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Critical Thinking and Ethics


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Critical Thinking and Ethics
Krystal Borrego
January 12, 2015
Tim Tietjen

Critical Thinking and Ethics
When it comes to human organs and individuals buying them from prisoners that have been executed to survive one would have to ask themselves if they are making an ethical decision. Buying and selling human organs is illegal in the United States yet it is happening right now as we enter into the year 2015, a lot of critical thinking has gone into this industry and made a world wide business out of it. Although China was the leading source of this crude and horrid operation, the buying and selling of human organs is happening right here on American soil.
Blood Money Analysis
Do the leaders of China and the prisoners understand what ethical decision making really is? Ordering an execution and then knowingly preparing the bodies for a liver transplant is something that you or I would say it unethical but this just goes to show that everyone has different decision making skills. How these individuals apart of this business were raised and taught ethics is very different from how we were taught here in the United States. Some would say that because it is a foreign country that they have different beliefs and find no wrong doing in this exchange of organs, their critical thinking was done on their own ethical template. Providing a perfectly healthy organ from an executed prisoner to help save someone’s life is completely ethically correct to them.
Critical Thinking and Ethical Reasoning
Critical thinking takes place when some sort of brainstorming has taken place and a plan has been mapped out. China had thoroughly used their critical thinking skills and applied it to their ethical reasoning behind why they were doing this. They had the prisoners screened to be sure the ones sick or with diseases were dismissed and then gathered the “healthy” prisoners. With the health prisoners they used their critical thinking and their ethical reasoning to make sure they maintained the prisoners health by giving them shots and special anti quaguulat drugs so that after the execution the kidney would stay healthy and viable. Their entire operation was very well planned and every step of the way was planned out.
Need for Ethical Decision Making
There is defiantly a need for ethical decision making when it comes to blood money because the most of the individuals that participated like the doctors are very well educated people and made their own ethical decision to perform these surgeries. Everyones’ logic reasoning varies, as we have seen with this blood money scenario, so there would still be a need for ethical decision making. One person’s logic of taking these perfectly healthy kidney and implanting them into a person of need could be another person’s disagreement based on their own ethical reasoning.
“Blood Money,” or buying and selling an executed prisoner’s kidney seemed to be an accepted ethical way of life for the individuals involved in this organization. Even though it is illegal there was a lot of intricate details outlined in their critical thinking to make sure all of their basis were covered. From matching the donor with the patient to putting a cash deposit down, the doctors and nurses had everything all set up with state of the art medical equipment and were ready to perform these illegal operations. After seeing China being exposed with this kind of behavior we can better understand that every situation has its’ own ethical reasoning and critical thinking steps that have to take place to execute the plan.

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