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Concussion Issues In Concussions

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More now than before, athletes are being extremely cautious when there is trauma to the brain. After multiple cases of poor treatment, parents and doctors are taking control of an epidemic of untreated concussions. As more studies advance, it is discovered that every case is different. The range of seriousness is created by severity, past experience with trauma, and how the patient heals. Concussions in sports can range in severity, and how they affect each individual over time depending on times of impact. A concussion can be defined as a mild traumatic brain injury caused by excessive impact to the head. The word concussion comes from the Latin word concutere, which means "to shake violently." The injury is caused by the brain moving forcefully back and forth. The brain is made up of soft tissue and protected by spinal fluid and encased in the protective shell of the skull. The rapid movement can cause chemical changes in the brain and can sometimes stretch and damage brain cells or nerves. Moreover, it’s a bruise on the brain that alters mental state. Things like car and bicycle accidents, falls while playing sports or at work, and fighting are some of the leading sources of concussions. When being examined by a doctor first the signs and symptoms will be evaluated, then the medical history will be under review, and finally …show more content…
Some of the symptoms include: headaches, dizziness, difficulty concentrating or completing tasks, Irritability, and the sense that you “just don’t feel like yourself”. According to Dr. Maryse Lassonde, “even when the symptoms of a concussion appear to have gone, the brain is still not yet 100 percent normal.” In a study done on athletes that had concussions 30 years past then now have symptoms of parkinson's. Also further tests showed that past athletes who had a concussion experienced a thinning of the cortex in the same part of the brain that Alzheimer's

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