that will be available in the years to comes, I wanted to get Professor Houseman as close as I could to his average salary range for his experience. Professor Houseman deserves this raise since he teaches the highest number of students, he has twenty-five years of experience and he exceeds in two of his three categories in his performance review. Professor Houseman can be classified as a role model of the things the university would like to see from their professors going