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Good News Rhetorical Analysis

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Rhetorical Analysis Essay

In the article “Good News: A.I. Is Getting Cheaper. That’s Also the Bad News.” by Cade Metz, published in the New York Times 02, 2018, she talks about the advancements of technology that’s easy to come by and how it could be used for malicious purposes. Metz is concerned about the fact that the parts and programming are relatively easy to come by, since these devices use ordinary cameras, and software available to anyone. This means it will only be so long before her audience hears about other than regulation intended use scenarios. The idea of camera drones, easily made and programmed, just makes society nervous in general. Metz says about the machines, that as this technology moves to become a more self-governing, …show more content…
The New York Times has credibility because it is a nationwide publication with readers in the millions. It is edited by other experts in the field of the article, such as, artificial intelligence researchers and policy makers from prominent labs and think tanks in the United States and Britain, like Miles Brundage and Paul Scharre. Mr. Brundage is a research fellow at the University of Oxford’s Future of Humanity Institute and one of the primary authors of the report. Paul Scharre who helped set policy around autonomous systems and emerging weapons technologies at the Defense Department and who is now senior fellow at the Center for a New American Security is also one of the authors; these gentlemen have credibility as leading researchers in the field of A.I. Large, prestigious colleges like Oxford, Stamford, M.I.T. , etc. Along with agencies like the Defense Department, these entities are at the heart of new developments, and the potential dangers thereof. Metz has credibility as a writer at the New York Times and it’s obvious from her article that she is well researched and understands the complications that could arise from an unregulated rise of the

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