...The Key to a Thriving Business: Internal Communication Presented to Mark Medicoff Lecturer John Molson School of Business Concordia University Prepared by Student Comm 212 Section F John Molson School of Business Concordia University October 21, 2008 Table of Contents Executive Summary............................................................................................................iii Introduction..........................................................................................................................1 Background..............................................................................................................1 Purpose Statement....................................................................................................1 Research Methods....................................................................................................1 Body.....................................................................................................................................1 Keys to International Success..................................................................................1 Internal Communication in Business.......................................................................2 Microsoft’s Success in the International Market.....................................................2 DHL’s Success in the International Market.............................................................3 ...
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...How to Buy a Weed Trimmer? Are you looking for a great solution for removing weeds and cleaning your garden? Then, a weed trimmer is completely for you. Main function of the weed trimmer is cutting clutter weeds in yards, sidewalks, gardens, etc… The machine is popularly used in landscapes or private homes. There is a plenty of weed trimmers available in today’s marketplace. They vary greatly into different categories, including types, shapes, features, prices and more. This is the reason why finding the best weed trimmer is an essential task. It takes our honor to tell you efficient ways for buying a weed trimmer. Keep on reading and consider important factors that affect your buying decisions. Benefits of a weed trimmer An advanced weed trimmer has powerful strength in removing tough weeds. Most of weed...
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...Excerpts from On Writing Well William Zinsser New York, Harper, 1998, Chapters 2 through 4 2. Simplicity Clutter is the disease of American writing. We are a society strangling in unnecessary words, circular constructions, pompous frills and meaningless jargon. Who can understand the viscous language of everyday American commerce and enterprise: the business letter, the interoffice memo, the corporation report, the notice from the bank explaining its latest "simplified" statement? What member of an insurance or medical plan can decipher the brochure that tells him what his costs and benefits are? What father or mother can put together a child's toy—on Christmas Eve or any other eve—from the instructions on the box? Our national tendency is to inflate and thereby sound important. The airline pilot who announces that he is presently anticipating experiencing considerable precipitation wouldn't dream of saying that it may rain. The sentence is too simple—there must be something wrong with it. But the secret of good writing is to strip every sentence to its cleanest components. Every word that serves no function, every long word that could be a short word, every adverb that carries the same meaning that's already in the verb, every passive construction that leaves the reader unsure of who is doing what—these are the thousand and one adulterants that weaken the strength of a sentence. And they usually occur, ironically, in proportion to education and rank. During the late 1960s...
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...families cannot park their cars in the garage because of the vast amount of clutter hidden in every nook and cranny (Vanderkam). Additionally, the families had enough food to survive every natural disaster and 47% of families had a second fridge, cluttering the house with material excess of the house (Vanderkam). A similar study done by Becoming Minimalist found that the average American home had 300,000 items, and threw away sixty-five pounds of clothing a year (Becker). The amount of material goods is what Lars Eighner described as the “gaudy bauble” by the “rat-race millions” in the conclusion of his essay “On Dumpster Diving” (151). After reading Eighner’s “On Dumpster Diving,” I found myself reflecting on the amount of material goods I hoard in my dorm room and how I throw away items without thinking about it. I grew up in a house full of hoarders, where it was normal to have the basement, garage, and attic filled to the brim with material goods, which causes me to hold onto an excess ammount of material goods. My need to collect...
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...Exegesis on Decoding Advertisements “We can only understand what advertisements mean by finding out how they mean, and analysing the way in which they work. What an advertisement ‘says’ is merely what it claims to say; it is part of the deceptive mythology of advertising to believe that an advertisement is simply a transparent vehicle for a ‘message’ behind it” (Williamson 17). In the world today, advertisements can be seen nearly anywhere and everywhere. In fact, it has been estimated that the average person sees as many as 5000 advertisements per day (http://www.cbsnews.com/news/cutting-through-advertising-clutter/). As Williamson explains above, the most important question to ask when consuming advertisements is not “what” but rather “how”....
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...REP RI N TED F ROM To subscribe: www.emc.com/on | issue NO. 1, 200 9 Reprinted with permission from ON magazine. Copyright © 2009 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. adversity happens. it happened to me, and some form of adversity will happen to you. do you have the strength and will to bounce back? iN search Of by glenn e. mangurian resilieNt leaders 22 ON Number 1, 2009 illustratiON by hadley hOOper On May 26, 2001, i suffered an unprovoked disk rupture that pressed against my spinal cord, leaving the lower half of my body permanently paralyzed. at the prime of my life as a successful business executive and father, it was the last thing i ever expected. since then, i’ve come to realize it’s very likely that we will each experience some form of adversity: a career crisis, financial disaster, devastating relationship breakup, or frightening diagnosis. in business, we are trained to examine various scenarios and prepare responses in advance, but life-altering experiences like these are not something we can anticipate. Who has a contingency plan for living life from a wheelchair? for me, becoming paralyzed is, without question, the worst thing that has ever happened. at the same time, the experience has allowed me to come back, not just changed but stronger. i’ve learned that our innate ability to survive and adapt is greater than we imagine. resilience is one of the key qualities desired in business leaders today, but many people confuse it with toughness...
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...your lifestyle and budget, you can construct or purchase a home that is sleek and stylish, complete with remote control or even voice or motion activated doors and windows and fully equipped with space saving and energy efficient appliances and furnishings. Ultramodern Concepts Impressive modern design concepts with a futuristic vibe are the current must-haves for homes. Now, to aid you in your quest to get hold of a cutting edge living space, here are some key factors that you should carefully consider. Security Feature. From high definition CCTV cameras, electronic door locks, smart alarm systems to security shutters – you name it and the home of the future has it. Aside from convenience and efficiency, putting a premium on security and ensuring peace of mind is of utmost importance. While some of these home security features have been around for decades, the technology behind it has grown leaps and bounds over the years. Nowadays, you have the option to get an internet-enabled security system, which will allow you to monitor your CCTV cameras through your smartphones or tablets. Thus, making it possible to safeguard your home and keep an eye on what’s going on in and around the vicinity whenever and wherever you are. Technology Haven. Of course, a futuristic home wouldn’t be...
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...and the organization’s market share got squeezed down to close to half of the previous figure as a result of their futility in creating new & advanced products right on time, severely harming their brand reputation. However, Medtronic regained their market & product leadership from the late 1980’s through the timely invention of a path-breaking, rate responsive pacemaker named Activitrax, followed by a thorough revamp of their incorporated processes and systems. The gross lack of coordination plaguing the company’s new product development process, resulting directly into the failure to respond fittingly to the market demands or changes, was gradually got rid-off via inculcating the management philosophies (like, assigning highest priorities to the commitments made, creation of a sense of urgency, fetching greater employee productivity, unifying the management and employees etc.). New performance milestones (cycle time, unit product costs, innovative products and product quality) were also set in place with an aim to alleviate the new product development process. A whole new set of processes pertaining to speed of product development cutting through the ‘new idea’ clutter was developed. The new processes were also related to the creation of product platforms, in which a single product can be altered into creating multiple derivatives, thus...
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...Case Analysis: Geox and the Footwear Industry 4410B – Strategic Management – Professor Deane April 30, 2011 Jacob Clelland 250 422 823 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Geox group is an Italian footwear company has made its mark through technology innovation in fabrics and materials. It has been operating since the 1990s and became public in 2004. Geox focuses on providing its costomers with high comfort through technological innovation. They focus heavily on research and development in order to produce cutting edge technology that will differentiate their brand within the footwear market. The footwear industry is a mature market with many international competitors. In Europe, the footwear is dominated by many small & medium enterprises, which gives firms more flexibility to cater to specific consumer needs. The basic drivers for consumers buying decisions include demography, disposable income, basic needs, style and new materials. Fashion trends have a major influence on the footwear industry as well as new technology. The industry is very labor intensive and most companies follow a delocalization manufacturing strategy to capture lower labor costs. The primary market segments include Sport/Athletic, Work and Brown. Geox competes mostly in the Brown market but acts as a competitor in the Athletic market because of their focus on technology. Competition is harsher in the Sport/Athletic market as it is the largest market in the footwear industry. Geox should continue to...
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...Integrated Marketing Communication | Charles Schwab & Co., Inc : The « Talk to Chuck » Advertising Campaign | Group 5:Alka MishraElisabeth LespinetMegannePriyanka NarayananNaman Bhayana | Charles Schwab & Co., Inc : The « Talk to Chuck » Advertising Campaign Charles Schwab & Co is a financial company which offers brokerage products and services. In this case, we will see the new “Talk to Chuck” corporate advertising campaign launched by CEOCharles Schwab (also called Chuck) and Beck Saeger in January 2006. This campaign included a colorful series of television ads that used animated images of customers talking, about their investment needs. The goal was to improve market share. About the industry the financial services industry comprised three major sectors: banking, securities and commodities and insurance. Retail brokerage firms act as intermediaries between buyers and sellers, offer little assistance beyond executing a customer’s transaction and provide investment advice on which stocks to buy and sell and when. The main retail brokerage firm in the USA are Ameritrade, Schwab, E*Trade, Fidelity Investments and Merrill Lynch. Traditionally, investors turned to their brokers for research and advice to guide their investing decisions. But nowadays, technology allowed investors to sell or buy securities online. The stock market decline following the collapse of the Internet Bubble in 2001-2002 motived individual investors to become more investment...
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...Business Diploma BSBMKG514A Implement and Monitor Marketing Activities Assessment 2 By Sara Lawson August 2014 Task 1 * Interdependent Strategies The marketing mix is a business tool used in marketing and by marketers. The marketing mix is often crucial when determining a product or brand's offer, and is often associated with the four P's: price, product, promotion, and place. In service marketing, so my take on the key words “interdependent strategies” would be referring to the different strategies that are in place for each stage or section of the marketing mix such as price, product promotion and place. An example of this is there would be an interdependent strategy in place to determine the price of a product and value where there would also be a totally different strategy in place for the promotion side of the marketing mix, although the strategies are all “interdependent “ they do all contribute to each other area of the overall strategy. * The needs of a particular target group “the needs of a particular target group” my understanding of the meaning of this phrase or statement is that each are of the marketing mix such as the price is aimed at a particular target group or target market that which together means that each interdependent strategy is in place to meet the needs of the target groups the company has aimed to produce the product for consumers. * Consistent with the resources and capabilities of the organisation The statement...
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...In Cold Blood Truman Capote I. The Last to See Them Alive The village of Holcomb stands on the high wheat plains of western Kansas, a lonesome area that other Kansans call "out there." Some seventy miles east of the Colorado border, the countryside, with its hard blue skies and desert-clear air, has an atmosphere that is rather more Far West than Middle West. The local accent is barbed with a prairie twang, a ranch-hand nasalness, and the men, many of them, wear narrow frontier trousers, Stetsons, and high-heeled boots with pointed toes. The land is flat, and the views are awesomely extensive; horses, herds of cattle, a white cluster of grain elevators rising as gracefully as Greek temples are visible long before a traveler reaches them. Holcomb, too, can be seen from great distances. Not that there's much to see simply an aimless congregation of buildings divided in the center by the main-line tracks of the Santa Fe Rail-road, a haphazard hamlet bounded on the south by a brown stretch of the Arkansas (pronounced "Ar-kan-sas") River, on the north by a highway, Route 50, and on the east and west by prairie lands and wheat fields. After rain, or when snowfalls thaw, the streets, unnamed, unshaded, unpaved, turn from the thickest dust into the direst mud. At one end of the town stands a stark old stucco structure, the roof of which supports an electric sign - dance - but the dancing has ceased and the advertisement has been dark for several years. Nearby is another building...
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...Literαture Review Introduction The study αims to reseαrch αbout one populαr mαrketing strαtegy: celebrity endorsement. Indeed, even though celebrity endorsement represents some risks, it is α lαrgely used method to reαch competitive αdvαntαge by compαnies. Todαy, compαnies spend millions eαch yeαr for the endorsement of their products/services by celebrities. It is αlwαys a greαt chαllenge for mαrketers to determine the meαning consumers αssociαte with the brαnd in order to select the right celebrity αnd to build the right celebrity endorsement concept. This study αims to investigate “Consumer buying behαvior on celebrity endorsement in women clothes industry” The objective of this project is to investigαte whether celebrity endorsement, αct αs α source of effective brαnd mαnαgement, hαve impαct over the purchαsing behαvior of customers, evaluαte αssociαted fαctors thαt contribute to the success or fαilure of the endorsement. The objectives of the research are: 1. To do α study αnd αnαlysis αs to why αnd when brαnds use celebrities αs endorses αnd whαt kind of risks αre involved 2. To identify the influence of celebrity endorsement on consumer buying behαvior. 3. To study celebrity endorsement αs a marketing communication strategy. The survey will be conducted in Greece αnd primary dαtα will be collected from consumers using structured questionnαires αnd αlso compαnies will be interviewed αbout their celebrity endorsement strαtegy. The reαson why I...
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...In Cold Blood Truman Capote I. The Last to See Them Alive The village of Holcomb stands on the high wheat plains of western Kansas, a lonesome area that other Kansans call "out there." Some seventy miles east of the Colorado border, the countryside, with its hard blue skies and desert-clear air, has an atmosphere that is rather more Far West than Middle West. The local accent is barbed with a prairie twang, a ranch-hand nasalness, and the men, many of them, wear narrow frontier trousers, Stetsons, and high-heeled boots with pointed toes. The land is flat, and the views are awesomely extensive; horses, herds of cattle, a white cluster of grain elevators rising as gracefully as Greek temples are visible long before a traveler reaches them. Holcomb, too, can be seen from great distances. Not that there's much to see simply an aimless congregation of buildings divided in the center by the main-line tracks of the Santa Fe Rail-road, a haphazard hamlet bounded on the south by a brown stretch of the Arkansas (pronounced "Ar-kan-sas") River, on the north by a highway, Route 50, and on the east and west by prairie lands and wheat fields. After rain, or when snowfalls thaw, the streets, unnamed, unshaded, unpaved, turn from the thickest dust into the direst mud. At one end of the town stands a stark old stucco structure, the roof of which supports an electric sign - dance - but the dancing has ceased and the advertisement has been dark for several years. Nearby is another building...
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...shopping environments that engage consumers’ needs and convert these desires to purchases. One critical concern is with product proliferation and duplication. Manufacturers rely heavily on line extensions to increase volume, and retailers (often mistakenly) believe stocking more products means selling more products. This has led to an explosion in the number of products available in many retail channels. In the 1950’s, a typical U.S. grocery store carried about 5,000 different items; in the 1990’s, the number topped 30,000. Today, a supercenter carries upwards of 100,000 products! This dramatic increase in the number of products and the expanding footprint of retail stores has made it increasingly difficult for consumers to find their way through stores, differentiate between brands, and assess product quality. In a 2001 consumer survey reported by Marketing Week, 75% of consumers agreed, “These days there are so many products and services that it’s often hard to choose which is best for me.” Further, 78% of consumers said, “Companies like to pretend that their brands are really different, but actually there’s rarely any substantial difference between...
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