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Political System in Manobo


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Importance of Music in Early Education

Submitted to: Mrs. Flordelez U. Saspa Instructor

Submitted by: Campos,Cristine Q. Nakila,Phoebe kates Quimay,Maria Salome Bagsarsa,Marlyn Balagon,Jessa Abanil,Bliss Lubaino,Josephine Gamolo,Junric Day-om,Richard Hijada,Edgar

March 2013 TF- 3:00 - 4:30 PM.

Table of Contents

Introduction 1 Music is a way to knowledge 1 Making of music 1 Music and Intelligence 1 Importance of Music 2 Early Education 2 Music Participation 2 Music is Academic 2 Music is Physical 2 Music is Emotional 2 Music is For life 2 Music Development 3 Learning process 3 Music environment 3 Factors considered carrying out music 4 Audition 4 Performer's procedural gain 4

Music and Talents 5 Ideas Implementing Music 6 Develops Children's language skill 6 Music develop children's listening skill 6 Stimulate children's brain connection 7 Music and Movements go together 8 Music relieves stress 8 Music makes transmition easier 8 Encourages creativity in children 8 Summarry 9 Conclusion 10 Definition of Terms 11 References 12


Music is a way to knowledge.According to Howard Gardener,music knowledge weights to the importants of logical,mathematical knowledge,spatial,intelligence,linguistic insight,intrapersonal intelligence and interpersonal intelligence. Music and Intelligence.To Thomas Amstrong (1994)intelligence is galvanized by participation in culturally level activity,and that individuals development in such doings adhere's to developing paterns in every activity posseses its own time arising in childhood.This is because music influences the young person thinks,thus enhancing his/her intelligence. Making of music is the basic way of life skill similar to talking and walking.There is a suggestion that it is recomendable for children to be shown,trained in and be cultured by way of music for its own reason.It is a right from birth that all children to be able to sing in tune and dance to a bit(Levinowits and Guilmarten 1989,1992,1996)to make sure a comprehensive learning experience must be part of early childhood education.Practically the discussion that music learning is an extra find no aim and support. Music is an art of recognized sound which expresses ideas and emotions and significant forms through the elements of rhythm,melody form,harmony and timbre dynamics.It is said to be the language of the soul. RESEARCH PROBLEM
*Why music is important?
*How music develop the children's self esteem? * What are the factors that considered carrying out music?

Importance of music.Music emphasizes and ensures that facts and figures stick to one's mind.Traditional setting in an bid to pass strong masages in initially used music.In this context ,music is well used by the children to learn lessons about life.It is so essential to enable fast understanding, and acts as a means that impact more interms of knowledges to the recievers who are the children.
Early education is embarked with its demerits and from music and its repititive nature,important lessons abut life are thought and learn by the children themselves.The importance of music can therefore never be over emphasized as it is the root of knowledge and music plays in an importan role in entertaining the minors and juniors(Loreto de Castello-Gloria).
Music participation provides a unique oportunity for literacy preparation.Whether the children are singing,playing,or listening,teachers direct them to listen and near in a new ways which exercisses thieir aural discrimination.Playing instrument adding movements to the lessons teachers children about sequential learning which is essential in reading comprehension.
Plato once said that music is a more potential instrument than any other for education.You will find many teachers of young children who would agree with him.Recent research had found the music uses both sides of the brain a fact that makes it valuable in all areas of development.Music affects the growth of a child's brain academically,emotionally,physically and spiritual.
Music is academic.Some people ,this is the primary reason for providing music lessons,to their chihldren.A recent study from the university of calofornia found that music trains the brain for higher forms of thinking.Second graders who were given music lessons scored 27% higher on proportional math fraction tests than children who recieved no special instruction.Research indicates the musical training permanently wives a young mind for enhanced performance.
Music is physical.Music can be described as a sport learning to sing and keep rhythm develops coordinations.The air and wind power necessary to blow a flute,trumpet or saxophone promotes a healthy body.
Music is emotional and art form.We are emotional beings and every child requires an artistic outfit.Music maybe your child vehicle of your expression.
Music is for life.Most people can play socer,football (70-80years old) but also they can sing,can play piano or some other instrument.Music is a gift you can give of your child that will last their entire lives.

For music development,it is necessary to have music instruction in early years of being a child.It has been widely researched since second world war.As it is evident in the initial observation of preparatory school the child musical life and educated as about the personality and course of their music behavior,the characteristic of music presentation of young children usually provides a passages for music psychologist and teachers can comprehend the formation of the child's rising skills.
Learning process of a child about music.We have generally learned that a child from birth to approximately the age of six(6)do not bring books the same way as the adults do bring it out.The early childhood is a period whereby rapid changes do occur to the developing child.This period is the trickiest period in a child's musical development then the smallest instant trained to recieved music and undermined it along with diferences in regularity,melody and stimuli(Hitchcock H. Wiley).
Music Environment.If the musical environment were sufficiently wealthy,there would be unbroken and even wealthy spiral of exposure to the musical things which are followed by the playfull expirementations of the child with this element.
It has been identified by the early childhood growth as a period on which development music amlpitude.It has a time of these years musical amlpitude, which relies on the complicated construction of audition,is in a position of transmition.Because this child's musical potential is vulnerable to negative or possitive influences through both environment and construction.
Without enough exposure and stimulation,a child little knwledge is put to test and learning during their musical play.The negative influence on the musical growth potentioal is disregarded.Hence, the inside potential for musical development may actually be the trophy(Mays Darote A.).
Qualities of children at birth.All children are given birth to while giving the amplitude to learn and speak properly and know their traditional language.All this children are both with amplitude to educate themselves and have the insight of their cultural music.

Factors considered carrying out music.A research conducted request that the knowledge of their traditional music and capabilityto ferform accurately are unnecessary linked.The capability to carry out the music exact may be contribute by two factors.
The first one being audition,which includes gainig of sound and the dispensation of it.
The other one is performer's procedural gain with thier singing and body movements ''instruments''which are generally kinesthetic.In addition to growth the mental representation or audition of music is in increased in the early years of a child.
If in performance one is not properly bundding.The ability to practice music vocally will not responed with the capability to think and analized.

Music and Talents.The vocal variety is extremely wide starting from birth.Infantscan experiment and imitate with their own vocal instruments and even have the same voice from three to four months of age.Presistently singing can start with twelve months.
Music should be encouraged during early childhood.If the environment has supported the social development,most children will have to inter kindergarden while having to be able to use thier singing voices.Unluckily ,a recent research indicates a decrease in a students capability to used thier singing voices in the past twenty years .In fact,less half of the nurssery school age kids were able to distinguish between their speaking voices and singing when performing a known singing.This maybe the consequince of missing the time key to grow the singing voice during their early chilhood days in the course of playful activities and thoughtful grown up assistance(Rena Brigit Upits).
Both the traditions and contemporary study of many costums of many societies have confirmed an insightful link connecting rhythm and movement.The research of tempo of their bodies prior to then can hopefully audit the beat in their minds.The early years of childhood,especially if grownups realize significanse of early motor development and interaction with languag.The years are also crucial for dancing or by means of the body in response to beats in many different types of music.Good harmonious instruments can then turn out to be amplications of the body ability to be expressive musically.
In one study researchers found that student taking the SAT that had a background of music studies,scored on average 56 points higher in the verbal saction,and 39 points higher in the portion of the standard test,than their musical peers.Formal musical training may have something to do with it.Most people who have taken any kind of musical training will agree that it takes great focus,determination and decipline.
In fact in early childhood education,music classes have been proven to help childrens listening skills,which ca spill over into other areas of their education.Music is also be shown to help,to create new neurons pathways in the brian and can have substantial benefits in memory retentions(Remember ABC's).
But for those of that feel we missed the by not introducing formal music training to our children dont-feet.The possibilities to introduced the love of music to our children,are all around us. In toddlers,this easy as granting them access to our pots and pans.What seems like noise to adults,may actually be a childs first attemp at creating music.The exercise is also beneficial at teaching toddlers cause and effect(Nespecca,Sue Mcleaf).

In kindergarten and early elementary age children a musical foundation can be easily established by making time for music everyday.A few sample ideas for implementing music into everyday life are:
*Sing with your child:Whether it is turning up the car radio while runing arounds or settiing a side before bed to sing songs with your child,taking an active rule in teaching your child music can have a possitive impact on your childs education not to ment in the wonderful memories you are creating together.
*Concerts:This not to say that you should take your child to a heavy metal concert anytime soonbut there are plenty of oppurtunities to introduce your kinds to live and appropriate music in your community.There are also many counter parts that appear the tree concert series during the warm months.
No matter the age of your child,music can make a possitive impact on their educational endeavors and bring your family closer together.The moral story always make time to rock.
Music helps develop childrens language skills:When young children listen to familiar words in songs,the neural transmitters in theirs brains are tiring away,ar their brains are building connections to the sounds they hearing.Singing songs are reciting poems and rhythm with children helps them develop early leteracy skills.
Keeping skills and steady beat develops language:Clapping hands,stamping feet and using rhythm instruments in time to music develops importantpre-readingskills.
Young children recognized words,sounds,rhythms,tones and pitches long before they talk,sing or dance.So,the more music to your children have in their lives and also speak and read(Joan B. Reeve).
Music helps develops childrens listening skill.Music is a wonderful way to address the many needs of children because music is unjudgement.These is no right or wrong, its just what it is.Listening to different types of music nurtures self- esteem and encourages creativity,self-confidence and curiosity.Music encourages ability to listen and thus to concentrate.Songs encoourage speech and auditory discrimination.Through music,children learn to hear tempos,dynamics and melodies.Listening for loud and soft up and down ,fast and slow encourages auditory development in the brain.Music helps develop childrens math skills.A sample song can include basic math skills such as counting and repeating patterns .

Music helps stimulate childrens brain connections.A recent study from university of california found that music trains the brain of higher forms of thinking
.For example,researchers believes that music affects spatial temporal reasoning(ability to see part whole relationship). A study coducted by psychologist Francis Raucher,of the university of wisconsin at osh-kosh and physicist Gordon shaw of the university of california specially links the study of music to necessary brain development.They demonstrated the preschoolers who where given early exposure to complex multi-sensory stimulation in this case ,musical keyboard lessons and group singing scored higher on test measuring skills,a skill used later in math,science & engineering.

Music and movements go together.Children naturally respond to music by moving and being active.Music helps children learn about rhythm and develop motor coordination.
Music relieves stress.Stress can be relieved with songs,chants,finger plays,and moving to music.Singing together creates feeling of safety and makes learning in a classroom much easier.
Music makes transitions easier.Getting child to move from one activity to another is easy when you sing a song.
Music encourages creativity in children.A fun game to play with children is changing the words to familiar songs.It is a wonderful way to develop the creative process.Remember in Alice Wonderland how the worlds of ''twinkle,twinkle little star''(Washington DC.).
Music is a great way to teach children with special needs.Music is a fun way to teach to all children, including children who have special learning needs.Music experiences can be effective way to stimulate speech development,provide organization for cognitive and motor development to create meaningful environment for socialization.


Music participation provides aa unique opportunity for leteracy preparation.Wether the children are singing,playing or listening teachers direct them to listen and hear a new ways with excercises that aural discriminaton.Playing instruments adding movement to the lessons teaches children about sequential learning which essential in reading comprehension
Music emphasize and ensures that facts and figures sticks to one's mind.Traditional setting in a chair to passtrong massages in initially used music.In this contex,music is a well used by the childen to learn lessons about life.It is so essential to enable fast understanding and acts as a means that impact more in terms of knowledge to the recievers who are children.
Early education is embarked with its demerits and form music and its repetitive nature,important lessons about life are learn and thought by the children themselves.The importance of musc can therefore newer be over emphasized as it is the root of knowledge & music plays in are important role in entertaining the minors and juniors.


It is important of paramount to note that music increases the chances of good casual relationships with in children.The emplies that the learning abilities of children are raised when they are introduced to music during the early years.Music increases children's thinking capacity and imaginatiion because we have to decipher the tone as well of music they are listening and this increasing their imagination.Children mind are like a blank of peace paper that is ready to register anything that is happening around.Music increases imagination among children something which is very good for their learning.


Aural-relating to the easier or the sense of hearing.
Amplitude-extent of range of a quality,property,process or phenomenon,as the extent of a vibratory movement.
Chant-a repeatitive melody in which several words are using to one song or tone.A manner of singing or speaking in musical monotones.
Dispensation-a system of rules for ordering affairs,a particular arrangement of provition specially of nature.
Imitate-follow as a model resemble.
Kinesthetic-sensory experience derived from this sense
Potent-having authority or influence,achieving or bringing about particular result
Rapid-a place in a stream where the current flows very fast also over abstruction.
Recital-instance reciting,public reading or recitation a public exhibition of skills given by music.
Sequential-arranged in a sequenced,consecutive and sucessive.
Spiral-a continiously spreading and accelerating increase os dicrease.
Stimuli-an agent of that directly influences the activity of a living organism or one of its part.
Tricky-requiring skill or caution,unreliable,difficult,complicated,hard and comlex.


.Genia,Loutu O. and Loreto Del-Castillo Gloria.
Music of the classroom teacher:Music Philippine
Normal College:Manila,Philippines 1984.
.Hitcock,H. Wiley,and Stanley Sadie.The new Grove dictionary of American music .Mays,DorotyA. Women in early Amireca:Struggle,Survival and freedom in a new world.Sta.Barbara,calif:2004.
.Morris,Lawrence.Daily life through world history in primary documents.Westport , Green wood press,2009.
.Nespecca,Sue Mcleaf,Joan B. Reeve,Picture book plus:100 extension activities in art,dramma,music,math and science.Chicago'ALA,2003.


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...IGOROTS * Home * IGOROT SONGS * IGOROT DANCE * IGOROT TRADITIONS * MONEY ON THE MOUNTAIN IGOROT TRADITIONS IGOROT TRADITIONS When we talk about Igorot identity and culture, we also have to consider the time. My point is that: what I am going to share in this article concerning the Igorot culture might not be the same practiced by the Igorots of today. It has made variations by the passing of time, which is also normally happening to many other cultures, but the main core of respect and reverence to ancestors and to those who had just passed is still there. The Igorot culture that I like to share is about our practices and beliefs during the "time of Death". Death is part of the cycle of life. Igorots practice this part of life cycle with a great meaning and importance. Before the advent of Christianity in the Igorotlandia, the Igorots or the people of the Cordilleran region in the Philippines were animist or pagans. Our reverence or the importance of giving honor to our ancestors is a part of our daily activities. We consider our ancestors still to be with us, only that they exist in another world or dimension. Whenever we have some special feasts (e.g., occasions during death, wedding, family gathering, etc.), when we undertake something special (like going somewhere to look for a job or during thanksgiving), we perform some special offer. We call this "Menpalti/ Menkanyaw", an act of butchering and offering animals. During these times we call them...

Words: 53758 - Pages: 216

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First Filipino

...THE FIRST FILIPINO Republie of the Philippines Department of Education & Culture NATIONAL HISTORICAL COMMISSION Manila FERDINAND E. MARCOS President Republic of the Philippines JUAN L. MANUEL Secretary of Education & Culture ESTEBAN A. DE OCAMPO Chairman DOMINGO ABELLA Member HORACIO DE LA COSTA, S. J. Member GODOFREDO L. ALCASID Ex-Oficio Member TEODORO A. AGONCILLO Member EMILIO AGUILAR CRUZ Member SERAFIN D. QUIASON Ex-Oficio Member FLORDELIZA K. MILITANTE Exccutive Director RAMON G. CONCEPCION Chief, Administrative Division BELEN V. FORTU Chief, Budget & Fiscal Division JOSE C. DAYRIT Chief, Research & Publications Division AVELINA M. CASTAÑEDA Chief, Special & Commemorative Events Division ROSAURO G. UNTIVERO Historical Researcher & Editor EULOGIO M. LEAÑO Chief Historical Writer-Translator & Publications Officer GENEROSO M. ILANO Auditor JOSE RIZAL (1861-1896) THE FIRST FILIPINO A Biography of José Rizal by LEÓN Ma. GUERRERO with an introduction by CARLOS QUI R INO ( Awarded First Prize in the Rizal Biography Contest held under the auspices of the José Rizal National Centennial Commission in 1961) NATIONAL HISTORICAL COMMISSION Manila 1974 First Printing 1963 Second Printing 1965 Third Printing 1969 Fourth Printing 1971 Fifth Printing 1974 This Book is dedicated by the Author to the other Filipinos Speak of me as I am; nothing extenuate, Nor set down aught in malice, Shakespeare: °the/Lo. Paint my picture truly like me, and not flatter me at all ; but...

Words: 203166 - Pages: 813