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DDS Case Summary

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The DDS proposes an adverse onset allowance for this claimant with an EOD 07/01/17. The evidence in file supports an earlier onset date.
This 55-year-old claimant is filing a DIB only claim alleging disability due to multiple medical conditions, including scleroderma, and rheumatoid arthritis as of 01/17/2017.
The evidence in file shows the claimant has a history of scleroderma, joint deformity and dyspnea. She was seem 7/25/17. The office note indicates the claimant have problems due to her scleroderma. She continued to have Raynaud’s close to the ischemic lesions even in the summertime. On exam she had restricted range of motion in the wrists bilaterally, significant right hand weakness and some weakness in the left. At the consultative exam, marked arthritic changes were noted in the hands bilaterally. There was decreased grip strength in the hands and the right hand x-ray was consistent with rheumatoid arthritis. …show more content…
The evidence in file supports this determination. However, an earlier onset is warranted. Records received from John Conemi, show on 7/25/17 the claimant was seen for a follow up exam regarding scleroderma. Her hand condition was still severe at the time despite treatment and the season. The evidence in file shows the DDS requested records from 1/1/2008-present. The DSS contacted the office initially when the records were not received, however, there is no evidence DDS contacted DDS regarding missing medical records. The records sent note the claimant was following up with her condition, but records were sent from one office visit only. Additionally, records were never received from Russell P. Maggio’s office. There were several requests in file; however, there is no evidence DDS ever contacted the provider by phone to ensure the address on file was

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