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Critical Thought Symposium Reflection

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Over the course of the year Critical Thought Symposium has helped me grow in multiple fronts in final year at Queens University. As a critical thinker I have grown by adding in a new “tool” in repertoire for solving problems and research. My leadership skills have improved in terms of better defining what leadership means. As a student, I have enhanced my interpersonal and introspective skills through my various roles. Critical Thought Symposium has influenced my future positively through reinvigoration of my passion for learning. What I have learned in this class will stay with me for a very long time.
I developed as a critical thinker and a problem solver through preparing for each simulation. For the first simulation, the Yellowstone Caldera, I tackled the assignment like I do for …show more content…
Due to circumstances I had to look up information about the conflict first before I had the chance to learn more about my role of Daoud Nassar. While it was needed to learn more about the Palestine-Israel conflict because I had little knowledge of it, after talking Daoud’s close friend, Usama Nicola, it changed my perspective on the conflict. I had to reevaluate the information I had researched already. However, doing that caused me to engage with my critical thinking skills because I had realized that I had made some judgements on certain topics with a biased view and therefore I thought about why I had those biases and where they came from. This metacognitive analysis helped me in my portrayal of Daoud because I was able to have some understanding of where his biases were coming from. Hence for some of my knowledge of the conflict went from being my biases, breaking down those biases to be subjective, and then rebuilding biases based on someone

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