...Name: Nguyen Thi Diem Class: FB5A SWOT analysis for Cyclermate Company Strengths: 1. The company’s main strength is its valuable customers. 2. The company has very good knowledge of making the cycles. 3. The company has abundant space for increased productivity. 4. They have a very deep customer base. 5. The Dais friend that is William, is ready to invest their redundancy money into the business, this is showing that the company has a strong prospect of growth. 6. Cyclermate could use marketing as an absolutely necessary tool for making it popular and known among the public. Publishing more and more advertisements in both newspapers and magazines so that individuals know about the products of the Cyclermate and this could only happen if the company has sufficient funds. 7. Direct channels of sale: Cyclermate has direct channels of sales with the direct sales and direct shops; hence intermediary’s cost is largely eliminated. Reducing the cost of manufacturing could unquestionably help Cyclermate achieve a huge share of the market. As direct channels are in direct contact with the providers, thus, it could help in increasing in quantity or value of the sales and it provides a good opportunity to the providers to empathize the clients and could make required changes are per the requirement of the customers. 8. De-motivated workforce: The employees at the Cyclermate are extremely pioneering and are can fully utilize and achieve any given...
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...Introduction This report has been design to identify some of the major issues within Cyclermate Ltd. This report of mine consists of a SWOT and PEST analysis on the chosen organisation. The report will include a brief summary on how business used to be operated including production and Human Relation. The report will also include a brief summary on the financial side of the business. The report will include brief summary about the company’s marketing structure. Recommendation and conclusion will further be explained in detail. PEST Analysis A political factor has a powerful impact on income tax, labour law, trade restriction and many more. Company did not recruit enough workers to meet the targets and worker had to work overtime to get the work done and workers are getting paid at normal rate. Using a traditional method may harm workers health and decreased their productivity as well. An economical factor has a powerful impact on business; Cyclermate had bought a bigger warehouse than they actually needed. If they would have bought a warehouse which meets their requirements than money could have been saved and the saved money would have been used in a new or existing project. Cyclermate has employed an untrained worker and did not train them once employed. Having an untrained workforce in organisation will decreased productivity. Social factor has a powerful impact on human behaviour, Cyclermate had many order but they did not have enough workforce to complete these orders....
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...The Cyclermate Project Semester 1 (15 weeks) 1. Time scale CyclerMate Briefing and initial analysis | Week 1 | Sorting out CyclerMate’s Bank Manager | Week 2 | Cleaning up CyclerMate’s Manufacturing | Week 3 | CyclerMate’s HR position. Stabilization plan; | Weeks 4-5 | CyclerMate’s Market Opportunities | Weeks 6-7 | Identification of Potential Routes to Market | Weeks 8-9 | Quantification of CyclerMate’s new Revenue and Profit Opportunities: Cash flows, costing… | Weeks 10-11 | Wrap up the final report: altogether | Weeks 12-13 | Individual Report submission | Week 14 | Presentation of CyclerMate plans to Venture Capitalists | Week 15 | 2. Initial instructions This stage is a detailed evaluation of the Company. You are a consultant working for Davis, Davies, Jones and Faniente. Your company has been called in by Cyclermate’s bankers to take an independent view of the company and see if the company can be made viable in the short term. A detailed report has been promised to the bank for the 29th November 2013. What is required is a rigorous, systematic analysis of the company. In the initial week it is expected that you will assess the company and its environment. A PEST and SWOT should be produced which should be used to focus on the key issues in the company. The Bank has requested to see this urgently and a system will be established for initial results to be communicated to them. This will be used to guide the work in subsequent weeks...
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...1.Strategic Directions Although Cyclermate management have persuaded the bank to continue funding for the short-term, the directors of the company realise that they have to think about the longer term. Further discussion with Dai’s cousin have established that he continues to be interested in helping, both in financial and management terms. Furthermore, he has apparently persuaded the famous entrepreneur and venture capitalist, Sir Claude Solstice to consider the possibility of involvement in the firm. Sir Claude, a passionate advocate of “green” technology, is also a keen cyclist. He would bring with him access to a highly specialised design and development team which has recently successfully brought to market a high-powered electric sports car. After some negotiation, Sir Claude has agreed to set up a “skunk works” which he will personally fund for a period of 4 weeks. This will bring together his highly skilled team of marketers, strategic thinkers and designers whose brief is: • to evaluate the current market for bicycles, and identify the size and growth rates of the key product segments • to determine the potential for a new range of electrically assisted bicycles based on new battery technology • to understand the routes to market and margin structures of the channels • to identify the required pricing structure for the new range of bikes; cost price, channel margins and selling price • to estimate the sales volume per year for the first three years following...
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...* GROSS PROFIT MARGIN RATIO Gross margin ratio is a profitability ratio that measures how profitable Google can sell its inventory. It only makes sense that higher ratios are more favorable. Higher ratios mean the company is selling their inventory at a higher profit percentage. As is observed, Google’s gross margin ratio in 2012 was 0,63. This was a high ratio in the information technology. That presented that Google had 63 percent of revenue available to cover operating and other expenditures. Google with a high gross margin ratios mean that the company has had more money to pay operating expenses like salaries, utilities, and rent. Since this ratio measures the profits from selling inventory, it also measures the percentage of sales that can be used to help fund other parts of the business. Google had ratios of 0,60 and 0,61 respectively in 2013 and 2014. It easily recognized that it lightly decreased in comparison with 2012. However, it didn’t influence too much on the stable finance of Google. Google in the average of 5 years ago to now is indicated as one of the most potential company. * ASSET TURNOVER RATIO The asset turnover ratio is an efficiency ratio that measures a company's ability to generate sales from its assets by comparing net sales with average total assets. As can be seen, Google had a ratio of 0,49 in 2012. This means that each dollar of assets generates 49 cents of sales. In other words, this ratio shows that Google is an efficient company...
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...PHẬT THUYẾT ĐẠI THỪA VÔ LƯỢNG THỌ TRANG NGHIÊM THANH TỊNH BÌNH ĐẲNG GIÁC KINH Nguyên Hán bản: Ngài HẠ LIÊN CƯ (hội tập) Việt dịch: HT. Thích Đức Niệm Cư sĩ Minh Chánh NGUYỆN HƯƠNG (Quì gối đưa nhang lên nguyện hương) Nguyện mây hương mầu này Khắp cùng mười phương cõi Cúng dường tất cả Phật Tôn pháp, các Bồ Tát Vô biên chúng Thanh Văn Và cả thảy Thánh Hiền Duyên khởi đài sáng chói Trùm đến vô biên cõi, Khắp xông các chúng sanh Đều phát lòng bồ đề, Hết một báo thân này Sanh về cõi Cực Lạc. Nam Mô Hương Cúng Dường Bồ Tát (1 lạy) TÁN THÁN PHẬT (Đứng Lên Đánh Khánh Tụng) Sắc Thân Như Lai đẹp, trong đời không ai bằng, không sánh, chẳng nghĩ bàn, nên nay con đảnh lễ. Sắc thân Phật vô tận, trí huệ Phật cũng thế, tất cả pháp thường trú, cho nên con về nương. Sức chí lớn nguyện lớn, khắp độ chúng quần sanh, khiến bỏ thân nóng khổ, sanh kia nước mát vui. Con nay sạch ba nghiệp, qui y và lễ tán, nguyện cùng các chúng sanh, đồng sanh nước Cực Lạc. (Đại Chúng Đồng Tụng Nhất Tâm Đảnh Lễ) NHẤT TÂM ĐẢNH LỄ: Nam Mô Thường Tịch Quang Tịnh Độ A Di Đà Như Lai Pháp Thân Mầu Thanh Tịnh Khắp Pháp Giới Chư Phật. o (1 lạy) Nam Mô Thật Báo Trang Nghiêm Độ A Di Đà Như Lai Thân Tướng Hải Vi Trần Khắp Pháp Giới Chư Phật. o (1 lạy) Nam Mô Phương Tiện Thánh Cư Độ A Di Đà Như Lai Thân Trang Nghiêm Giải Thóat Khắp Pháp Giới Chư Phật. o (1 lạy) Nam Mô Cõi An Lạc Phương Tây A Di Đà Như Lai Thân Căn Giới Đại Thừa Khắp Pháp...
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...Cyclermate Phase 2 – Some suggestions on how to approach the tasks This is primarily an exercise in Marketing and Product Planning Sir Claude is extremely excited about the future of electric bicycles after seeing this clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXhhWXw9V7A and has issued an urgent directive to the team to scope out the market opportunity for this type of product. On the other hand, if your team concludes that the electric bike opportunity is not viable (you need to explain your reasoning), you need to suggest an alternative market strategy that the company should adopt. This will also require you to identify volume, prices and channels in the same detail as you would for the electric bicycle. One of the key problems you will encounter is that you will not find precise answers to the questions you need to answer. Therefore the skill required is to assemble useful facts and use these to build a set of reasonable assumptions. These probably will be best estimates supported by a set of thoughts which limit the possible forecast range. This is probably the hardest skill to develop in marketing and you will need to explain how you have arrived at your results. This requires you to:- 1. Document the data sources you have used using Harvard referencing 2. Explain the steps and assumptions you have made from the source data to your projections 3. Write up these clearly in your supporting material to your presentation (note form is entirely appropriate) The following...
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...made in the coming months. It is NOT about longer term changes such as revisions to the product line in the light of market analysis - that is for stage 2, and the group presentation and portfolio; you need only suggest what investigations should be made once the immediate problems are resolved. You are writing a business report, addressed to the company’s bankers. As such it should fit the usual requirements for such a document – clear, concise, easy to read, use appropriate language, and be carefully structured to tell a story from introduction, through analysis to conclusions. Bear in mind that you are acting on behalf of the bank, so you should try to be objective, although you clearly also have responsibility to your clients at Cyclermate. We have suggested a maximum of 3,000 words as a guide, but far more important is that the report is focused on the needs of the bank and provides them with the detail and analysis they have requested. It should be possible to do this within the word limit, but a well-written and concise report that exceeds this a bit will not be penalised; a rambling and unfocused report of 4,000 words certainly will be. Similarly you might be able to make all the necessary points in a well-structured, carefully tabulated report of 2,000 words, but if detail and analysis are missing, this also will be penalised. A possible structure of your report...
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...CYCLERMATE PROJECT REPORT Integrated Business Contents * Introduction * Analysis of Business Environment * Analysis of Business Management * Solution * Conclusion Introduction Dai Armstrong and Lewis Llewellyn are the two men who planned to open their own company after being superfluous due to the shutting down of the steel plants in their town of South Wales were Dai Armstrong and Lewis Llewellyn. They both were the part of the local club of cycle touring and because of that, they both became good friends and as a result decided to start Cyclermate which was a bicycle manufacturing company that was laid down in the year 1988. In the initial year Cyclermate possessed a great influence over the share of the market. The whole lot appeared to function with no problems and difficulties up to the year 2010, the time when the company confronted lots of consequences with respect to operation human resource and finance. Specifically, demand by the purchasers fell continua sally even though the prices were cut down by the company; the distinguishing attributes of the goods were not up to the quality as they were earlier. The rising complaints from the customers regarding degrading quality and faults in the product and the concern by the bank manager regarding the overdraft could cause trouble if the problems are not solved as soon as possible. The report is with regard to the financial problems and various other problems confronted...
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...price, customer, features, by outlet? • Segment the market and identify the characteristics of each segment you identify; where it is sold, what market share, what end user price? The focus is on the UK market, but you might also sketch out in general terms the opportunity in the rest of Europe or elsewhere. • Use ratios to estimate this population? GDP? To determine the potential for a new range of electrically assisted bicycles based on new battery technology Evaluate where this type of bike fits into your segmentation. • What should be the specification of your proposed market entry? Features, price • What is your estimate of market sales for this type of product? • Would it make a sensible possibility for a company such as Cyclermate? To understand the routes to market and margin structures of the channels This requires an analysis of the structure of distribution of bikes in the UK. • How many channels are there? • What market segments do they serve? • What is the average price of products through each channel? • What percent of the market is sold through each channel? • What gross margin is obtained in each channel? This will be difficult. You might use annual reports of companies to build assumptions. To identify the required pricing structure for the any proposed...
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...1.Strategic Directions Although Cyclermate management have persuaded the bank to continue funding for the short-term, the directors of the company realise that they have to think about the longer term. Further discussion with Dai’s cousin have established that he continues to be interested in helping, both in financial and management terms. Furthermore, he has apparently persuaded the famous entrepreneur and venture capitalist, Sir Claude Solstice to consider the possibility of involvement in the firm. Sir Claude, a passionate advocate of “green” technology, is also a keen cyclist. He would bring with him access to a highly specialised design and development team which has recently successfully brought to market a high-powered electric sports car. After some negotiation, Sir Claude has agreed to set up a “skunk works” which he will personally fund for a period of 4 weeks. This will bring together his highly skilled team of marketers, strategic thinkers and designers whose brief is: • to evaluate the current market for bicycles, and identify the size and growth rates of the key product segments • to determine the potential for a new range of electrically assisted bicycles based on new battery technology • to understand the routes to market and margin structures of the channels • to identify the required pricing structure for the new range of bikes; cost price, channel margins and selling price • to estimate the sales volume per year for the first three years following...
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...[pic] [pic] Cyclermate Project Report Lecturer: Mr. Trần Quốc Trung (MBA) Course: Applied Integrated Business Class: K50-BF Faculty: Business Studies 2012 – 2013 Group 4’s members: 1. Lê Hoàng Ngọc Trâm 2. Phạm Ngọc Thỵ Dĩnh Tường 3. Nguyễn Thị Thùy Linh 4. Nguyễn Đức Tú 5. Bùi Lê Bích Trâm Table of contents SWOT analysis 3-4 PEST analysis 4-5 Financial ratios analysis 5-6 Manufacturing process and efficiency improvements 6-9 Human resource management and improvements 9-11 1. SWOT analysis A. STRENGTHS Many striking features of Cyclermate Company are shown clearly through its expertise workforce. It has skillful engineers gathered together to meet the volume on time. Besides, the high quality of the hand-made product is another crucial reason making its business expand. In addition, the word-of-mouth reputation is another major factors help this business succeeds. Furthermore, it takes advantages of the relatively low prices of commercial and industrial property. B. WEAKNESSES It is obvious that shambolic production process has heavily damaged the sales and profits gained. Unsuitable roles and duties division can be blamed for this problem. Some have to manage so many duties and tasks while others own so much spare time. Furthermore, the aging workforce endangers the productivity level. Another obstacle worsens the condition is the weak...
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...30/10/2013 Cyclermate - Term Papers - Blackcat911 « Study and create flashcards for free at Cram.com Sign In | Sign Up Essays Book Notes AP Notes Citation Generator More Search essays Home » Business & Economy » Marketing & Advertising Cyclermate By blackcat911, november 2012 | 14 Pages (3473 Words) | 122 Views| | | Sign Up to access full essay This is a Premium essay for upgraded members Cyclermate Ltd. Part 1 Historical background In 1988, Lewis Llewellyn and Dai Armstrong were made redundant as a result of the closure of their town’s steel works in south Wales. Both had been employed by the firm for more than 20 years. Lewis had worked his way up from apprentice to be chief mill engineer, and Dai had progressed from “office boy” to a senior marketing post. The men belonged to the local cycle touring club, and through this had become close friends. As the prospects for continued local employment were poor, they decided to use their savings to set up a bicycle manufacturing business – an obvious choice, given their shared interest, and combined expertise. The product they selected was a “traditional” upright cycle, following a design typical of the 1940’s and 1950’s. They believed that there would be a strong “niche” market for such a product, given the upsurge in interest in cycling, and increasing consumer interest in “retro” styles. Working in Lewis’s garage, they built their first prototype. Dai persuaded a local cycle shop to...
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...Cyclermate Stage One – Individual Report: Further Guidance Your examination of the company should have convinced you that the key issue is that of survival. The company has £675 in the bank and running expenses of more than £110k each month. The most urgent priority is to generate some cash immediately. Then you need to think about other prompt changes that will at least stop the haemorrhage of more cash until a longer term solution can be found. Your report must focus on the existing situation and cost and efficiency changes that could quickly be made in the coming months. It is NOT about longer term changes such as revisions to the product line in the light of market analysis - that is for stage 2, and the group presentation and portfolio; you need only suggest what investigations should be made once the immediate problems are resolved. You are writing a business report, addressed to the company’s bankers. As such it should fit the usual requirements for such a document – clear, concise, easy to read, use appropriate language, and be carefully structured to tell a story from introduction, through analysis to conclusions. Bear in mind that you are acting on behalf of the bank, so you should try to be objective, although you clearly also have responsibility to your clients at Cyclermate. We have suggested a maximum of 3,000 words as a guide, but far more important is that the report is focused on the needs of the bank and provides them with the detail and analysis they...
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...BSS003-2 Applied Integrated Business UNIT HANDBOOK 2013 – 2014 Contents 1. KEY INFORMATION 3 1.1 Introduction 3 1.2 Key Staff 3 1.3 BREO Site 3 1.4 Teaching location 4 1.5 Pod supervision 4 2. LEARNING OUTCOMES 4 3. TEACHING AND LEARNING STRATEGY 5 3.1 Approach to Learning 5 3.2 Group Work 5 3.3 Use of Technology 5 4. TRANSFERABLE SKILLS BEING DEVELOPED 6 5. ESSENTIAL AND RECOMMENDED READING 7 6. ASSESSMENT STRATEGY 7 6.1 Overview 7 6.2 Criteria for assessment 8 6.3 Quality of work 16 6.4 A note on Plagiarism 16 7. COURSE TIMETABLE 17 8. GUIDE FOR STUDENTS ON THE UNIVERSITY’S REGULATIONS 18 9. UIF Unit Information Form 19 Unit information form (UIF) 19 1. KEY INFORMATION Unit Title Applied Integrated Business Unit Number BSS003-2 Level of Study 2 CATS Points 60 Prerequisites This module can only be taken in conjunction with level 2 modules: SHR007-2 Leadership and Management AAF002-2 Management Accounting for Business MAR008-2 Marketing BSS003 -2 Management of Business Systems and Process/Operations 1.1 Introduction This unit continues the theme of integration which underpins the level one Business Studies Programme. It consists of projects based on real cases, which enable students to apply the theories and knowledge gained from the level 2 business units in a variety of realistic contexts – in service and production based organisations. The final project will be carried...
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