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There are an array of factors, both positive and negative, which could affect the way children and young people learn and progress. These range from factors within the school environment such as classroom temperature and layout, available resources, levels of praise and feedback received and additional support from teaching staff when required. However the home environment also houses factors which can contribute immensely such as parental support and encouragement, parental involvement with learning activities, stressful events within the family, religion and cultural beliefs, and the standard of living within the home environment itself. Individual differences within each child must also be accounted for. Differing rates of development between …show more content…
A positive approach to learning is important, with traits such as the ability to work independently, a ‘can do’ attitude, the ability to progress through tasks with little support, perseverance, positive response to failure, not being afraid to ask for help and self-motivation all greatly enhancing the learning and progression process ( Children who work hard to build on existing knowledge through completion of progressively harder tasks will develop and extend their knowledge significantly. Opposing these positive traits, children who state they can’t complete the task in hand, low concentration levels, giving up when they get something wrong and who are happy to sit and chat rather than attempt a piece of work are more likely to fail in acquiring new information and progressing through topics. Similarly to individual difference as a factor towards learning, constructivist theory believes in the concept of children planning and constructing their own learning. Jean Piaget (1896–1980) suggested that knowledge is constructed via an individuals’ experience of the world, and information is obtained through these experiences rather than being told or given the information itself (Kay, J and Macleod-Brudenell, I. ‘Advanced Early Years’). Piaget concluded that cognitive development occurs in stages, each related to the maturation of the child. Each stage

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