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Exertional Hyponatremia

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Exertional hyponatremia refers to abnormally low sodium concentrations in the blood. It is a fluid or electrolyte disorder that occurs when the sodium levels in the blood drops below the normal level which is 136mEq/L. For the body to function in a normal way, it is critical that it maintains a proper blood sodium levels because sodium plays a vital role in maintaining body fluids balance as well as in the conduction of electrical impulses along the nerves and across the cardiac and skeletal muscles. As such, the body has a mechanism that controls the blood sodium levels. Exertional hyponatremia results from ingestion of more water or drinks that have low solutes and failing to replace the sodium lost from sweating. Exertional hyponatremia …show more content…
The other standard regards mild cases of exertional hyponatremia. In such case, the patient can resume play shortly after completion of a training session about establishment of an individual; -specific hydration protocol. This is in order for an individual to be aware of the kinds of beverages and meals that are supposed to be consumed before, during and after the physical exercise. Notably, such standards ensure that the most appropriate and effective return –to-ply strategy is adopted. Moreover, the standards ensure that physicians have given the patient a go ahead to resume his normal daily activities. Especially, this is after taking the necessary tests and assessments about the fitness of the patient to go back to the normal exercises (casa &Rebecca, …show more content…
Most of the sodium in the body is contained in the blood and interstitial fluid that serves to bathe the cells. It is important to note that large losses of sodium via sweating increases the risk for exertional hyponatremia by reducing the amounts of sodium in the extracellular fluid (Casa and Rebecca 19). However, the combination of drinking excessively and large sodium sweat losses pose critical danger to athletes. Some of the people who have suffered hyponatremia was as a result of drinking excessive amounts of water so that their urine can be diluted to escape being detected for drugs.
The symptoms of exertional hyponatremia include restlessness, seizure, confusion, disorientation, lack of coordination, weight gain, swelling of hands and feet, headache, nausea among others (Casa and Rebecca 16). Treatment of this condition is similar in every healthcare facility since it involves a standardized procedure. However, the return to play procedure may slightly differ from one country to another and this may negatively impact on the relevant standards. It is therefore necessary that the return to work procedure be

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