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Rapid City Indian Boarding Schools Summary

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Education for children should be a time of learning, fun, and play, but that was not the case for the children of the Indian Boarding schools. They spent half a day in class and then the other part of their day was considered child labor, washing, cleaning, and working. Even their education was not an education but a way of trying to take the Native of the child.

Indian Boarding Schools
Sidney Byrd spoke about arriving at the school and being scrubbed down and turning red. I thought that was funny because we, the white man, calls Natives the "red man." I know he did not think it funny. Then after being there a while, he talked about being lonely. He was told to be brave and yet missing his grandparents terribly. Thankfully he found a "sister" that made boarding school survivable. At least he had someone to talk to in his own language who could comfort him. …show more content…
It is now known as Rapid City Indian Health Service Hospital. The video on what happened to the land of the Sioux San was very informative. While watching I asked some of the same question that the audience asked. Why can they not get the land that was taken illegally back? Why did they just allow their land to be taken without a fight? Why did they lose their homes when they should have been living on tax-free land? I am so sorry for the way they were and are being treated. It hurts my heart listening to people talking about being taken away from their homes thinking they were not wanted. I, as a parent, cannot imagine someone taking my children and I not seeing them for years. The more I study the more I understand why our reservations are the way they are. The reason why school is not as important as we may see it. The memories and stories that have been told would deter anyone from wanting to be exposed to

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