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Csi Analysis


Submitted By Smiley1969
Words 1414
Pages 6
The purpose of this project is to provide the reader of this paper with a descriptive analysis of an episode of Crime Scene Investigations (C.S.I.). The intent is to show what is provided by the television series of what happens in a crime and what is supposed to happen during a crime scene investigation. The reader should be able to understand during this analysis to what in fact is non-realistic in this television episode and what is reality as determined by what has been researched. This will show what really happens in a crime scene investigations lab.
The episode chosen for this review was CSI: Miami, The Golden Parachute. The episode begins with an aircraft taking important people to testify in front of the Security Exchange Commission. The aircraft began to have issues after takeoff and crash landed in the Florida Everglades. Fishermen were located in and around the everglades and witnessed the crash, they were consumed by what just happened and alerted 911. This prompted Horatio and his crime scene investigative team to begin work. There were eight total passengers on board including the pilots. They immediately identified bodies in the water and determined that this was a leve1 two biohazard. There were bodies thrown from the aircraft in the same area and they also found a body five miles down the everglades. The investigations continued throughout. There were things noticed that was clearly polished, questionable and what seemed to be real as part of an investigation. The crime scene investigators also acted as crime lab technicians and police officers which are not in direct correlation with what they are supposed to be doing. The results from the examinations didn’t show an adequate amount of time was spent doing analysis. They seemed to have come back in five minutes and most results compared to what was researched takes about two hours for an

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