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Luke In Acts Research Paper

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The historical, geographical, and political atmosphere of Acts is definitely first century. There was no mention of the destruction of the temple which took place in A.D. 70. Luke consistently represents the Roman Empire and its officials as non-hostile toward Christianity. Despite the many charges laid against Christians in the Gospel of Luke and in Acts, no Roman official condemns any leader of the church, including Jesus Christ. Pilate found Jesus not guilty and Paul is not condemned by Gallio, Felix, or Festus. It is clear that the Romans are not the ones persecuting the church. Rather, Luke represents the Jews as the real enemies of the faith. And by way of contrast, the Roman state is often represented as protecting the Apostle Paul form his own people (Acts 21:32, 22:25-29, 23:16-24). We know that an official Roman persecution of the church broke out in …show more content…
For Luke, Christianity is in the world to stay, at least for a while. This aspect of Luke in Acts can be seen in his tendency to anchor the story of the church in a thoroughly worldly setting. For example, in Acts Luke mentions thirty-two countries, fifty-four different cities, nine Mediterranean islands, and ninety-five individuals. Of these ninety-five persons, sixty-two are not mentioned anywhere else in the New Testament, and twenty-seven of the ninety-five are nonbelievers. For Luke, the church is thoroughly involved in people and places in this present life. All of this information is important to understand how the church spread from a small, completely Messianic Jewish movement centered in Jerusalem, to a multi-ethnic, multi-lingual, multi-cultural spiritual movement which embraced a large portion of the Roman

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