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Early Childhood Education In Australia

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To formally incorporate the early childhood sector into Australia’s educational system, the Commonwealth Government has, in recent years, introduced sweeping reforms designed to ‘professionalise’ early childhood education and care provision (Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR), 2014). These reforms were designed to replace the disparate licensing and regularity system previously administered by the state and territory governments, which had impacted negatively on the overall structure of early childhood service provision in Australia (DEEWR, 2014).

To achieve this, legislation has been introduced which compels all early childhood workers to undertake formal training in early childhood education, which includes …show more content…
These initiatives included the development of a set of administrative guidelines and a standardised age specific curriculum, with a professionally trained and accredited workforce (Mahoney & Hayes, 2006; Moloney, 2011, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), …show more content…
Key to early childhood education policy changes undertaken in Australia in recent years, are national and international studies which recognize the importance of child development, acknowledging the socio-economic changes within society and the importance of highly qualified and trained early childhood educators (OECD, 2006).

Research studies undertaken by researchers such as Sammons, Sylva, Melhuish, Siraj-Baltchford, Taggart and Elliott (2002), Russell (2009), Brannan and Adamson (2015), underscore the value of educators, and what they do in early childhood settings. By allowing early childhood educators to share their beliefs and perspectives on practices, provides an opportunity for the researcher to, ‘consider their thoughts and attitudes, while shedding light on the issues and challenges they face’ (Donaghue, 2003).

1.2 Purpose and Aim of

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