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Cultural Theory Seatold

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The four founders of SeaWorld are intelligent, creative, patriotic, and successful men that set the example for younger and previous generations. Their multi-million dollar corporation has put smiles on thousands of people every day for many years. These guys have displayed unreal accomplishments. Cultural theory can be compared and contrasted from their lifetime of acquiring personal and ethical goals because of the impact they made on the world in their entrepreneur ventures. Cultural theory “is the branch of comparative anthropology and semiotic that seek to define the heuristic concept of culture in operational and/or scientific terms.” Cultural theory is relevant towards the founders work because of the time period that they operated …show more content…
Pods are like herds or packs for whales or dolphins and can consist from 10 to 30 members. Orcas are on top of the food chain and top predator, no other sea animal in the ocean hunt them, not even sharks. You can find orcas in any seawater and they eat just about anything, such as, fish, penguins, seals, sharks and other whales. Orcas hunting strategies are centered on teamwork, pod members work together to trap and kill its prey. They can adapt to any water temperature from warm to freezing and migrate globally to find new or better feeding grounds. Each pod have their own language, strangers or members from a different pod will not be able to effectively communicate with one …show more content…
They can grow from 23 to 30 feet long and weigh up to 10 tons, they are also very fast swimmers and can reach up to 30 miles per hour. These mammals are very extraordinary, both physically and mentally. Orcas are built to do just about anything in the ocean and their mental capabilities are similar to humans. They learn and comprehend through their experiences and are emotional beings like humans. Orcas are very protective of their young. Orcas can give birth at any time of year and any location. When a calf is born, they are 8 feet long and weigh up to 353 lbs. and normally do not leave their mother for 3 to 5 years. According to research, dolphins are orcas little cousins and they are very similar in the aspect of the features they both carry. They communicate the same, have similar diets, and they both have similar behaviors. You can also find dolphins at SeaWorld, but they don’t attract as many people as the orcas. Dolphins are fast swimmers like orcas, but not faster; they can swim up to 20 miles per hour. Researchers say the main reason why they are slower is because of the size difference between the two; orcas are obviously bigger than dolphins, therefore, faster

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