Race in the criminal justice
In today’s day of age people are always blaming some race on crimes, but is that racist are is it profiling? I will first start by talking about what is profiling. Profiling is used by cities and towns all over the U.S. Profiling has been a problem because people don’t look at the facts but the color of their skin, religion, and national origin of the person (ACLU , 2017). Profiling was used a lot after September 11, 2001 with Muslim, Arab at the airlines, federal law and local police. In an Article published in 2015 named Muslims in prison? I found out that 60% of Muslims were even though Muslims make up about 8% of the population in 2010 (Markind, 2015). Now I will talk about the statics on hate crimes in the…show more content… In the same paper, they talked about a report conducted saying that race was the number one hate crime in 2012. The hate crime on race was 48.3% in 2012. They also talked about other hate crimes but race was the highest and the second highest was sexual orientation with a percentage of 19.6% in 2012. An example of a hate crime was in a 2016 article named FBI; Hate crimes spike, most sharply against Muslims, when the anti-Muslimism hate crimes was up to 67% from 154 occurrences 2014 to 257 in 2015 (Ansai, 2016). In this same article, there was statics over the overall percentage of races. The anti-Jewish crime increased by 9%, the anti -black crimes went up about 8%, lastly the anti-Latino hate crimes stayed…show more content… In the same location, I found that the overall population of Latinos is 16 percent but 19 percent of those are incarcerated. In the same website, I found out that every 1 in every 15 African American and every 1 in 36 Hispanics men are incarcerated in comparison to 1 in 106 white men. In a website named bop.gov I found out an interesting fact that I thought was interesting. There was a graph that shows four different kind of races. In a website named NAACP.org I found that, in 2008 African Americans and Mexicans made up 58% of the prisons populations, even though Africans American and Mexicans make up on quarter of the us population (naacp.org, 2017). The races where Asian, blacks, Native Americans, and whites. The top two races that was showed was whites and blacks. The graph showed that 58.7 of inmates where white and 37.7 of the inmates were black. The other two races were less than 3% of the inmates in the prisons (Federal Bureau of Prisons,