Premium Essay

Customer Relationship Management in Indosat


Submitted By melamelomele
Words 4783
Pages 20
Trisakti University 2011/2012


Praise and thank for Allah presence, who upon His grace writers can complete a paper titled "Customer Relationship Management in PT. Indosat tbk”. Writing this module is one of the tasks and requirements to complete the course of Management Information System University majoring in management. In writing this paper the author feels there are still many shortcomings both in technical writing or material, considering the capabilities of the author. Criticism and suggestions from all parties is the hope of the authors for the sake of improving this paper. The authors also would like to thank the infinite to the parties that helped in completing this research, especially to : 1. Mrs. Diah Arlita SE, MBs who have spent her time, energy and mind in the implementation of the guidance, direction, encouragement in relation to the preparation of this paper. 2. Mr. Ade Rizky from Indosat who have helped us provide information we need pertaining to complete this module. 3. All collegers in the Excelent Class of Manajement, 2009. 4. In particular the authors express gratitude to loved ones who have provided encouragement and assistance and understanding of the authors, both during the lectures and in completing this module. 5. All parties that can not be mentioned one by one, whom had provided assistance in writing this paper. at Trisakti

Finally, the author hopes may Allah reward the worth of those who have given assistance, and to make all this aid as worship, Amiin Yaa Robbal 'Alamiin.

Jakarta, 15th December 2011

Author Team

Preface Content Chapter 1 Introduction Background Indosat’s Profile CEO's Message Corporate Profile Organizational Structure Supplier Chapter

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