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Critical Thinking Analysis of Penn-Mart's Health Care Strategy


Submitted By Costanza1977
Words 1835
Pages 8
A Critical Thinking Analysis of Penn-Mart’s Health Care Strategy Revisions
Dennis D. Puskas
University of Maryland University College
DMBA 610
September 21, 2014

The following paper will use a set of 10 critical thinking steps recommended by Browne & Keeley to objectively analyze the memorandum sent by Salvador Monella who is the Senior Vice President of Human Resources to the Board of Directors at Penn-Mart. Mr. Monella has conducted a review of Penn-Mart’s healthcare strategy involving a number of issues including cost to the company and employee involvement, to name a few. The purpose of the review, findings, discussion and recommendations will all be analyzed using critical thinking skills in an objective manner. As discussed in Browne & Keeley, the three dimensions of critical thinking will be used identify the best decisions available. Each of the 10 critical thinking steps and questions will be thoroughly explored and examined in a logical and systematic approach (Browne & Keeley, 2012). The final goal of the following analysis is to provide the reader with concrete examples of how to view the Penn-Mart business memo regarding their healthcare strategies.

Question 1: What are the Issue and Conclusion? The issue and conclusion can be found both implicitly and explicitly in the last sentence of the memo contained within the “Purpose” section. Mr. Monella states that after their internal review of the matter at hand, he recommends that Penn-Mart should implement a wellness plan consisting of mandatory health screening for all employees enrolled in company-sponsored health plans. Thus, from this statement you can understand what both the issue and conclusion are, which I have stated below: 1) Issue – What should Penn-Mart do to control the spiraling costs of employee healthcare benefits? 2) Conclusion – Penn-Mart

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