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Social Class In America Essay

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American politics relates to the social class when looked at with three elements in mind of the socioeconomic status. Those three are income, education, and occupation. With income the ties are connected to economic issues. The lower making income voters tend to be more liberal on social welfare issues. The high income democrats are more likely to be liberal on economic issues similar to the low income democrats. With regard to education the better educated voters tend to more liberal on issues containing to race, abortion, gays, and gender. This also depends on a person’s background. Also might be more understanding in the modern day for what is acceptable in society. The class divides influences government in how it operates since the new deal era of the 1930’s. Thus leaving social class the main divider between parties. The higher income voters vote republican, the lower income poor and working class vote democratic. Labor has played a very big role in the democratic coalition. Unions tend to be effective in getting a group of their members to come out and vote which without the labor union otherwise would not have voted. Social and economic status is a well-known …show more content…
A social class is a group of people having a substantial status in society, which calculates their similarities to other groups. The thought of objectivity of class elements is the main goal of Karl Marx. His main picture idea is factoring in how the economic standard fits. Influenced power, standard of living (lifestyle) and ownership property make up the class structure and status of individuals in the society. Marx configured the social groups by the parts related to the means of production. Ina relatively modern capitalist society there are two kinds of classes the capitalist and the proletariat. The proletariat owned the means of production and the bourgeoisie worked for wages. It was a master versus slave

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