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Summary: The Social Construction Of Early Childhood Education

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The construction of early childhood educators' professional identities are mainly depend upon many features and changes based on their experiences and the emotions (Duncan, 2008). These experiences and emotions are influenced by many factors such as working conditions, pay rates, policies, and relationships with families and other professionals (Dahlberg el., 2007). Early childhood settings are socially constructed and the specific outcomes that the early childhood settings need to create are now widely identified in early childhood policy and literature (Whitehead, 2008). For example, most of the early childhood centres focus on enhancing children’s development and preparing for schooling (starting school-ready to learn) (Dahlberg el., 2007). …show more content…
This agenda ensures that all children in Australia are fully prepared for learning and development (Fenech et al., 2012). The Australian Government focuses on investing in the education, health care and has to focus more on lifting early childhood professionals and delivering the government’s productivity agenda (ECA, 2011). The organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development [OECD] (2015) details that monitoring and evaluation is vital to meet the expected aims, standards and goals to improve quality in early childhood education services. Reforming the agendas according to the reports, documents, feedbacks of children’s developments are the biggest strength in Australia, which supports ECEC to achieve and improve the standards (OECD, 2015). In Australia the National Quality Framework and Early Years Learning Framework [EYLF] for early childhood education supports to monitor services to meet the minimum quality standards (DEEWR, 2009). For example, educators focusing on regulatory aspects such as, hygiene, safety, child ratios and space requirements, and educator’s and caregiver’s qualifications (Starting Strong IV, 2015). Early Years Learning Framework [EYLF] (2009) also support educators to construct enriched environments, and facilitates relationships with families and …show more content…
The OECD announced that Australia has 62 % of enrollment rates of 3 years old in early learning, which is in the bottom third. Brazil occupies second lowest rate with 53% and Mexico occupies first lowest rate with 43% of enrolment of 3 years old in early education (OECD, 2015). The biggest challenges for the Australian Government and state and Territory government are to play complementary roles in contributing funding. The Government has to focus on providing funding to services, advice to parents and help plan, maintain and set operating standards (COAG, 2009). For example, child care benefits payments for eligible families and service, providing training and support for management and educators. One of the main ongoing issues is the ratios within the educators and the inconsistencies between states regard appropriate educator - child ratio (ECA, 2011). The Australian Government focuses on providing funding and supports to implement NQS through the “National Partnership Agreement on Universal Access to Early Childhood Education (NP UAECE) to support the achievement of universal access to early childhood education” (Commonwealth of Australia, 2016, p. 3). Another challenge for the early childhood profession is gender imbalance, which is considered as female dominant field due to the lack of male educators. The Australian Bureau of Statistics Schools

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