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D. A. R. E Decision-Making Model

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D.A.R.E has taught me a lot of lessons that I could use, that anybody can use, in the future. Even though D.A.R.E. stands for Drug Abuse Resistance Education, it still taught me things that don’t even concern drugs, such as how to make good decisions.

D.A.R.E has taught me a lot about drugs, like alcohol and tobacco. The biggest thing the D.A.R.E workbook talked about is how drugs could affect vital organs, like the brain, heart and lungs. Also in lesson eight of the D.A.R.E workbook, it talked about how bullying may change the way people feel. But D.A.R.E, in my opinion taught me the best way to report bullying, the five W’s. The five W’s stand for who, what, where, when and why. Who was involved, what were they doing, where was it, when was it and why were they doing it. Lastly in lesson three, the workbook taught us how to make the best choice of a situation with a D.A.R.E decision making model. D.A.R.E (in the decision making model) stands for Define, Assess, Respond, Evaluate. Define the problem, assess the problem, respond to the problem, then evaluate the problem. I chose those topics to write about because, in my opinion, those are the most important thing D.A.R.E has taught me that can teach you a lesson. …show more content…
They help think through situations thoroughly. Throughout almost the whole workbook, we been using the D.A.R.E decision making model in many different problems. The model is also good at making you think of all of your choices. It also helps you figure out your best choice so you won’t get in trouble. If you ever get into a situation in the future, you can always use the D.A.R.E decision making model. So you can always use the decision making model whenever you’re in a

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