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Frente Sandinista De Liberacion Naional Analysis

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Words 447
Pages 2
The Frente Sandinista de Liberacion Naional, a Nicaraguan assemble defeated President Anastasio Somoza Debayle, defeating the Somoza family. Then the Sanadinistas controlled Nicaragua, their front-runner was Daniel Ortega who was reconfirmed as head of state in 2006. More than ten years the FSLN structured diplomatic backing from farmworkers and students. The Somoza released revenge against Sandinistas following confrontations in 1970, on the Nicaraguan National Guard from safe-havens in Cost Rica and Honduras.
After Mayorga and Fonseca were murdered, and the Frente Sandinista de Liberacion Naional divided into three segments that diverge over whether the assembly ought to coordinate insurrectionist sects only in the cities. In addition, to maintain gradual assistance throughout the country, or combine with other radical factions in the increasing rebellion. In 1979, the Nicaraguan insurrection unified the Sandinistas underneath the third faction. By this time, the Frente Sandinista de Liberacion Naional now amount to about 5,000 fighters, and overpowered the National Guard. …show more content…
Frente Sandinista de Liberacion National was now in control and they systematized citizens and district committees to assemble support form workers, and other groups. This was established to fight off forces from the Contras, who were in Honduras and prepared and funded by the United

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