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Veterinary Career Aspirations

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“It smells like a smell, a smelly type of smell, that smells smelly” my lab partner stated to me. He was right, it was a full gaseous aroma that was thick and felt like it weighed my lungs. If it was in the form of a gas cloud, it would be opaque with a deep dovetail gray. The preserved lamb heart made me ponder “Is this really what I want to do in life?” I was unsure, I believe in order to prosper in life I had to adapt to my environment and be willing to change without forcing myself to live a fraudulent life or to spend my life as someone else; for you only have one life why live it as someone else? In the beginning I prefered not to pursue the medical field. At least not human medicine, for I was more interested in veterinary science. …show more content…
As I felt as if I had fooled myself into participating into program that was not made for me. In the first year I was introduced to the principles of biomed. There was not a mention of veterinary science throughout the entire year. This was quite upsetting for me. What made the situation worse was my mother believed I wanted to be in the medical field and I was just being a “quitter” as I continuously tried to drop out of the program. But as time moved on and I spent more time in the program, I began to realize I did like the medical field, in fact I loved it, especially the human body and how it functioned. But there was still a problem, I enjoyed the medical field but didn’t know what I wanted to do in it. I constantly changed what I wanted to do, switching from corner to occupational therapist to other professions. Nothing felt fitting until one lucky day we began to work on the …show more content…
It made me realize this was my dream, this is what I wanted to spend the rest of my life doing, focusing on the brain. After I began to mentioned this to family and friends they tried to steer me towards neuroscience. Neuroscience was an interesting topic but it did not fill the void. There was still an unfavorable sense towards it. What solved my sense of wonder was when I dissected a sheep's brain. The smell was just as gaseous and disgusting as the lamb heart. This is where I realized I did not want to do neuroscience, I did not want to focus on the physical makeup of the brain but instead its behavior. I did not want to be a medical major nor a science major, but instead a social science

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