Premium Essay

Criticle Analysis of a Doll's House


Submitted By avishap1
Words 2572
Pages 11
Critical Analysis of "A Doll's House" by Henrik Ibsen

Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House was a controversial play for its time because it questioned society's basic rules and norms. Multiple interpretations can be applied to the drama, which allows the reader to appreciate many different aspects of the play. This paper examines how both Feminist and Marxist analyses can be applied as literary theories in discussing Ibsen's play because both center on two important subject matters in the literary work: the roles of women in a male-dominated society, and, the power that money has over people.
In Marxism it is believed that a person's thoughts, behaviors and relationships with others are all influenced by the individual’s social class and economic conditions. In addition, the Marxist approach looks at the mechanics of the system where the working class or the subordinates of society are kept powerless and dependent upon the higher classes. A common theme found in A Doll's House, is the exploitation of the weak and the poor by the strong and the rich, and an obsession with material possessions and social status. The characters in the play are all affected by the lack or acquisition of money, and their entire lives and way of thinking are based upon it.
In the beginning of the play, Nora’s outlook on life and her desires are completely consumed by wealth and material things. For instance, in Act I when Nora returns home from a shopping trip, she asks her maid to hide the Christmas tree so that the children won’t see it until it’s been decorated. She later asks Trovald for money so that she can “wrap it up in beautiful gilt paper” and hang it on the tree as decorations. The "money ornaments" are just one example of her obsession with money and her need to show off her newfound wealth. Where in the previous year she spent a whole three weeks making ornaments by hand, it is

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