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Pinatubo Research Paper

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The Earth provided many elements to supports human’s lives and civilization. However, natural disasters are part of effects of earth that could potentially destroy human’s lives and their civilizations. Some of these natural can be predicted to minimize the damages that they would cause while some other cannot be predicted. One of these natural disasters is Volcano. Volcanoes is a structure a single vent or cluster of vents which is ways that led magma to rise to the surface from very deep within the Earth(USGS,1999). The distance in which magma have to travel within the earth to the surface is more than 30 kilometer. These volcano eruptions can often be predicted with enough amount of informations, however, it is not a simple task to minimize …show more content…
there are several factor that led to mount Pinatubo’s eruption. One of the precursors is the Luzon earthquake. This earthquake occurred 100 kilometers northeast of Mount Pinatubo, on the island of Luzon. The earthquake happened on July 16, 1990, which is almost a year prior to the volcano eruption event. The earthquake was measured at the magnitude of 7.8, the highest magnitude which was recorded in 1990.This earthquake is as strong as the 1906 San Francisco earthquake(USGS 2005). This earthquake caused shaking movement of the earth’s crust beneath the volcano. Landslides and steam emissions near volcano area was generated by the earthquakes, this activities, however had no relation to the awakening of the volcano. However, when magma rise from 32 kilometers to the surface, it caused numbers of small earthquake to occur in the region of the volcano. Powerful steam explosion that was generated from these small earthquakes destroyed three craters of the volcano. This is what truly led to the activation of Mount Pinatubo. Right before the eruption occurred, sulfur dioxide gas was also emitted from the volcano (USGS, 2005). Mount Pinatubo volcano is an active stratovolcano, which is a conical shape volcano that built up by many layers of lava. Before the eruption occur, it stood at 1745 meters above sea level. When the volcano occurred, it created a 2.5 kilometers wide caldera which became a lake in present time. Due to the formation of caldera, a large part of this volcano was gone reduced its height from 1745 to 1486 meters above sea level(NMNH). Due to its type, the volcano is highly explosive when erupted. Its location also provide a hint to its reactivation. The stratovolcanos are often found in a subduction zone where one continental plate lies below another, mount Pinatubo is not an exception(Pappas, 2011). Mount Pinatubo belong to a chain of volcanoes which laid on the subduction zone

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