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Cynthia Gorney: The Changing Face Of Saudi Women

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Pages 2
According to Malcom X, “[t]he media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses”. Since the attacks of 9/11, the nations in the Middle East, became the United States main target. This led to President George Bush’s declaration of War on Iraq. Up until present day, U.S troops are still stationed on these territories. Majority of Americans have never visited the Middle East, so we make assumptions based on the pictures shown. The media depicts the Middle East as war thorn nation because it fits our narrative, but in reality, obtaining an education is emphasized, numerous way to generate capitalism and spectacular seneries.
This ideology reminds me of Plato’s Allegory. We are the prisoner who are not willing to …show more content…
In the article The Changing Face of Saudi Women, we see how Cynthia Gorney integrates herself into Saudi Aarabian culture and is able to attain all these experiences. Gorney, forms a relationship with a lady named Noof, where she is exposed to the culture. In Saudi Arabia, men and women are not treated with equality. Shopping centers are divided into sections for men and women, certain stories will not allow a man to enter without his family, women must with hijab in order to restrict lust. It was interesting to learn about a Middle Eastern nation, from the perspective of someone who was there. After reading and analyzing the he article I noticed similarities between American and Saudi Arabian culture. Women are persuing higher education, working high level positions, practice extreme sports, have accounts on Instagram and watch the same tv shows. It is similar to what an average American does. Exclusive and high end fashion shows are held in Saudi Arabia too. Many of us would think that social media would be regulated or restricted in these

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