...and development of the ECCE sector in Ireland. In 1969 the first state run preschool was opened in Rutland street in Dublin. Its aims were for children who were from disadvantaged areas. The department of education worked with an organization called the Van Leer foundation. This organization promotes the early education of children in economically disadvantaged areas. They both set up the pre-school in Rutland street. They were known as early pre-schools. 40 pre-schools had opened nationally. Their aims were to combat the effects of economic and social achievements. These aims were achieved by giving a good start to a child's education. (Flood and Hardy,2015) In 1973 the bar for marriage was lifted which allowed woman to return to work, it was lifted as there was nobody to look after children in families. This then created a need for child minders and childcare services. The preschool education was mainly in the private sector for children with the need of specific intervention and with special needs. The ECEC needs for babies, young children and their families were all met by the community, private enterprises and voluntary. (Flood, E. and Hardy,2013) According to early childhood Ireland, 2015 in 1992 Ireland ratified the UN convention on the rights of the child. The convention stated that a 'child' as a person is below the age of 18, unless a particular countries law set the legal age below the age of 18 for the age of adulthood. The convention states that all children should...
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...then discuss how they can be ideally met in a childcare setting and the requirements for a childcare setting under the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework. Physical needs of a child relate to the needs a child requires physically to grow and to develop to a healthy adult. They include fresh air to breathe, water, adequate food and minerals to maintain nutrition, shelter and warmth, protection from accidents and injury, personal hygiene, physical exercise, rest and sleep, promotion of good health and protection from illness (Montessori Centre International, 2011). In terms of the physical needs of a three year old, these include suitable nourishment, age appropriate exercise, rest and sleep, playing and learning, hygiene and health and safety. First of all, a healthy and well-balanced diet is essential to help a three year grow. The essential nutrients of a balanced diet include carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. According to the Department of Health and Social Security, the recommended intakes of various food constituents at different ages and the three to four year food requirements are (Macleod-Brudenell and Kay, 2008): Age range Energy Protein Calcium Iron Vitamin A Riboflavin Thiamine Nictonic acid equiv Vitamin C Vitamin D Recommend Min Require Retinel Equivalent Years MJ Kcal 3-4 7 1600 40 25 500 8 300 0.6 0.8 9 20 10 The carer in the childcare settings should be aware of what makes up a...
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...1. ,,COMPREHENSIVE DESCRIPTION OF THE ELEMENTS OF AN EFFECTIVE SCHOOL AGE CHILDCARE PROGRAMME.,, Introduction. After-school services may provide important opportunities for young children within age of school going. In fact participation in high-quality after-school services is related to a positive outcomes for participants, including greater self-confidence, increased civic engagement, better school attendance, improved academic achievement and decreased delinquency. 1. School age childcare. After school projects can be organised in different ways and in different settings. The most common types of services available include: 1. A project where children and young people are cared for in a safe and secure play and recreational environment. 2. Mixed environments where children and young people can play, do homework and are supported in all activities. Social, sporting and cultural activities are seen as the most important features of these programmes. Afterschool Care for children of school going age, after school until you finish work. Usually incorporates an evening meal or snack and supervised time to complete homework exercises. But it’s not all work, afterschool play and outdoor activities are also included! Basically we can define School Age Childcare as being “Childcare for school going children provided outside of normal school hours where the same children attend the childcare facility on a regular basis and access to the service is clearly defined by...
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...IMPACT OF EARLY YEARS PROVISION ON YOUNG CHILDREN, WITH EMPHASIS GIVEN TO CHILDREN FROM DISADVANTAGED BACKGROUNDS Edward C. Melhuish Institute for the Study of Children, Families & Social Issues Birkbeck, University of London Prepared for the National Audit Office The views expressed in this paper are not necessarily those of the National Audit Office. Address of author Institute for the Study of Children, Families & Social Issues 7 Bedford Square London WC1B 3RA Email: e.melhuish@bbk.ac.uk Table of Contents Executive Summary 3 1. Introduction 1.1. The context of childcare research 1.2 Types of childcare and pre-school provision 1.3 Evidence on developmental effects 1.4 Structure of report 7 7 8 10 10 2. Childcare as intervention 2.1 Research methodology 2.2 Randomised Control Trials (RCTs) 2.2.1 Ypsilanti/High Scope/Perry Pre-school Study 2.2.2 Abecedarian Project 2.2.3 Project CARE 2.2.4 Milwaukee Project 2.2.5 Infant Health and Development Program (IHDP) 2.2.6 Early Head Start (EHS) 2.2.7 Hackney study Table 1: Summary of Randomised Control Trials of Interventions 2.3 Quasi-experimental Studies 2.3.1 Head Start 2.3.2 Chicago Child – Parent Center Program 2.3.3 Syracuse Study 2.3.4 Brookline Early Education Project 2.3.5 Diverse State-based programmes in the US 2.3.6 Meta-analyses and reviews Table 2: Summary of Quasi-experimental Evaluations of Interventions 2.3.7 Summary of childcare as intervention ...
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...Characteristics of professional development linked to enhanced pedagogy and children’s learning in early childhood settings: Best Evidence Synthesis July 2003 Characteristics of professional development linked to enhanced pedagogy and children’s learning in early childhood settings: Best Evidence Synthesis October 2003 This report is one of a series of best evidence syntheses commissioned by the Ministry of Education. It is part of a commitment to strengthen the evidence base that informs education policy and practice in New Zealand. It aims to contribute to an ongoing evidence-based discourse amongst policy makers, educators and researchers. The best evidence synthesis approach is being developed in collaboration with researchers. It draws together in a systematic way the available evidence about what works to improve education outcomes, and what can make a bigger difference for the education of all our children and young people. Prepared for the Ministry of Education Authors Linda Mitchell and Pam Cubey Copyright © Ministry of Education PO Box 1666 Wellington ISBN 0-478-18773-4 Web ISBN ISBN 0-478-18774-2 www.minedu.govt.nz Characteristics of professional development linked to enhanced pedagogy and children’s learning in early childhood settings Best Evidence Synthesis Report prepared for the New Zealand Ministry of Education Linda Mitchell and Pam Cubey July 2003 New Zealand Council for Educational Research P O Box 3237 ...
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...that occur during a child’s third year of life and best practices for physical and psychological development of this age group in the United Kingdom are examined. Research shows the United Kingdom is behind other developed countries in child development services. There is a need for qualified professionals to serve in the child care industry. Full day care settings lack more than 120,000 qualified providers across Britain (Department for Education, 2011). Three-year-old children are developing in stages that change rapidly, from being completely dependent on caregivers to learning self-care skills such as toileting, dressing, cooking, and climbing. Being three is full of exciting opportunities for exploration through play and social interactions that will help the childern learn to function in the world around them. Children at the three-year old stage of physical development are growing out of the toddler stage and have learned to walk and run, have a full set of baby teeth, and sleep between 10-12 hours a night with few if any daytime naps. My own three year old son does not take a nap and hasn’t since he was two and a half years old. Most three-year-olds are transitioning out of nappies or are able to use the toilet. A normally developing three year old can wash his or her hands, hop on one foot and kick a ball forward. This age group has a normal weight between 25-44 pounds and is between 34-43 inches tall (National Network for Child Care, 1995). This stage of development...
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...is very important that early years practitioners have a good grasp on this subject as the developmental usefulness of play for a child is extremely significant. For children, play provides them with the necessary skills to develop: socially, emotionally, physically and creatively. Bruce (2004) explores the fact that play is a valuable tool for children to discover their environment and to learn about why things happen using all of their senses both indoors and outdoors. The hypothesis that will be discussed throughout this essay is how play is important in early development and learning and how it serves both the child’s individual needs and the future society in which they will live in. This will be discussed and explored through reference to historical play pioneers, legislation, policy and guidance and theoretical knowledge on the social, cultural and intellectual perspectives on play. The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Statutory Framework (2008), created under the Childcare Act (2006), gives all practitioners across England guidance on a play based approach to learning. Therefore, assuming children do learn by play, practitioners and professionals must deliver planned, purposeful play which has a balance between adult-led and child-initiated activities, as stated by QCA (2007). There should be a wide variety of different play methods that allows them to represent their own learning experiences. These opportunities provided for children in early years settings, need to...
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...such variability in response to disability, understandably, lie in the social, cultural, religious, economic, and demographic heterogeneity of the Indian society. Factors affecting child’s development. Child’s development is affected by three subsystems, which forms the crux of child’s environment. 1) Physical and Social setting in child’s daily life i.e. physical context and people who interact with the child in that setting. The Indian child is never alone when young. The child is usually in close physical contact with the mother, sibling, or other kin. 2) Customs of childcare & socialization- All communities and culturally distinct subgroups have fairly well understood set of customs and practices regarding childcare. The child with disability receives parental care underscored by these customs, the specifics being guided by caste, social class, and ethnicity. 3) Parental beliefs of behaviour expected of children i.e. familial & community experience in socialization of children. It is important that while analyzing the situation of the child with disability, the child be viewed in the context of these three subsystems, which share the function of mediating the child’s developmental experience within the larger culture. In an attempt to understand childhood disability, this section will discuss important issues under the following themes: ➢ Defining Disability ➢ Early...
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...This paper will discuss developmentally appropriate methodologies in teaching language and literacy to young children across a developmental curriculum. Also to be discussed will be the aspects/knowledge of language, language diversity and Theoretical Perspectives. There is now evidence that it is never too early to teach a child. Through research it has been discovered that the infant even before he/she is born can hear sound and as we know that is how we acquire language, by hearing spoken words. According to Otto (2010), language development begins when language speakers assume that an infant is a participating partner in conversational settings, even though it is months before the child is able to begin using conventional words. In an article written by Dr. Carmelita Lomeo-Smrtic,Ph.D, she wrote that “Teaching children to become literate members of society is a daunting task, often relegated to the elementary teacher. However, research on teaching children to become literate suggests that this process must begin well before kindergarten. Research suggests that children are primed for learning language in utero. Also from the Otto text, “research on children’s perception of speech and the development of the auditory system in utero has determined that the fetus can perceive sounds beginning with the 25th week of gestation and at the 35th week a fetus’s hearing acuity is at a level similar to an adult’s (2010). Knowing all...
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...predictable care, young children develop the skills they need to succeed in life. Early parent-child relationships have powerful effects on children’s emotional well-being (Dawson & Ashman, 2000), their basic coping and problem-solving abilities, and future capacity for relationships (Lerner & Castellino, 2002). Through these interactions, children learn skills they need to engage with others and to succeed in different environments (Rogoff, 2003). They learn how to manage their emotions and behaviors and establish healthy relationships with adults and peers. They also learn how to adjust to new situations and to resolve conflicts .When parents have warm, trusting, and reliable relationships with peers, family, community members, and service providers, they are more likely to have positive relationships with their children. To work toward the Parent, Family, Community and Environment: Positive Parent-Child Relationships Outcome, providers and programs can: provide emotional and concrete support to parents,1.respect diverse parenting styles, 2.value cultural differences and home languages, 3.reinforce the importance of fathers and other co-parents, 4.help parents connect with other parents and community members and resources, and model warm, responsive relationships by engaging in these relationships with parents and other family members The objective of this chapter is to present the child interaction theory as a useful framework for assessing and promoting positive parental competency...
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...is essential for a child in order to develop their own communication skills, as well as provide them with a means of understanding the environment around them, for example their society and culture (Crow et al., 2008). This essay will discuss the key elements of communication in work with children whilst also examining what the ‘Reggio Emilia’ approach, an innovative and inspiring approach to early childhood education, contributes to our understanding of good communication with children. The first years of a child’s life are when good communication between the child and their parent or primary carer is most important (Hart and Risley, 1995). Communication between carer and baby plays a key role in the development of the infant’s brain (Gerhardt, 2004). Children are primed to communicate from babyhood and naturally reach out to connect with others by mimicking gestures, using different facial expressions, gaze following and making noises. These early nonverbal communication skills are thought to provide a foundation for later language development (Strid et al., 2006). The interactions of adult and baby, first dyadic relationships, are the building...
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...Childhood Obesity 1. Problem identification and overview 1. Problem identification The problem issue of childhood obesity is regarded in a very serious light by nursing and healthcare profession. It is considered to be “…the most common prevalent nutritional disorder of US children and adolescents, and one of the most common problems seen by pediatricians”( Childhood Overweight. NASO). However, it is also important to see this problem in the large problem of obesity in the country. The problem of obesity has become an increasingly serious concern for medical and healthcare authorities in recent years. The rate of obesity in developed countries like the United States has shown an alarming growth in the last decade and this has concomitant implications for healthcare professionals, including the nursing profession. The seriousness of the issue at stake is underlined by many experts in the field; for example, the claim that obesity is "... poised to become the nations leading health problem and No. 1 killer" and is "already the cause of 400,000 deaths a year...or 45 per hour..." (Hearne. S. et al, 2004) Central to the increase of general obesity is the severity of childhood obesity. There has been an alarming increase in obesity among younger children and adolescents and this has placed the emphasis on policy that focuses particular attention to this problematic area. Figure 1: The following table provides details about the increase in the prevalence...
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...University of Nebraska - Lincoln DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln Open Access Theses and Dissertations from the College of Education and Human Sciences 11-16-2012 Education and Human Sciences, College of (CEHS) Family Environment and School Environment as Predictors for Physical Aggression in Low-Income Children Xiaoyu Li University of Nebraska-Lincoln, whulucy@gmail.com Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cehsdiss Part of the Pre-Elementary, Early Childhood, Kindergarten Teacher Education Commons Li, Xiaoyu, "Family Environment and School Environment as Predictors for Physical Aggression in Low-Income Children" (2012). Open Access Theses and Dissertations from the College of Education and Human Sciences. Paper 164. http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cehsdiss/164 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Education and Human Sciences, College of (CEHS) at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in Open Access Theses and Dissertations from the College of Education and Human Sciences by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. FAMILY ENVIRONMENT AND SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT AS PREDICTORS FOR PHYSICAL AGGRESSION IN LOW-INCOME CHILDREN by Xiaoyu Li A THESIS Presented to the Faculty of The Graduate College at the University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements For the Degree of Master of Science Major:...
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...for future generations. 1.2 Identify the impacts of social and cultural factors on the lives of children and young people. Social and cultural factors play significant roles in shaping the lives of children and young people in various ways: The family is the primary social unit for children. Its structure, dynamics, and values greatly influence their development. Factors such as parenting styles, family communication patterns, and the presence of supportive relationships within the family can impact children's emotional well-being, cognitive development, and social skills. The communities in which children grow up can have profound effects on their lives. Access to resources such as quality schools, safe recreational spaces, and supportive social networks can enhance children's opportunities for growth and success. Conversely, exposure to crime, violence, and social disorganization in the community can negatively impact their sense of safety and well-being. Peers play a crucial role in children's socialization and identity formation. Peer groups can influence behaviours, attitudes, and values, shaping children's choices and experiences. Positive peer relationships can provide social support and a sense of belonging, while negative peer influences may lead to risky behaviours and social exclusion. Cultural beliefs, traditions, and practices shape children's understanding of the world and their place in it. Cultural identity influences language, customs, and rituals, which contribute...
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...Early and Middle Adulthood Paper Morgaine Smith PSY280 April 17, 2012 Early to middle adulthood is a time of independence, identity seeking, and lifestyle forming. During this time people strike out on their own, building relationships and establishing social and health-affecting habits. Middle adulthood differs from young adulthood in social needs (although the basic need for socialization remains the same), and represents a shift in attitude about relationships and vocations that moves from fluidity to stability. Health practices are also at work here, with factors such as diet, exercise, and drug use in young adulthood impacting middle adulthood later on. Erikson believed that people need constant contact with others throughout their lives, from birth to death, whether that contact is romantic intimacy or a relationship with friends and family. In romantic relationships, young adults tend to be “serially monogamous” [ (Berger, 2010) ], or remaining emotionally or sexually involved with only one person for a period of time, though the relationship is rarely permanent, and the young adult may have many of these relationships during this stage of his or her life. This is typical for the age group, which is characterized by an unwillingness to commit permanently to a job, a spouse, or even an educational program. Young adults today are markedly different from young adults in the previous generation, in that they marry later and may not start families or enter a permanent...
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