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Submitted By elowrywbb
Words 11359
Pages 46

User’s Manual
VERSION 2015.01


Table of Contents
Quick Start Guide 4

Control Panel Interface 10

RetinaEngrave 3D Pro Activation 16

Software Interface 22




Engraving 34

Cutting 44

Advanced Functions 50

The Design Tab 57

Appendix 61



Quick Start
This section will guide you through installing the software and driver



Connecting the Laser to your Computer
All Full Spectrum Laser Systems are designed to be used with either 32 or 64 bit versions of Windows 7. Full
Spectrum Laser recommends a system with the following minimum specifications:

Intel® Core™ or AMD Athlon™ II processor

Microsoft® Windows® 7 64-bit with Service Pack 1

6GB of RAM

The Hobby Advanced can connect to your computer via either Ethernet or USB (but not both simultaneously). Full
Spectrum includes an Ethernet cable in the laser accessories and recommends the use of Ethernet cables as USB is more prone to electrical interference.
Your laser must be connected to your computer in order to download jobs. The laser can store jobs in its onboard memory while powered, however loss of power will cause stored jobs to be lost. If you purchase and install a miniSD card, you can download jobs to your laser and run them without a computer attached (however you will not be able to alter the job settings from the laser control panel). Because an SD card is not volatile memory, jobs are stored between power cycles.


If your laser is located more than 6ft from your computer, you will need to use the
Ethernet connection.

Connecting via Ethernet while the power is on requires you to power cycle your machine in order to obtain an IP address.


Installing the Software and Drivers
RetinaEngrave 3D is the combination print driver and control software that communicates with, downloads jobs to and controls the laser system. It is available on the Full Spectrum downloads page. Your username and password can be found on the information sheet included with your laser’s accessories. Installation is quick and easy: just download the latest software package, extract the .zip file, run the executable installer and follow the on-screen prompts.

1. Follow the instructions on the included software download sheep to login and download the latest version of RetinaEngrave (.zip archive of several files)
2. Extract the installation executable (current version as of this writing: “RetinaEngrave3D-4.32.9122.exe”) to a folder of your choice
3. Run the executable. Make sure to allow access to the internet and allow the program to make changes to the hard drive.


4. Follow the on-screen instructions.
5. Read and agree to the software license agreement.

6. Select a destination folder for the program and its components.



7. Select the type of installation you would like. The Full Installation is recommended.

8. The installation can take several minutes to complete. Once it is finished you will be able to open
RetinaEngrave and make simple designs or start printing to the software directly from other applications.


Network Connectivity
Please note that in order for your laser to connect to RetinaEngrave3D, RetinaEngrave must have networking privileges. You may have to modify the permissions of RE3D in your antivirus software and/or your Windows security settings to give it explicit permission to access the network and internet.



Control Panel
This section will guide you through the basic functions of your laser


Your Laser system is powered by our advanced 3D PRO controller, which can perform basic functions (alignment and test) without requiring a PC connection. Installation of a microSD card will allow you to permanently store jobs created in our RetinaEngrave software on your laser and thus free up your PC for more important tasks (like surfing the internet).
Once you have prepared a job in RetinaEngrave, you can start the job immediately or download the job to the onboard memory of the laser. To run a downloaded job, there is an additional step of loading the job in the controller’s memory before pressing “go”. This is done using the LCD touch panel:
1. Press the Mode Select button (FS/Z) until the MODE field reads “FF”.
2. The SELECTION field should read “filename.bin”, where “filename” is the name of the job file you loaded.
3. Press the Start/Cancel button (button 6) to load the job.
4. Press the Start/Cancel button again to run the job.
The LCD touch panel also allows you to control the basic functions of your laser without needing to connect a PC.
This is very convenient during alignment and testing procedures.


If the laser system does not find a DHCP server while booting, it will assign itself an
IP address. This address is displayed on the screen after boot—the self-assigned IP does not change between power cycles.

The panel uses capacitive sensing which requires contact with skin to operate.

The panel is quite sensitive and can often sense changes through thin fabrics
(a cotton shirt). Please take note of this and avoid leaning on the panel during maintenance. •

The control panel interface is mode-based, meaning that each button’s function depends on the currently-selected mode.



Panel and Display
The LCD screen has two lines and gives operations information in four fields:

The SELECTION field is located on the top line and gives information on the current operation mode of the laser •

The MODE field is located on the far left of the lower line and tells the operator the current mode

The POWER field displays the laser power on a scale of 0-255. During a job you can adjust from 0-255 on the fly using the up and down arrows. It is located to the right of the MODE field.

The ADDRESS field displays the last 3 digits of the IP address with a character prefix. A prefix of A means that the laser did not find a DHCP server on its network and self-assigned an IP addres. The D prefix means the laser found a DHCP server.

The POWER field displays the laser current in mA, or “LOff” for current less than 1mA. Sometimes this field will display 1.1mA even when the tube is off; in general, anything less than 2mA is considered off.

Figure 1 – Control Panel



Button Functions
Panel function buttons are numbered 1-6 starting from the left. Jog buttons (arrow pad) continue the numbering from
7 starting at 12 o’clock and counting up counterclockwise. Typically the icons on the top line are active during Fast XY
Jog (Mode 0). The icons on the bottom are typically active during Alignment (Mode 2).

The SELECTION field is located on the top line and gives information on the current operation mode of the laser •

The MODE field is located on the far left of the lower line and tells the operator the current mode

The POWER field displays the laser power on a scale of 0-255. During a job you can adjust from 0-255 on the fly using the up and down arrows. It is located to the right of the MODE field.

The ADDRESS field displays the last 3 digits of the IP address with a character prefix. A prefix of A means that the laser did not find a DHCP server on its network and self-assigned an IP addres. The D prefix means the laser found a DHCP server.

The POWER field displays the laser current in mA, or “LOff” for current less than 1mA. Sometimes this field will display 1.1mA even when the tube is off; in general, anything less than 2mA is considered off.

a. Toggles between modes
b. Fast XY Jog (Mode 0) -> Slow XY Jog (Mode 1) -> Alignment (Mode 2) -> File Select (Mode 3) -> Factory
Reset (Mode 4)
a. Locks or unlocks the drive motors. System cannot jog or test fire while unlocked, but laser head can be positioned by hand.
a. If in Fast XY (Mode 0) or Slow XY (Mode 1) pressing this button will cause the laser head to seek the home position. After homing, the laser will know the position of the head. Unlocking the motion system causes the unit to forget position (it must be re-homed).


a. In Fast XY (Mode 0) or Slow XY (Mode 1) the laser will move to the previously saved job start position.
b. In Alignment (Mode 2) this button fires a short-duration pulse designed to mark thermal paper.
a. In Fast XY (Mode 0) the bounding perimeter of the job will be shown quickly (RetinaEngrave software must be started/loaded with a job for this function to be active).
b. In Slow XY (Mode 1) the bounding perimeter of the job will be shown slowly.
a. In any menu mode (File Select or Factory Reset) this button will select the option displayed in the
b. Cancels a move operation (homing, autofocus or a running job).

In Fast/Slow XY, with the laser UNLOCKED, this fires a higher-power test pulse.

d. In Fast XY, pressing this button after the laser homes will rapidly move the head to the upper left corner of the workspace.
e. In Slow XY, pressing this button after running a job will allow you to re-run the same job.
a. In Fast or Slow XY (Modes 0 and 1), the buttons move the laser head left/right and front/back.
b. In File Select (Mode 3) the up and down buttons scroll through the loaded jobs.

1. Only the LOCK/UNLOCK and CANCEL buttons function. All other function buttons are disabled.
a. LOCK/UNLOCK pauses/resumes the job.
b. CANCEL cancels the job.
2. UP/DOWN JOG BUTTONS allow you to adjust the job power on the fly. Scale is from 0 (no power) to 255 (full power). RETINAENGRAVE 3D USER’S MANUAL

Use the jog buttons to move the laser head. Press the home button to index the laser head.
Use this mode during tube testing and mirror alignment. The test fire button fires a short-duration laser pulse that will mark thermal paper. Use the jog buttons while the motors are locked to jog the head. Unlock the motors to move the head by hand. The test fire function is enabled while the motors are unlocked. The test pulse will not fire with the magnetic safety interlock open.
Navigate through .bin job files that are loaded on a microSD card (not included). Use the up and down jog buttons to scroll through the list and press the Start button to load the job. Press the Start button a second time to run the job.
Use this mode to reset the laser’s IP address settings to the factory defaults. Useful if you assign a static IP but can no longer connect.


The Hobby Laser controller has 2 hard stops and 2 soft stops on the limits of the axes. Soft stops prevent the motion system from attempting to move beyond its mechanical limits, but require a reference in order to work: the laser must be homed in order for the soft stops to function properly.



RetinaEngrave 3D
Pro Activation
This section will guide you through validating your software



If you are a new customer, your laser’s control card is shipped with an 80-hour temporary usage authorization. If you are an existing customer, this information will apply if you update your software—after the update you will have 80 hours to activate your card. The 80 hours are only counted while the laser is ON. During the temporary usage period you must connect your laser to your PC while it is connected to the internet and validate your card. Control card activation is a one-time process. This section will walk you through the validation process.

Validation Walkthrough for New
1. Connect your laser to your computer (either directly or over the network).
2. Make sure that your PC has a working internet connection.
3. Turn on your laser.
4. Start RetinaEngrave.
5. RetinaEngrave will automatically attempt to connect to your laser. Alternately, you can manually select or enter its IP address.
6. Once the laser has successfully connected to RetinaEngrave a popup will appear informing you that your card is temporarily activated, the amount of hours remaining and will ask you to validate your card.
7. Click “Continue →” to proceed to the validation information screen.


8. Fill out the fields on the validation screen with the requested information. This information should match or be close to the information you supplied with your order. If it is not, we may need to request clarification from you. Fields with a * are required.
a. Your order number (optional; 3 or 9 digits, emailed to you from GoogleCheckout).
b. Contact person/company (first and last name).
c. Contact email (this should be one that is regularly checked)
d. Comments field (optional; you can use this to provide extra information, such as a phone number).
Anything you enter into this field will be attached to the record in our database and will be viewed when we process your validation. This field is also used for communications during the validation process.
9. Once you have entered the information, hit “send”.

10. The information will be sent to us for comparison against your order info.
11. Once your information has been received, you will see the popup message.
12. Once we have verified your information, we will update the record in the database.



13. The next time your laser is connected to RetinaEngrave and the Internet, it will retrieve the updated record info and your card will be activated.

Validation Walkthrough for Existing
Customers (Software Upgrade)
1. Download the latest version of RetinaEngrave and extract the .zip archive to a location on your PC.
2. You may or may not be required to update your laser’s firmware—open the extracted folder and read any documents (Text, PDF, Word) found there for installation information. Follow those instructions first (load firmwares using your current version of RE3D).
3. Run the RetinaEngrave executable installer.
4. Follow the steps in the previous section: VALIDATION WALKTHROUGH FOR NEW CUSTOMERS

Offline Validation Procedure
1. If you are unable to connect to your laser and the internet at the same time you will need to perform the following steps to activate your unit.
2. Connect your PC to your laser via Ethernet.
3. Start RetinaEngrave3D and ensure that you have a connection with your unit.
4. Navigate to the Help menu, and select “Create Profile Offline”
5. Again, navigate to the Help menu, and select “Save Profile to File”
6. Choose a location to save your laser’s profile.
7. Connect your PC to the internet and log in to your email account.
8. Attach the laser profile file to a new email and send to
9. We will verify that your information matches the purchase, or send you an email if we need more information.


10. Once your profile has been verified, we will email you an activated profile.
11. Download the activated profile.
12. Start RetinaEngrave.
13. You can drag the activated profile into the workspace, or use the Help menu → “Open Profile From File”.
14. Your laser is now activated.

Figure 2 - Help Menu for Offline Activation

Validation Incomplete - More Information
If the information that you supplied during the activation process does not match any of our records, we will update your status and the next time that you open RetinaEngrave3D a popup (Figure 10) will appear notifying you that more/ corrected information is required.



1. Pressing “Continue →” will take you to the validation form (Figure 7) that you submitted, with the information you supplied pre-populated.
2. The “Comment” field is used for communications between you and our support staff. We use it to provide clarification on the reasons for requesting more or updated info.
3. Based on the feedback from our staff, update the Validation form and click “Send Activation”.
4. If the update was successful, the popup in Figure 11 will appear. If you attempted to re-submit without updating your information, you will receive an error message.

5. Once we have received and verified your information, we will update your record and your laser will be activated the next time that it is connected to your PC and the internet.


If you experience difficulties or errors with the validation process, please contact support via email and include your unit’s serial number and your order number (if possible). 22

This section will guide you through using the software



RetinaEngrave3D is the combination control software, electronics and print driver that allows you to create jobs and download them to your laser system. The full control package for your laser has four parts:





A typical job starts with the creation of a design in your favored software. Once you are satisfied with your work, open
RetinaEngrave3D then your design program’s print dialog. Select the “Full Spectrum Engineering Print Driver”, make sure that the “Preflight Check” tab is not giving any warnings then click on the “Print” button. Your job is parsed by
RetinaEngrave and will appear in the RetinaEngrave software under the currently selected mode tab. Now you are able to review your design, make adjustments and choose the laser settings for running the job. You can start the job immediately or download the job to the onboard memory of the RetinaEngrave controller (if you have installed a microSD card). To run a downloaded job, there is an additional step of loading the job in the controller’s memory before pressing “go”. This is done using the LCD touch panel.
RetinaEngrave3D is a powerful program with an easy to use interface. It features standard keyboard shortcuts, which come in especially handy if you have a wireless micro-keyboard.


The software instructions in this manual are current for Version 4.339

Hovering the pointer over any button will give you its name and shortcut key.

RetinaEngrave, like the laser itself, is mode-based. Please note the type of job you wish to run (Engraving, Cutting, Design, etc) is determined by the currently-selected tab above the Job View.

The control panel determines important job settings and allows you to move the laser head. Keep in mind that each section of the control panel only applies to its corresponding Job View tab (eg Vector Properties only affect the job in the Vector
Cut tab.


Using RetinaEngrave
The program must be open at the time of printing from your design software in order to capture the print stream. Alternately, you can print to an XPS print file while RetinaEngrave is not running and open this XPS file at a later time to print.
The first time that you open RetinaEngrave, you will be asked to select your laser from a popup menu. It is extremely important that you choose the correct laser, for example, Generation 5 Hobby 20x12”. Choosing the wrong laser will cause communication errors and the laser tube will fire continuously. If you select the wrong laser, use the Laser menu and select “Change Laser” to select the proper unit.
If the connection dialog (lower left of RetinaEngrave) shows the laser as disconnected, make sure the Ethernet cable is plugged in and power cycle the laser. If there is still a connection issue, go to the laser menu and manually enter the IP Address displayed on the control panel after boot.
Vector mode will only capture Vector output. Vector mode has been tested with many different vector programs such as CorelDraw X5, AutoCad 2011, Inkscape, Adobe Illustrator, Draftsight and more as shown in our demo videos. However, if you have problems vector printing to RetinaEngrave, use CorelDraw X5. Read the tips on our forums for how to import most file types such as DXF files into CorelDraw. Raster mode should print from any program.
Click on the mode tab that corresponds to the type of job you would like to perform. For engraving, keep in mind that engraved areas should be black. For cutting, colors (Blk, Red, Grn, Blue, Magenta, Cyan, Yellow) correspond to individual paths and settings. Use the Control Panel to adjust to power and speed of the job.
This downloads the job to the laser’s temporary memory and starts it. The cutting happens in the background.
While every effort is made to efficiently multi-thread the process, avoid memory-intensive tasks while cutting because the trajectories are calculated on the fly by the software. Also monitor the progress of the cut on the lower right hand corner.



RetinaEngrave generates vector information from .xps files directly. RetinaEngrave is capable of recognizing up to 7 layers of vector information based on line color; Cut+Engrave operations reserve Black for engraving. All other file types must be opened in their native application or CorelDraw and sent through the
Windows print dialog. Alternatively, print to the “XPS Document Writer” and open the resulting .xps within
RetinaEngrave can open .xps files and various image formats to generate Raster images for engraving.
However, RetinaEngrave handles 1-bit bitmaps differently from other formats as it does not rescale a 1-bit bitmap. In 1-bit mode, 1 pixel = 1/1000 of an inch or 1/500 or 1/250 depending on the selected output resolution.
If the pixel is black it will fire the laser, otherwise it does not fire. 1-bit bitmaps produce the most predictable output. Other image formats are opened with best-effort conversion and up-scaling. You can generate your own 1-bit dithered images for grayscale effects. There is a tutorial on using Adobe Photoshop to generate 1-bit bitmaps on the Full Spectrum Laser forums.
When working with a grayscale image, adjust the threshold up or down to alter which portions of the image you wish to engrave.
DPI (Dots Per Inch) is a measure of the pixel density of an engrave. For example, 1000x1000 DPI corresponds to 1000 left to right sweeps per vertical inch of an image. Higher DPI settings will engrave more deeply as the average laser on time per unit area is higher. Engraving at 250dpi will be 4x faster than 1000dpi. We have found that 250DPI works well for most block/vector engraves and 500DPI works well for image engraving.


The job origin in RetinaEngrave is the upper-left of your design.

RetinaEngrave does not use a fixed index system: the job origin is the current position of the laser head, wherever it happens to be. Make sure to position the head such that your job fits into the workspace and onto your work piece.


Automatic White Space Cropping
RetinaEngrave automatically crops white space from the page. This allows the use of programs like MS Word where you cannot set the exact position of the output easily on the page. To prevent cropping, draw a colored rectangle
(yellow recommended) around your objects at the desired output size. In Raster Mode, use the Threshold button to fade brightly colored lines. In Vector Mode, set the Repeats of the yellow layer to 0 to ignore this line. In Figure 3, there is a yellow box drawn around the items. When this image is printed, it is cropped to the yellow box outline and the size is 6.71”x3.48”. In Figure 4, the yellow box is omitted. The image is cropped to the extents of the non-zero pixels and produces an image that is 4.77”x1.22”.

Figure 3 - Outline Cropping

Figure 4 - Standard Cropping

This feature is particularly useful when trying to align the drawing on existing material. For example, if you have a 4”x6” wood plaque that you want to engrave, measure the size of the plaque then draw a 4”x6” yellow box this size in your drawing. Put the text inside this box. Set the position of the laser to the top left hand corner of the wood plaque and press Start and it will raster the same size and location on the plaque as you have laid out in the drawing.


Printing Size
The paper size within the printing options must match the work area of the laser you are printing to. This is done at time of printing and is independent of the software you are printing from. RetinaEngrave automatically crops all whitespace from the image so the first non-white pixel is at position (0,0) in the top left.

Figure 5 - FSL Printer Driver Work Area Selection


Select Preferences → Advanced and change the paper size.



Description of Major Interface Features
Please note that certain advanced features require attachment upgrades to the laser (notably Z axis, autofocus and rotary functions).
In this section you will be introduced to the major interface features of RetinaEngrave. We will go through the interface one line at a time from left to right and start at the top (Figure 21). Shortcut keys are bracketed [].

The workspace is a preview of your current job.
The File menu allows the user to open up files to engrave. RetinaEngrave supports drag and drop of .xps files for vector cutting and standard image file types (.bmp, .jpg, .png, .tiff) for raster engraving. Other file types must be printed to the Full Spectrum Engineering Driver or saved as .xps documents.
The file menu also allows a user to load or save a project and settings.
The options sub-menu allows you to save your workspace window setup, set the PC to audibly alert when a job is completed, enable or disable the keyboard shortcuts, load the last-saved project on startup or log output for troubleshooting.
The Laser menu provides options related to the laser unit configuration and communications. It will allow you to select the type of laser you are connected to, manually reconnect to the laser or manually set the connection IP address.
The Laser menu also allows you to save the current job and settings as a .bin file onto a MicroSD card (when the card is loaded onto the laser).
The laser Card Commands sub-menu should only be accessed by direct request and under supervision of Full
Spectrum Laser support staff.



The tabs menu allows you to show the 3D engrave tab or Control Panel.
The help menu offers options to inform you about the version of RetinaEngrave you are using, an Activation menu (future functionality), and Troubleshooting and Update fields which will open the FSL website in your default browser.
Shows the laser’s current absolute position from the origin (home; upper right), it is reset to 0,0 when the laser is homed. The right field is the X coordinate, the left field the Y coordinate.
The text fields show the saved position read from the controller. The fields are editable, allowing you to move to a manually entered location. Pressing the Move To button will first move the laser head to the home switches for reference then rapidly move to the position in the text boxes.
Press the Home button to move the laser head to the origin. The laser will measure the distance it takes to reach the limit switches and enter the X and Y values into the Move To fields. It will then set the Current
Position boxes to 0,0.
These fields command a move by the specified amounts along X and Y using the current position as the origin. Combine with the Home button to move to fixture points or between fixture points.


Open compatible file types (.xps, .bmp, .set, .bin).
Save your current project and settings as a .set file.
Clear the workspace of the current job.
ZOOM IN [+], ZOOM OUT [-], 1:1 ZOOM
The zoom buttons control the workspace view of the Engrave and Cut tabs. The 1:1 Zoom button restores the default zoom level.
Move the laser head to the origin (upper right of the work area). The laser should be homed after startup or
RetinaEngrave will present a bounds alarm when you attempt to run a job. RetinaEngrave has a built-in bounds checker to make sure that your design fits within the workspace.
The perimeter function will run the laser head in a box that bounds the limits of your design.
Each button press steps through one side of the perimeter bounding box.
The default job origin is located at the upper left of your design (0,0 in the workspace) and referenced from the current location of the laser head in the work envelope. The Laser Head Positioning button opens a dialog box that allows you to change the default job origin between the center of the job or the upper left (2 radio buttons in top menu division). The lower division of the Laser Head Positioning dialog box contains 9 radio buttons that allow you to preview job perimeter positions (you cannot set them as work origins). Keep in mind that the job origin setting is reset to default when RetinaEngrave is closed.



This button calculates the job time based on the current speed settings. The resulting estimate can be found in the lower right hand corner of RetinaEngrave.
Pressing this button causes the tube to fire for the amount of time (in milliseconds) listed in the duration field.
Default value is 5.0ms—this works well for marking thermal paper without burning through. Remember to close the lid or the tube will not fire.
Displays the 3D engrave tab.
Press the Start button to start the job with the current settings. The job origin is by default located at the upper left of your design and is indexed from the current location of the laser head. For example, if you are vector cutting a 3in square, the laser will fire and move 3in to the right, then 3in forward (down), then 3in left and finally 3in up back to the starting position of the laser head.
The Start button will be grayed out and not selectable whenever the laser is disconnected.
Pressing the space key will pause and up-pause the in-progress job.
Immediately ends the in-progress job and returns to the job origin.
This drop-down menu allows you to select between several modes: Raster and Vector modes open their respective tabs, Raster then Vector will first run the job in the raster tab (black pixels) and then run the job in the vector tab.
The Simulate Vector modes create a red-dot overlay in the workspace that follows the path of your vector lines at some multiple of the currently selected speed (eg 100% speed at 0.5x runs at equivalent of 50% speed). RESOLUTION MENU
Drop-down menu where you can select the DPI of the current job. Only used in Raster mode.


The control panel contains 5 sections: Jog, Raster Properties, Import Options, Source Image Info and Vector
The Jog section allows you to move the laser head using either the buttons or the keyboard arrow keys. Selecting the slow jog checkbox jogs the motion system at half of normal speed. The Lock/Unlock button allows you to unlock the motors to move the laser head by hand—the motors must be locked in order to run a job or jog.
The Raster Properties section allows you to set the power and speed of a raster job, as well as the B/W threshold for a grayscale image.
Import Options allow you to set conditions under which the print stream from Windows is captured. Ignoring raster data is useful if you are working with large or complex files and only causes RetinaEngrave to only render outlines of filled sections. Ignoring vector data is useful when engraving images. Ignoring thin vectors will ignore small lines within a factor set by the tolerance field.
The Vector Layers section controls the layer order, speed, power and number of repeats for each layer. As discussed in the General Usage sub-section, vector layers are based on one of 7 colors. The Contained Objects First checkbox determines the order of cutting within a particular layer.

Figure 6 - RetinaEngrave3D Interface



The user interface for RetinaEngrave3D is built around several tabs relating to functionality (Raster Engrave, Vector
Cut, etc). These tabs can be dragged to change their order or location in the program window. You can organize your workspace using the auto-size function (Figure 7) or leave the tab dialog window floating. The auto-size function will snap the dragged tab to a preset location in the program window. The default tab location is reached by dragging to the center of the auto-size overlay. Keep in mind that the Start button will always start a job using the data in the active tab.

Figure 7 - Customizing the RetinaEngrave3D Interface


The proceeding sections will introduce you to engraving with RetinaEngrave3D



Your Full Spectrum Laser Hobby Advanced Laser System has several advanced functions that make it easy to bring your designs from your PC into the real world. Engraving is the process by which complex designs are etched into a work piece or a work piece is marked using an additive coating such as Thermark™. Engraving can range from a simple surface mark all the way through deep material removal. Engraving is differentiated from cutting in that cutting is the process of burning a closed contour completely through a work piece. The most common type of engraving is known as “Raster Engraving” or “Rastering”, because the laser fires individual pulses corresponding to pixels in an image. When the laser is operating in raster mode the head moves rapidly from left to right and slowly top to bottom, engraving your image pixel by pixel and line by line. You can also engrave images in vector mode (Part 9), by setting the power such that you score the work piece without cutting through.
Engraving works with both vector and pixel-based source files, allowing you to engrave anything from a simple block logo all the way through high-resolution photographs. The proceeding sections will introduce you to engraving with

Raster Engrave Tab
Select this tab before hitting the Start button to Raster Engrave only If your image looks cut off or cropped, be sure to read Part 7: Working with Projects Larger than 8.5”x11” to learn how to change the paper size in your program. Please refer to Figure 21 for a visual representation of the Raster Engrave interface.

Each button press will rotate the image 90 degree clockwise.
Mirrors the current image about a vertical centerline.
Mirrors the current image about a vertical centerline.


Reverses the black and white pixels of the image. Useful for engraving on coated materials.
Use this button to automatically remove additional whitespace in the image after using the Threshold slider.
Usage of this button is not recommended; instead, adjust your design in its native drawing software to remove items you don’t want to show up on the output before printing. RetinaEngrave automatically removes whitespace for all non-zero pixels.
When No Dither is selected, RetinaEngrave will use the threshold slider value to compute a grayscale cutoff.
Any grays below the threshold will be black and any above will be white.
Dithering a color or grayscale image will produce a pattern of black pixels that approximates the original gradients. Dithering applies a computed dot density of on/off pixels to the image to create a grayscale effect.
The quality of the dithered image preview in the workspace often looks poor—however, the actual output engrave quality will be much higher. Dithered images simulate true grayscale by averaging pixel density to achieve an optical effect closely approximating the original image. Selecting this button has no effect on images that are 1-bit or black/white already.
Like the Simple Dither button, this button dithers the image in the workspace but uses a different algorithm.
Certain images and work materials will often respond better to one algorithm or another.
The Scale dropdown allows you to scale a design before engraving. Set the scale factor in the field and apply it using the set scale button.



This field and slider allow you to set the firing current as a percentage of the maximum as set in the configuration file. Laser tubes have a minimum activation current; setting this value too low will result in the laser not firing. Keep this in mind when setting power below 10%.
Set the engraving speed as a percentage of the maximum. Maximum speed is set in the config.xml file. The raster routine in v4 is optimized so it only rasters non-whitespace and minimizes the acceleration distance. If you set the speed % very low such as 1% then the laser head does not need much acceleration distance. Total time to engrave = (acceleration time + raster time). Since acceleration time is also lower the total time is not linearly related to the speed %. However, the energy/heat applied to the material is linear according to the speed %. For deeper engraving use a slower speed.
Adjust this slider to fade in or fade out portions of any image that is not black/white. Your computer graphics card must be fast enough to use the slider in real-time to see the updates. This has no effect on 1-bit bitmaps or black and white images. If you have a computer with a slow graphics card, set the threshold using the text box and enter the values manually.
Checking this box will only import raster data and ignore vector data. When processing a print job,
RetinaEngrave attempts to sort all the vectors for the fastest cut times. A drawing containing millions of points or vectors will take up a large amount of memory and CPU which can cause a major slowdown in performance. Ignoring the vector data will also allow faster print jobs if only raster is required.


DPI Selection
Full Spectrum Laser recommends settings of 250x250dpi for most applications; text as small as 4pt can be engraved at 500dpi with excellent readability. Typically, 1000dpi is only used special cases. The dpi setting also affects the delivered power density, as higher dpi settings correspond to a higher number of pulses per square inch. It is also important to note that due to the focused beam spot size (0.002-0.005in) there will be pixel overlap at higher dpi settings. This leads to a blending effect in the overlapped areas, which will lead to a darker engrave result on particular materials (woods).
The dpi settings affect the print processing resolution. The maximum printing resolution is set in the configuration file and displayed in the control panel in the Source Image Info box. The final resolution is set to the maximum of the configuration file setting and the dpi selected from the dropdown menu. The default setting is 250dpi. By selecting
1000dpi before printing, the laser will import at 250dpi then upscale the image using a bi-cubic interpolation to
RetinaEngrave stores the source image in memory and converts it to grayscale before dithering. Due to the large number of pixels in a 1000dpi image (1 million pixels per square inch) your computer may run out of memory.
Computers with less available memory should select 250dpi before printing because even at an input resolution of
500dpi the memory requirements can be high.

When you raster an image, the laser head accelerates to the desired speed over some at the default job origin—if you are using a changed origin, for example a center origin, the laser head will still move to the upper left corner before beginning the job.
Because of the acceleration and deceleration distances, some jobs will require a 1in buffer on the left and right sides to avoid crashing the laser head..



Getting Better Raster Results
A laser has two states: on and off. Every black pixel or “laser dot” is the result of the laser turning on and firing at a particular location. This location is controlled by the input image, which can be thought of as a “map” of on and off pixels. The question is how do we give RetinaEngrave the best “map” of these laser dots to accurately represent the original image?
Your source image is processed several times between sending it to the Windows XPS Image Writer (printer) and final laser processing of the work piece. The first alteration of the source image occurs when the image is sent from the print stream into RetinaEngrave. If the printer DPI is set differently from the software DPI, the source image must be up-sampled to the native DPI of the laser; up-sampling is necessary to keep the output image dimensions (in inches) the same as the source image dimensions. This process generates new pixels; unfortunately there are mathematical constraints on the sampling process so it is imperfect.
In order to avoid introduction of error through up-sampling, the source image must be a 1-bit image. 1-bit images are an exact “map”; all pixels are either on (black) or off (white). The best results are achieved by creating/converting a source image in a dedicated editing program with DPI settings that match the native DPI of the laser (1000dpi).
In the case of non 1-bit .bmp images (greyscale/color), dimensions are set on import using the page size in the print driver dialog box. Changing the DPI setting results in a different number of pixels in the same space, without changing the dimensions of the image. This procedure results in lower output quality that is not true to the source image. Multi-bit images that are not evenly divisible by the native laser DPI (250/500/1000) should always be direct printed instead of dragged and dropped, and should be rastered at the same resolution as they were printed. The case study in the following section examines the results of various import methods.


Summary of Best Practices for Image Formats



Pixels are divided by laser dpi (1000 for hobby). 1000=1

1bit BMP

Drag and Drop, File-Open

inch. DPI box changes DIMENSIONS of output by skipping lines. Output is always true to source. It is not recommended to Direct Print 1-bit images
Always Direct Print non 1bit images as they are sampled at

Color/Greyscale BMP

Direct Print

a rate proportional to laser output resolution, resulting in better quality output. For best output, Raster at the same
DPI as the source image

XPS file containing images

Drag and Drop, File-Open,
Direct Print

For best output, Raster at the import DPI



Case Study: The Effects of Up-scaling
Following Direct Print
We have generated a small 50x50 pixel box. In the following illustration, the center box is the original size. This is direct printed using “Half Page” format from Windows Picture Viewer. Figure 8 is the actual size of what is generated from Direct Print. Figure 9 is the result of a Direct Print at 250dpi. Observe the rounded edges due to the drastic increase in size.

Figure 8 - Direct Print Source

Figure 9 - Direct Print at 250dpi


If we select 1000dpi within RetinaEngrave and then Raster, we get surprising results. The right image in Figure 10 is the actual output that is sent to the laser, including the anomalies along the edge. This is the result of direct printing from a small source to a large output and rastering at a much higher DPI than the project was direct printed at (1000 vs 250).

Figure 10 – 1000dpi Output from 250dpi Print
In Figure 11 we take the corner of the same project and output it at 500dpi instead of 1000. The effects are still visible although not as severe as using a 1000dpi output.

Figure 11 – 500dpi Output from 250dpi Source



Figure 12 shows a Direct Print at 500dpi with output at 250dpi.

Figure 12 – 250dpi Output from 500dpi Source

When we print at 250dpi and output at 250dpi, we find the best results because import and output DPI are identical
(Figure 13). The software must up-sample to 1000dpi in order to lase, resulting in an image ¼ the size of the original.
In order to output at the same dimensions as the source, the software skips 4 lines for every line of output on the
Y-Axis. In this way, no scaling is required and no anomalies are introduced as pixels need not be generated before output. Figure 13 – 250dpi Output from 250dpi Source


The proceeding sections will introduce you to cutting with RetinaEngrave3D



In Vector Cut mode, RetinaEngrave receives information from the print stream and interprets it as a series of paths for the laser head to follow. In order for the print stream to have vector information, the file being printed must be a vector file. RetinaEngrave is capable of following complex contour paths created in any vector drawing program, however certain programs and formats are more reliable than others.
Full Spectrum Laser carries out unit testing using CorelDraw X5 and recommends that Hobby Advanced owners use this program. If you use different design software and run into a problem with the print interface, we recommend printing to the XPS Document Image Writer or saving as a PDF. PDF files save vector information and are the best way to carry artwork from a non-compatible operating system (Mac or Linux) onto your Windows 7 PC.
Limited testing has been carried out with CorelDraw X6 and it appears to be a good choice as well. Other popular packages include Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape and Google’s free online vector drawing application. Additionally, most
CAD packages are able to output drawings in a vector format for printing; Autodesk 123D is particularly interesting for its cost (free) and built-in 3D slicing capabilities.

The Microsoft XPS Document Writer creates images so that they will print exactly as they appear on your screen. Any program that is vector based will have its information embedded as vector paths (CorelDraw, MS Word, CAD programs, etc) and should work with the Vector Cut functionality of RetinaEngrave3D.


Vector Cut Tab
Select this tab before hitting the Start button to cut the paths displayed in the work area. If your image looks cut off or cropped, be sure to read Part 7: Working with Projects Larger than 8.5”x11” to learn how to change the paper size in your program.

Figure 14 – Vector Engrave Interface

Figure 15 - Vector Cut Path Selection



Each button press will rotate the design 90 degree clockwise.
Mirrors the current vector drawing about a vertical centerline.
Mirrors the current design about a horizontal centerline
This button will bring up a dialog box allowing you to change the size of the vector image in the workspace by setting specific X and Y dimensions. It does not preserve scale.
This button and corresponding parameter box automatically fill closed contours with a horizontal hatch pattern, with the gap between horizontal scan lines (in inches) determined by the input in the parameter box.
This is a useful function for engraving deeply into an object—with the proper settings it will remove material much more quickly than in Engraving mode. Be aware that due to the scan gap being non-zero the bottom surface might not be smooth.

Select this option to speed up processing of large vector files on computers with limited memory. Raster data is memory intensive for large drawings at the highest resolutions and is unneeded if only vector cutting is required. VECTOR CURRENT %
Total power is determined by a combination of delivered current and voltage to the laser tube. The current is directly regulated while voltage is controlled by PWM (Pulse Width Modulation). PWM is a technique whereby an average voltage is delivered in a series of pulses per unit time. In Vector mode you can control both the
PWM frequency (power) as well as the delivered current (Vector Current %). In Raster mode, the output is pulsed based on the speed and pixel pattern, so only current control is available (Raster Power %).


RetinaEngrave automatically separates vector drawings into layers by color. Each layer can specify different properties. The Reset Layer Properties button will reset the Vector Layers table to the default values.

Layer: The designated color of the layer

Order: Layers are cut in order from 1 to 7

Speed: Sets the speed of the layer as a percentage of the maximum value.

Power %: Sets the PWM frequency. PWM power control is very fine. Setting it to 0.5% will mark but not cut through paper.

Repeat: Set the number of repeats of the layer at the chosen power and speed settings. Set to 0 to ignore the layer.

Designating Layers
Designating a color to objects/ layers you want to vector cut enables you to take advantage of RetinaEngrave3D’s ability to specify cutting order, cut speed, laser power and number of repeats for each layer.
RetinaEngrave supports up to seven standard color layers for maximum program compatibility: Black, Blue, Red,
Magenta, Green, Cyan, and Yellow from the RGB color palette.
RetinaEngrave uses a best guess color round off routine when a color is not a standard RGB color. Avoid Black whenever possible because this is the default color RetinaEngrave uses whenever it cannot figure out what color it should be. By avoiding Black, you will have more control.



Workspace Tools
Use the drag handles located on the edges of your design to resize the image. The extension lines display the width and height of the bounding box that encloses the image. Dragging the square handle will preserve the design’s scale.
The small field located on along the height extension line gives the current X and Y workspace coordinates of the mouse. Hovering the mouse over a vector object (poly line) will cause it to highlight. You can right-click the mouse to disable that object in the current job and right-click again to re-enable.
Clicking on a poly line will bring up the workspace editor. You can move, scale or disable it; assign it to a layer using the colored buttons; reverse the direction of the path; or close small gaps between the ends of an un-closed poly line (for advanced users). 50

This section introduces you to the advanced capabilities of RetinaEngrave3D



The following sections introduce you to the advanced capabilities of RetinaEngrave3D. Some of these capabilities are only possible with the purchase of extra attachments (rotary engraving). Please make sure that you are familiar with the previous sections of this manual before working with the advanced functions.

Combined Engraving and Cutting allows you to set up a job to engrave a design and then cut a pattern

The Rotary Engraving tab is the interface for setting up a raster job to be engraved on the outside of a cylindrical object (requires rotary attachment)

The 3D Engraving tab allows you to take a grayscale image and set up a job that will convert it into an automatic series of layers to achieve a 3D effect

Engrave then Cut
RetinaEngrave3D supports engraving and cutting in the same job. In this section we describe the process of using
CorelDraw X5 to properly prepare your image before direct printing to RetinaEngrave
1. Designate either yellow or cyan to the layers you want to vector and designate black to the layers you want to raster.
2. In our example image we want to
a. Engrave the text and the four corner objects in raster mode by changing them to black.
b. Cut the middle object and the outside border in vector mode by changing them to yellow or cyan.

Figure 16 - Engrave/Cut Example Source


Figure 17 - Engrave/Cut Ready for Direct Printing

Make sure that any text that is “Artistic Text” in CorelDraw X5 has a Hairline outline applied.
1. Verify that RetinaEngrave is running in the background.
2. File → Print using the Direct Print Driver.
3. Switch the current program view to RetinaEngrave.
4. Use the mode select drop-down menu to choose Raster then Vector mode.
5. Adjust the slider on the the threshold setting to fade out/in objects. RetinaEngrave will only raster what is visible on the screen. Adjusting the slider to the left will fade out objects, while sliding to the right will fade in objects. You can also adjust the threshold by manually typing a value into the box next to the threshold slider between 0.000 and 1 and then left clicking on the image. The maximum threshold value of 1 will make the

Figure 18 - Yellow Layer After Threshold



image solid black and should not be used. For optimal results first adjust the threshold almost all the way to the right to a value of 0.999.
6. Slowly adjust the threshold setting to the left until the vector objects that you previously designated yellow and/or cyan in CorelDraw X5 completely fade out, leaving only the black raster objects visible.In our example image we found that a threshold setting of 0.96 made the center yellow vector object completely fade out.
The cyan vector border has not faded out and further threshold adjustment is needed.
7. Further adjustment of the threshold to the left to a value of 0.9 makes the cyan vector border completely fade out. The threshold for our example image is now properly adjusted leaving only the black objects that we want to raster engrave visible. The end goal when adjusting threshold value is to adjust the threshold to the left just enough to make the yellow/cyan objects fade out while leaving the black raster objects highly visible for optimal detail raster engravings.Threshold settings for your particular image could vary from our example image settings.

8. Adjust the Speed % and DPI to your desired settings.
9. Left Click on the Start button to engrave your material.

When the raster engrave process is complete DO NOT move your material inside the laser cabinet. Both Raster
Engrave mode and Vector Cut mode use the same job origin. As long as the material has not been moved between the raster engrave process and vector cut process the image will line up correctly on your material after finishing the vector cutting process.


Rotary Engraving
If you have purchased a Hobby Advanced Rotary Attachment, the following instructions explain how to set up a job for rotary engraving/cutting.
1. Connect the rotary attachment in your laser system. Setup and installation information for the rotary attachment is found in the Hobby Laser User’s manual.
2. Turn your laser on and connect to it with RetinaEngrave3D.
3. Click on the Rotary button and check the Enable Rotary checkbox.

4. Steps per Inch is pre-set—do not modify.
5. X Sweeps per Inch is automatically set based on the DPI settings.
6. Test your job at 0 power to make sure there is no slippage; increasing the value of the Y-Axis Speed Divisor will help eliminate slippage.
7. Click on the Start button to rotary engrave.



3D Engraving
RetinaEngrave3D allows 3D engraving from grayscale images by automatically separating an image into layers and allowing those layers to be run as independent raster jobs.
1. Load a grayscale image and then open the 3D Engrave tab.
2. Using the slider or data field, choose the number of frames that you wish to engrave.
3. Right-click on the Auto Generate Frames button.
Your job is broken into a series of frames using the currently-selected Raster Properties. Each frame auto-thresholds your image by pixel darkness based on the number of frames that you chose. You are then able to do the following:

Select separate power and speed settings for each frame

Copy or delete frames

Drag frames to re-order them

Adjust the threshold of each frame (high, low and range)

Set the Z axis offset of each frame (only works with a powered Z table)

You can clear the workspace using the Clear Frames button or Start 3D Engrave to begin the job. Keep in mind that
3D engraving works as a series of individual raster jobs for each frame; as such jobs with more frames can take a long time to complete.


Figure 19 - 3D Engrave Tab

The following images show an example grayscale input file and the result with the following settings:

40 layers

100% speed

Approximately 70% power

This engrave took about 1hr with overall dimensions of 3.854in x 3.625in. The source file is available at the following link ( Photos and laser settings courtesy of Bevan Camp

Figure 20 - Example Grayscale Input File

Figure 21 - Example 3D Engraving Result



The Design Tab
This section provides basic drawing tools for creating simple designs with RetinaEngrave


The Design Tab provides basic drawing tools for creating simple designs within RetinaEngrave. The tools allow you to draw open or closed contours, complex paths, shapes and text with a variety of fill options. The Design Tab is project based, with each project having one or more designs. Once you have a design, you select it and render it to one of the mode tabs.
Please note:
The Design Tab is not meant to replace a dedicated drawing/design package—it exists as an internal tool for quick tests and is released as-is. If you are having a problem with the output of the design tab, please use a standard program such as CorelDraw to create your work and report any software issues to

Design Tab Functionality
These buttons allow you to load a saved project, save your current project or open a new project. Opening a new project removes any unsaved data in the document design window
Select shapes or points and edit their information (color, thickness, fill, etc).
Add a new point to point line. Drag the end handles to change length or use the Shape Properties box
(bottom of Shape Properties Panel) to set start and end points.
Draw a rectangle. Use the handles to change proportions or the properties panel to adjust width and height
(units are inches) as well as corner radii. Use the Stroke properties to adjust corner joint type.
Draw an ellipse. Use the properties panel to change the X and Y radii (units are pixels).



Create a new spline path. Select one of the end points to bring up the Shape Properties box and add/remove points and adjust line tangency.
Place text in the design area.
Changes the visibility of the drawing grid in the design area.
Changes the grid format from lines to points.
Enable or disable snap functionality with drawing points.
This popup menu controls grid display and parameters. The Grid Width and Snap Grid Width fields can be altered to suit your preferences; units are in inches.
Adjust the zoom level of the design area.

These buttons allow you to create a new drawing, delete a drawing or copy the current drawing.
This drop-down list allows you to select which drawing to make active via a left double-click. You can also select the tab of the drawing you would like to work on in the design area.
Set the total work area drawing size units in inches).


Control the stroke thickness (pixels), end point shape, joint behavior and miter behavior.
Control the color and fill style of the brush. Allows you to create and specify gradients.
Specify the properties of a closed shape
Control the properties of the currently selected shape. Set exact size of features.

Figure 22 - Design Tab Interface






Appendix A covers the creation of an example job using CorelDraw X5. It demonstrates several steps that are important to properly prepare your job for printing to the laser.

In vector mode, lines should be reduced to the minimum thickness allowable by the drawing program. In
CorelDraw X5, these are known as hairlines. If lines are not reduced to hairlines, RetinaEngrave3D may trace the boundary of the line instead following the center of the line during vector cutting.
1. Left Click: Edit → Select All → Objects. This will select all objects.
2. Left Click: Outline Pen Tool → Hairline Outline. This will change the width of all lines to Hairline.
3. In this example object our line width is 0.5 pt
4. After applying Hairline Outline our line width is now Hairline (thinnest possible)

Figure 23 - Select All Objects, CorelDraw

Figure 24 – Convert Objects to Hairline, CorelDraw



For predictable output, vector drawing segments should be closed as much as possible. Many times vector drawings (in particular DXF files) may have small breaks that will confuse the RetinaEngrave print driver.
CorelDraw X5 has a great command: Arrange ->Join Curves. This will join touching lines into a closed path suitable for laser cutting. In this example our object is 1” width by 0.282” height.
At 500% zoom the object appears to have all lines connected. However at 6400% zoom on the bottom left corner of the same object we can see that some of the lines are merely touching and are not connected

Figure 42 - Example Drawing at 500% Zoom

Figure 25 - Example Drawing at 6400% Zoom


We want these lines to be continuous, so we will use the join curves command:
1. Select all objects you want to correct. Left Click on Arrange/Join Curves.

2. The Join Curves window will appear on the right side of your screen. Click Apply.

The default settings of Extend and Gap tolerance 0.1” should be sufficient for most users.


Here is the same object at 6400% zoom -all lines are now connected and we have a closed path.

Figure 26 - Example Drawing at 6400% Zoom, After Processing



Designating a color to objects/ layers you want to vector cut enables you to take advantage of RetinaEngrave3D’s ability to specify cutting order, cut speed, laser power and number of repeats for each layer.
RetinaEngrave supports up to seven standard color layers for maximum program compatibility: Black, Blue, Red,
Magenta, Green, Cyan, and Yellow from the RGB color palette.
Always assign the outline stroke (the object border) the desired color and not the fill of the object. Always use an empty fill when possible.
1. Open your .cdr vector format file in CorelDraw X5.
2. Make sure you have the Object Manager window open by Left Clicking: Tools, Object Manager
3. Right click on the object in the Object manager that you want to designate a color to.
4. Left click on “Properties” in the pop-up window
5. In the Object Properties window Left Click on the Outline Pen tab.
6. In the Outline Pen properties window Left Click on the down arrow next to “Color:” to change the outline color of the currently selected objects to one of the seven supported colors.

Repeat steps 3 through 6 as necessary to change the outline color of objects, specifying one of the supported colors for each layer of objects up to a maximum of seven.

In Figure 28 we have changed the outline color of one object to blue. It is possible to have more than one object the same color. In our example image all objects that have a black outline would be considered to be on the Black layer in RetinaEngrave and the single object with the blue outline would be considered to be on the Blue layer.


Figure 27 - Designating Object Color, CorelDraw


Figure 28 - Colored Segment, CorelDraw

Figure 29 - Seven Object Layers, CorelDraw

©2015 Full Spectrum Laser LLC
6216 S Sandhill Rd Las Vegas, NV 89120
Phone: (702) 605-0644 • Fax: (650) 215-9917
Technical Support Phone: (702) 879-2762
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...Difference Between Cyber Bullying Perpetration and Non-Physical Bullying: Relations to Race, Individual, and Family Predictors Abstract The research in this article is based upon finding a relationship between cyber-bullying perpetration with non-physical bullying. It also works on find the relatedness it has with race, home life, and other issues. They use children in grades 5th through 7th and use three time points, each six months apart. The article finds that cyber-bullying does have a significant overlap with non-physical bullying but when it is compared longitudinal there was less of an overlap. In today’s society, bullying has become a very big problem among adolescents. With all the new forms of communication with technology there has been a lot of cyber-bullying, specifically. It seems to be the new way to harass others and the fact that it is done through technology it makes it less obvious. The reason it is such a big problem though, is because the harassment some of the children endure have caused suicide. This article tries to find the relatedness it has with other factors of children’s lives. If some form of connection can be found then there can be a chance to find a way to stop the problem before it begins or to even see the signs of this type of bullying. For starters, what researchers have noticed is that cyber-bullying is something that is quite new to us today. Because of this it is a topic that is less understood by what the underlying...

Words: 2945 - Pages: 12

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Cyber Bullying

...stop to it and hold cyberbullies accountable for their infractions on innocent people. Educating students about cyberbullying, demonstares how it hurts, prohibiting cell phones on school grounds and taking away the do make it to school grounds will help the school. Lawmakers are in the process of creating more serious and stricter laws against the person and persons doing the bullying. Many states and cities are also creating laws and punishments for people who do such a crime. These people need to be more seriously punished in order to learn how seriously they have hurt the person being bullied. Cyberbullying is hurtful and growing trend that schools everywhere need to get more involved to help put a stop to it. There are many stories of cyber bullying that go to far and sometimes have teenagers committing suicide to escape their torment. Rachael Neblett, a seventeen-year old high school student from Kentucky, took her life October 9, 2006: [She] began receiving threatening emails through her MySpace account, in the summer of 2006. The anonymous emails were of a stalking terroristic nature. Rachael’s parents brought the emails to the attention of the principle of her high school. As the emails included details of her movements during class and after...

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Cyber Bullying

...Cyber bullying New technology benefits society in many ways, but also creates problems and ethical issues, namely those pertaining to cyber bullying. Merriam Webster defines cyber bullying as, “the electronic posting of mean-spirited messages about a person (as a student) often done anonymously.” The development and increased usage of communication and information technology has led cyber bullying to gain traction in society. Legislation and organizations are arising to deal with cyber bullying, a major issue that victims struggle with every day. Cyber bullies’ rhetoric includes, but is not limited to, physical threats, sexual remarks, hate speech, rumors, and slander. Cyber bullies employ various tactics to humiliate and defame their victims, both on a one-on-one level and through public settings. In the more private form, offenders directly insult their victims through intimidating and hostile messages. In the more public form, cyber bullying can include actions such as posting embarrassing or nude photographs of victims without their knowledge or permission. These photos are often adulterated to depict the victim in compromised or defaming poses. Cyber bullies also spread lies and rumors via texts, instant messages, and Facebook posts. Additionally, perpetrators often steal passwords to victims’ online accounts and post humiliating remarks while posing as the victims themselves. Various studies attest to the pervasiveness and severity of cyber bullying in society. The...

Words: 1860 - Pages: 8

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Cyber Bullying

...Cyberbullying by Nicole M. Aune A Research Paper Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Master of Science Degree With a Major in School Psychology Approved: 2 Semester Credits The Graduate School University of Wisconsin-Stout December, 2009 ii The Graduate School University of Wisconsin~Stout Menomonie, WI Author: Title: Aune, Nicole M. Cyberbullying Graduate Degree/ Major: MS School Psychology Research Adviser: MonthlYear: Number of Pages: Dr. Amy Schlieve December 2009 29 Style Manual Used: American Psychological Association, 5th edition ABSTRACT A literature review of research pertaining to cyberbullying was completed. Findings indicate that cyberbullying is becoming more prevalent as students spend an increasing amount of time using technology that keeps them connected to people at all hours of the day. There are many different ways in which cyberbullies reach their victims, including instant messaging over the Internet, social networking web sites, text messaging and phone calls to cell phones. There are different forms of cyberbullying including, but not limited to, harassment, impersonation, and cyberstalking. It has been found that there are differences between not only the prevalence of cyberbullying between males and females but also the ways in which males and females cyberbully. Like bullying, cyberbullying is a serious problem which can cause the victim to feel inadequate and overly self-conscious, along with...

Words: 7448 - Pages: 30

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Cyber Bullying

...Studies indicate that cyber-bullying incidents have quadrupled in past five years (Ross). Cyber-bullying has become a huge issue recently. Every time you turn on the news there is another bullying, or a suicide related to bullying, incident being reported. “Love is louder” has been a common phrase among celebrities and influential figures lately. They are trying to send out a message to their followers saying that bullying is not right and should not be tolerated. The expansion of communication technologies is widening the way bully’s can torture their victims. The fact of the matter is, technology is not going anywhere, so we need to figure out a way to put an end to cyber-bullies. Cyber-bullying is becoming a major problem and we all need to do our parts in figuring out what can be done to stop cyber-bullies in their tracks. Cyber-bullies will continue to be a threat to today’s youth until we take preventative measures against them. Before putting a stop to cyber-bullying we must understand why and how a cyber-bully works. After researching and analyzing informative articles on the topic, this research paper aims to inform and answer questions such as: what a cyber-bully is, how they work, whom they target, and how to stop them. By understanding how a cyber-bully works we will be able to better protect youth populations as technology grows. Approximately half of  U.S. students are impacted by traditional bullying each school day (Ross). Cyber-bullying is technology powered and...

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Cyber Warfare

...An attack against a computer system or network is how PC Magazine defines a cyber-attack. A Cyber-attack can take many forms, for many reasons and can be executed on a small or large scale. Most cyber-attacks are criminal in nature. These cybercrimes are usually motivated by profit. Recent examples include the cyber-attacks on Visa/MasterCard and attacks on Google’s network by China. The cyber-attacks on Visa and MasterCard were part of “operation payback”, and were carried out by various loose nit groups that organized using social networking sites. “Operation payback” was retaliation against Visa and MasterCard for refusing to continue to do business with the website WikiLeaks. WikiLeaks posted leaked classified U.S. diplomatic communications on their website for the world to see. The United States felt this was a criminal act and pressured Visa and MasterCard to stop processing transactions for WikiLeaks. In response hackers launch “operation payback” which used distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks to crash Visa and MasterCard Servers. Google recently exited the Chinese market. According to the New York Times, “Google linked its decision to sophisticated cyber-attacks on its computer systems that it suspected originated in China and that were aimed, at least in part, at the Gmail user accounts of Chinese human rights activists. The attacks were directed at some 34 companies or entities, most of them in Silicon Valley, California, according to people with knowledge of...

Words: 2021 - Pages: 9

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Cyber Bullying

...Cyber Bullying: Negative Consequence Bullying is not new to the school campus; what is new is the independent access that young people of all ages have to the internet and various social media sites. Cyberbullying behavior should not simply be considered an inevitable part of school life and dismissed as a natural consequence of being a teenager. With little supervision, students are engaging in cyberbullying behaviors that are hostile; placing both the cyberbullying victim and the cyberbullying harasser at risk for negative social-emotional and academic consequences. Cyberbullying is the one of the latest issues to be defined by school districts and law enforcement. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary added the word cyberbullying in their 2004 revised edition: “the electronic posting of mean-spirited messages about a person (as a student) often done anonymously.” After interviewing 279 students (ages ten to 18) researchers Heidi Vandebosch and Katrien Van Cleemput further clarified the definition of cyberbullying in 2008. Their research identified specific communication patterns that led them to add that cyberbullying is not just a one time action, but rather “a part of a repetitive pattern of negative offline or online actions;” and the hostile actions are “intended to hurt (by the perpetrator) and perceived as hurtful (by the victim.)” (Vandebosch and Van Cleemput 500) Consistently, cyberbullying is viewed as hostile misbehavior. When considering whether internet...

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Living in the Age of Cyber Attacks and Cyber Warfare

...Living in the Age of Cyber Attacks and Cyber Warfare UMUC   If you asked the average person on the street about cybersecurity and cyber warfare, they would probably say they don’t know much about it other than the fact that it involves computers. In fact, for anyone outside of the cybersecurity industry, the closest thing to cyber warfare that they may have experienced was their viewing of the movie War Games, or the fourth installment of the Die Hard series, Live Free or Die Hard. While those movies had a profound impact on the lives of the characters in the script, the audience probably thought it was merely fiction, not fully based on fact. In Live Free or Die Hard, John McClain (played by the indefatigable Bruce Willis) is attempting to stop a domestic cyber-terrorist who is acting out on a vendetta against the United States. The cyber-terrorist is successful in launching an online attack to overload and destroy a power grid that left much of America’s East Coast in darkness. When I first saw this movie, I was curious if an attack like that was really possible; however, most people around me just labeled the movie as “Hollywood’s overactive imagination”. With cyber attacks literally having the ability to affect lives in a nanosecond, it is vital that everyone understand what cyber attacks entail, the impact of these cyber attacks on a domestic and international scale, and knowing what to expect in the future while living in a world dominated by virtual experiences...

Words: 2352 - Pages: 10

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Cyber Bullying

...Cyberbullying Imagine coming home from school and sitting at the computer to get away from the stress of the day. Within a few minutes you're bombarded with messages like "You're ugly…We hate you…Why don't you make us all happy and end your miserable life". Welcome to a world too many teenagers are facing. A world where bullying no longer takes place in the hallways at school or on the way home. Bullying is now more likely to takes place in the murky, often anonymous world of the Internet. About a third (31%) of all students ages 12-14 have been bullied online according to a study by Opinion Research Corporation (2006). This research paper will examine some of the reasons for "cyberbullying," and what may be done about it. What is Cyberbullying? Bill Belsey, President of Canada says, "Cyberbullying involves the use of information and communication technologies such as e-mail, cell phone and pager text messages, instant messaging, defamatory personal Web sites, and defamatory online personal polling Web sites, to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group that is intended to harm others". Nancy Willard, author of "An Educators Guide to Cyberbullying and Cyberthreats" breaks down cyberbullying into the following categories: -Flaming. Online fights using electronic messages with angry or vulgar language. -Harassment. Repeatedly sending nasty, mean, an insulting messages. -Denigration. "Dissing" someone online. Sending or posting...

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