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Post-Mortem Modification Report

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The process of ontogeny happens, as a young being grows, this growth continues into late into adulthood. The moving of bone continues even after death, this is known as post-mortem modification. When disarticulated skeletal remains of a hominid are discovered, an osteoarchaeologist is needed examine the remains to determine everything possible, from what remains of a skeleton (White and Folken 2005, 48-49). Disarticulated remains can be discovered in many different contexts, such as megalithic structures, caves, pits, urns, cemeteries, battlefields and mass graves. Much of the post-mortem modification found on human bone is attributed to another human. Excarnation was practiced by many cultures in the past; this took place out in the open, on a tree top platform, in a cave or even buried, allowing the flesh …show more content…
By just the examination of dental development, several methods can be applied to determine age. One examination for young individual involves the comparing, of the different stages of formation, on each individual tooth, to an atlas or chart showing the average stage of development of the entire dentition. Assessing adult dental remains can be done by examination of wear on the teeth. With the examiner taking in to account the possible diet available to the individual and it the teeth may have been used as tools (White and Folken 2005, 365). Another part of the body that is used for dating of age, is the pubic symphysis. The reasons being, that the surface of the pubic symphysis’ surfaces continues to change after growing has ceased. The pubic symphysis begins off as an uneven surface with ridges and grooves. This surface smoothes out and develops a rim around the edge by the age of 35. Erosion then begins to occur, firstly by the breaking away of the rim, followed by the surface becoming porous and pitted (ibid.,

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