...Transformation and Social Change Volume 2 Number 2 © 2005 Intellect Ltd Article. English Language. doi: 10.1386/jots.2.2.83/1 Towards a generic international human resource management (IHRM) model Jie Shen University of South Australia Abstract Keywords Reflecting the prevailing Western literature and based on an empirical study in Chinese multinational enterprises (MNEs), this study develops an IHRM model and argues that it can be widely applicable. The model indicates that an MNE’s IHRM policies and practices are the interaction of the home HRM system, firmspecific factors and host-contextual factors. The firm-specific and host-contextual factors have a differentiated, changing and concurrent impact on IHRM policies and practices. There is also interplay between IHRM policies and practices. Intervening factors and their impact may vary over time and in different contexts. IHRM IHRM model intervening factors Chinese IHRM multinational enterprises (MNEs) Internationalization and the effective use of international human resources are two major issues facing firms in today’s global economy. As more and more firms operate internationally, there is a clear need to develop an understanding of how to manage human resources that are located outside the domestic environment. An IHRM system is a set of distinct activities, functions and processes that are directed at attracting, developing, and maintaining the human resources of a multinational enterprise (MNE)...
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...Is culture really all that International Human Resource Manager is about? * Introduction * Diversity Management * IHRM & Culture issue * Conclusion * References Introduction People have always been the driving force of business and management. This force is a challenge and if not addressed with the right skills, it will develop into disturbing elements that are very dangerous for the management of the company. The challenges of global talent selection and mobility of labor, established by a career concept that transcends national borders and organizational groups and the emergence of virtual collaboration on international projects requires companies to develop new skills in their employees to be effective in the complexity of today's contexts. The workforces are people, and as we are human, we are all different from various points of view. This paper aims to answer the question: “Is culture really all that International Human Resource Manager is about?” I’ve analyzed the differences between HRM and IHRM based on the concept of diversity, characteristics that influence both topics but in a different way. After this, the next stop is to define IHRM and the concept of culture to reach the conclusion that managing cultural differences in an international team is the major challenge to IHRM. Due to the movement of employees between foreign subsidiaries and headquarters and between foreign locales, HRM professionals are likely to...
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...International Business (MOD001055) Chapter 8: International Human Resource Management Zubair Hassan (2013). International Human Resource Management. International Business 8.1. Introduction This chapter covers one major components of learning objectives/outcomes that are likely to examine via coursework or examination. This chapter will enable students to build their knowledge on global human resource issues faced by international business, such as the staffing, recruitment and selection, performance appraisal and training and development along with compensations policies. This chapter will cover the following topics: Human resource management function International human resource management (IHRM) International HRM approaches IHRM policies and practices Work practice in an international context 8.2. Human resource management function HRM can be described as a strategic, integrated and coherent approach to the employment, development and well-being of the people working in organizations. Te practice of Human Resource Management (HRM) is concerned with all aspects of how people are employed and managed in organizations. It covers activities such as: resourcing (human resource planning, recruitment and selection, and talent management); performance management; learning and development; reward management employee relations; employee well-being. Human resource management is important for various reasons. One of the most important reasons is that human resource management...
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...Table of Contents Introduction 2 Differences between Domestic and International Human Resource Management 2 What is Expatriate 4 IHRM has three dimensions 4 International assignments create expatriates 5 Increasing Importance of International Human Resource Management 6 Significance of International Human Resource Management 9 Conclusion 11 Reference……. 12 Introduction As we enter the new millennium, more and more companies are recognizing the importance of managing their human resources as effectively as possible. They are also recognizing that doing so, however, cannot be done without recognition and incorporation of the global context. It is virtually impossible to read a business periodical or newspaper anywhere in the world without seeing stories detailing the success of a company due to how effectively it manages its people. As the environment becomes more global, managing people also becomes more challenging, more unpredictable and uncertain and more subject to rapid change and surprise. Thus what we are witnessing within human resource management (HRM) is the rapid appreciation for and development of all aspects of global and international activities and issues associated with and affected by HRM. And because the importance of managing people effectively in the global context is so great, many companies are devoting a great deal more time, attention, skill, and effort into doing it well. To be successful, many firms have to compete...
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...The study of International Human Resource Management (IHRM) has focused mainly on the policies, practices and strategies of Human Resource practitioners in individual multinational firms. The goal of this special issue is to move beyond this narrow focus at the enterprise level and situate HRM within wider economic, organizational, political and institutional contexts. HRM differs across countries but to date the comparative literature has tended to focus on cultural issues. Research that systematically analyzes socio-economic, institutional and societal contexts and their impact on HRM remains underdeveloped and there is a significant opportunity for work which draws on theory from adjacent fields - e.g. the varieties of capitalism literature, theories of cross-national organization and research in comparative political studies and economic geography all offer potentially useful frameworks. Companies are socially embedded on different levels; local economies, regional districts, national institutions, international networks and transnational regulation are all aspects of the social, organizational and economic structures in which companies are situated. Despite the all-pervasive talk of globalization, the seasoned international business traveller will be acutely aware of differences in the ‘way of doing things’from country to country and from region to region. Such differences are seldom more apparent than in the field of organization and management. Not only will...
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...COURSE OUTLINE MGMT/INTL 446 - Fall 2013 Date Topic Read Aug. 23 F Course introduction 26 M International HRM overview Ch. 1 28 W IHRM overview (continued) Last day to add/drop classes 30 F In-class exercise: Staffing a New Joint Venture Blackboard Sept. 2 M LABOR DAY HOLIDAY – NO CLASS 4 W The cultural context of IHRM Ch. 2 6 F The cultural context (continued) Research project team formation 9 M Select city assignments and oral presentation dates The organizational context Ch. 3 11 W The organizational context (continued) 13 F Homework 1 due: Quality Control at theHawthorne pg. 287-288 Arms 16 M Cross-border M&As, alliances, & SMEs Ch. 4 18 W Cross-border M&As, alliances, & SMEs (continued) QUIZ 1 20 F Homework 2 due: Strategic forecasts and staffing pg. 298-304 formulation 23 M Review for Exam 1 25 W EXAM 1 27 F Selected team oral reports 30 M Research Assignment 1 due In-class exercise: HR Planning Blackboard COURSE OUTLINE (continued) Date Topic Readg, Oct. 2 W Staffing, recruiting & selection Ch. 5 4 F Staffing, recruiting & selection (continued) 7 M Homework 3 due: Spanning the Globe pg. 282-286 9 W Performance management ...
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...INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: Definitions of IHRM: Scullion (2005) tracked the evolution of definitions of IHRM. He observed that although there has been little consensus, definitions have broadly concentrated on examining the HRM issues, problems, strategies, policies and practices which firms pursue in relation to the internationalization of their business. Schuler et al (2009) similarly recently positioned the different views that have existed about the nature of IHRM. IHRM encompasses: ‘. . . the worldwide management of people in the multinational enterprise’ (Poole, 1990; p1) ‘. . . human resource management in an international environment . . . problems created in an MNC performing business in more than one country, rather than those posed by working for a foreign firm at home or by employing foreign employees in the local firm’ (Briscoe and Schuler, 2004; p1) ‘. . .how MNCs manage their geographically dispersed workforce in order to leverage their HR resources for both local and global competitive advantage’ (Scullion, 2005; p5) ‘. . . a branch of management studies that investigates the design of and effects of organizational human resource practices in cross-cultural contexts’ (Peltonen, 2006; p523) ‘. . . all issues related to the management of people in an international context [including] human resource issues facing MNCs in different parts of their organizations [and] comparative analyses of HRM in different countries’ (Stahl and Björkman...
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... How do culture and sub-culture impact IHRM? Illustrate your answers with real-life examples. IHRM is intrinsically international and multicultural, contributing to making culture a frequent component of IHRM issue. Culture is the ability of human capacity in adapting to circumstances and transmitting this coping skill and knowledge to subsequent generations. It gives people a sense of belonging and how they should behave and what they should be doing. Culture impacts behavior, morale and productivity at work and includes values and patterns that influence employees’ attitudes and actions (1). Subculture is a group of people within a culture that differentiates them from the larger culture to which they belong (3). There are two types of cultures that affect IHRM: Organizational culture and National culture. Organizational culture affects how an organization copes with competition and change, whether in terms of technology, economics or people. Firstly values, norms and behaviors play a big part in organization culture. The role of leader in an organizational culture is powerful- such in the case of Apple founder - Steve Jobs is seen as innovative, creative and inspiring, making Apple one of the most innovative companies in the world. The leader normally creates organizational culture and its existence would subtly influence perception, thought, action and feelings of the employees in ways that are consistent with their cultural beliefs. Organizational culture and innovation...
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...challenges in Canadian development INGOs Sharon L. OÕSullivan * Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa, 55 Laurier ave East, Ottawa, ON, Canada, K1N 6N5 KEYWORDS International human resource management; International non-governmental organization; International development; Northern NGOs; Canada; Capacity building Summary Over $100 million of Canadian overseas development assistance (ODA) is channeled through international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) (CIDA, 2006). Although INGOs appear to be successful at circumventing many challenges in international development (Sachs, 2007), empirical research attesting to their international human resource management (IHRM) challenges is sparse, particularly in regard to secular, Northern INGOs. This paper responds by investigating the IHRM challenges facing Canadian INGOs as they implement ODA-funded projects in the field, and by exploring how such challenges may vary in different types of INGOs. The methodology involved semistructured interviews with 31 managers in three different Canadian development INGOs. Practical and theoretical implications are discussed. ª 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Introduction The term INGO refers to ‘‘international non-governmental organization’’ (Roberts et al., 2005). Such organizations exist for diverse socioeconomic reasons, focusing on global environmental concerns (e.g., Greenpeace), on global human rights concerns (e.g., Amnesty International), or on humanitarian health...
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...4 3 Course Structure 4 4 Learning Objectives 5 5 Study Materials and Resources 6 6 Teaching and Learning Strategy 6 7 Assessment 7 International Human Resource Management 2 University of London Course Introduction and Overview Centre for Financial and Management Studies 3 1 Course Objectives This course aims to introduce you to the study and practice of International Human Resource Management (IHRM). To benefit from this, you need, of course, to have a basic understanding of Human Resource Management (HRM) itself. HRM has developed from personnel management, but instead of concentrating primarily on the hiring and firing of staff, it is the strategic and coherent approach to the overall management of an organisation’s most valued assets – the people working there who contribute to the objectives of the business1. Its main aim is to develop personnel policies that improve employee relations at work. This course will, therefore, begin with an examination of the history and nature of Human Resource Management, before embedding it in its international context. In Unit 1, you will learn about the main tasks involved in HRM: • human resource planning • job...
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...IHRM THE TASK: write a 2,750 (+/- 10%) word paper that addresses the following: Du Plessis and Beaver (2008) argue that pay and conditions of work should not be standardised in multi-national companies. Critically discuss their argument and explain and justify your position on this issue. (Andries J du Plessis and Bob Beaver, (2008) The Changing Role of Human Resource Managers for International Assignments International Review of Business Research Papers, Vol.4.No.5. October-November2008 Pp.166-181) You will be expected to demonstrate that you: 1. Have a critical understanding of the role of pay and reward in relation to different types of employees/international employees including performance and motivation. 2. Have a critical understanding of the different types of reward and compensation approaches and practices. 3. Appreciate the role and implications of country and firm level differences in employment regulations and worker rights and protections, and differences in cultural values, in the development of reward and compensation practices. Learning Outcome Assessed The learning outcomes being assessed relate to the following Knowledge Indicators in the MID: Knowledge Indicators 25. Employment and other laws and practices in other countries. 26. Means and reasons for different individual and collective representation, communications, co-ordination and negotiation in different countries. 28. Different social security and pay and...
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...the management of human resources across international borders are increasingly important to international human resource managers and academics. The research presented in this paper examines international human resource management (IHRM) pedagogy and practice in Australia. It reports IHRM academicians’ and practitioners’ understanding of the major issues for teaching and practice in IHRM and elucidates current developments and directions for this field. Keywords International human resource management; pedagogy; Australia. Introduction During the last two decades academicians and practitioners of international management have paid increasing attention to the impact of globalization on the management of human resources across national boundaries. International businesses have increasingly turned their attention to issues such as expatriate management (employees being transferred by organizations to work outside their country of origin/permanent residence), managing in other cultures and managing diversity in multicultural domestic workforces. Simultaneously, academicians have advanced understanding in these areas through the development of a distinct sub-field within the management discipline, namely international human resource management (IHRM) (Dowling et al., 1999). As more markets internationalize, more nations become integrated into the...
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...BUSINESS SCHOOL – INTI CAMPUS PREPADED BY: Yeow Sin Kah (4785149) LECTURER: Dr. Peter McLean SUBMISSION DATE: October 19, 2014 Executive Summary This report examines and evaluates various topics concerning the difficulty of international staffing. We aim to provide a holistic guideline and report that can aid and assist Proton in their staffing selection of selecting either a Malaysian expatriate or a Chinese local to be operations manager for Proton’s new factory in China. We anticipate that it is by having the significant understanding on the overall issue regarding international staffing approach, knowing how regarding international assignment selecting process, knowing why on the cause of expatriate failure, then only Proton’s IHRM would be able to come out with a strategic International HR Management approach that could minimize the cost and failures of international assignment. Table of Content Page 1.0 Introduction 4 2.0 International Staffing Policies 5 3.1 Ethnocentric Approach 5 3.2 Polycentric Approach 6 3.3 Region centric Approach 7 3.4 Geocentric Approach 7 3.0 International Assignment Selection 8 3.1 Technical Competency 8 3.2 Personal Traits 8 3.3 Ability to cope with Environment variables 9 3.4 Family Situation 9 4.0 Reasons of Expatriate Failure 10 5.0 Recommendation 11 6.0 Conclusion ...
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... 2. Have a critical understanding of the different types of reward and compensation approaches and practices. 3. Appreciate the role and implications of country and firm level differences in employment regulations and worker rights and protections, and differences in cultural values, in the development of reward and compensation practices. Learning Outcome Assessed The learning outcomes being assessed relate to the following Knowledge Indicators in the MID: Knowledge Indicators 25. Employment and other laws and practices in other countries. 26. Means and reasons for different individual and collective representation, communications, co-ordination and negotiation in different countries. 28. Different social security and pay and benefit systems in different countries. 29. Concepts of transnational co-ordination and control and centralised, decentralised, regional and local control models. Word Length Students MUST keep a copy and/or an electronic file of their assignment. • Write a clear Introduction which identifies the issues within the context of the assigned IHRM...
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...second one would be the fact of having to hire multiple nationalities in order to facilitate the operation to make sure there are employees that are already accustom to the laws and customs of that region. Working globally has increased the level of work and the challenges and complexity of managing new networks of individuals as well as new companies. When looking at IHRM from this point of view the company must make sure that they are creating an even balance within the organization as well as in the regional location they are operating within. Adapting to the local environment is a major part of being successful within the region. A company must fully understand how sensitive a situation like this can be and must make every effort to succeed. Without adaptation to the region, the company will be sure to fail. International and domestic HRM are different in a lot of ways. The international group has to manage the level of employees that they hire with care. They have to ensure that they are fully staffed, but they also must ensure that they are hiring employees that are from different cultural backgrounds and nationalities. One obvious reason that companies fail when they try to expand into different countries is because of a lack of...
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