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Early Years Legislation

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BA (Hons) Early Childhood Studies (Top-Up)


Context & Policy in Early Years (EDU3044-N)
Critically examine a recent national policy relating to the sector that impacts on early years practise.

Shauna Doherty Cutliffe

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Legislation and policy affecting early childhood is in the simplest terms described by (Advanced Early Years Care and Education ) as the product of government activity and id designed to control and shape expectations and behaviours within early years service development and delivery .
Working in the early year’s section as practitioners, we often deal with education legislation and policy but on a …show more content…
It can be argued that ‘Every Child Matters’ is one of that most influential aspect of social policy for early years. It attempts to address what Michelle Binfield(2006) refers to an ‘ un willingness to address a multipilarty of needs . The programme’s goal was that every child whatever their background or circumstances. has the support they need, it set out proposals to address the immediate concerns identified in both reports and a range of circumstances that occurred in families and impacted on the lives of young children and young people .
ECM’s set out five main goals which included to be healthy, stay safe , enjoy achieve, make a positive contribution and achieve economice well being . This then entail organisisations involved with providing service, to children, from hospital , schools , to police and voluntary group , to team up in new ways , sharing information and working together , to protect children and young people from harm and help them achieve what they want. (
Outlined by ( understanding Ey policy)Every Child Matters was a simple, bold and aspirational statement of polic for children and young people …show more content…
Published in response to the recommendations of the Lord Laming’s inquiry report into the death of the eight years old girl Vostoria , who was killed by her aunty and sunties boyfriend, Stated in (understanding ey policy by peter baldock Damien fitzegearf and janet key )vistorias death brought about a sustained focus on deficts in exciting legislation and guidelines to protect children from abuse and neglect .
The lord laming, which followed the case of Victoria Clibe death. It which was described by () as ‘The public enquiry into the death of Victoria Climbe was the most extensive investigation into child protection system in British history. Recommendation from the Laming report has been incorporated into the published ‘green paper – every child matter and its sister report keeping children

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