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Davinia Rothman's Short Story 'Good God, The Funeral'

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Words 1712
Pages 7
Good God, the funeral. Jack did not know how he was going to get through this. Davinia Rothman, the lady who had been a mother to him for twenty-five years, was dead. Attending the wake was the most dismal time of his life, surrounded by a throng of Davinia’s relatives and business associates, many of whom he didn’t even know…

A lady with curly black hair and a long, aquiline face approached him. She introduced herself as Leah, Davinia’s cousin or something like that. He was barely even listening to her.

“It was always you. You were her favourite. That’s what she said.”

As if Jack needed Leah to tell him that…! Did she honestly suppose he did not already know? It was all he could do to force a smile in return.

Davinia’s …show more content…
She was an accomplished surgeon in the field of gynaecology and had always been determined to find a cure for breast cancer. It had become deadly serious for her when she became riddled with breast cancer herself. The experimental cure she found was in the form of the green mask made of synthetic cells. Once fused with her face, it had halted the spread of the cancer cells for years, but sadly not forever. If only he could have helped her discover a full cure… Still, her work had made her famous. He had always glowed with pride for her. Now he felt cold and empty. Lost without her. At the funeral, she was not there to oversee it, so he had been at the back while her blood relatives took all the front rows in the …show more content…
He had first known Davinia when he was seven. She had been his mother’s gynaecologist. She always said she loved him as soon as she saw him and wished he was hers. How well he remembered that day… He was in the waiting room with his mother and Davinia strode in. She had had a pale, normal face then. The sunlight had glinted off her red hair that rippled and bounced as she turned to them. When she first saw him, she grinned from ear to ear and her blue eyes shone. She became a family friend as well as a physician at that point and she certainly adored him. She had joked that his parents should sell him to

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