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Hospice Care Research Paper

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Hospice care is a subject most families avoid. Death is taboo for many cultures because of religious considerations or superstitions. Many households don't bring this up until it's too late and everyone is utterly stressed.

If you are suffering from a terminal condition, it's time to prepare for it. Think of the service as an insurance variation. People will always need a particular insurance or another to prepare for life's occurrences. Hospice care is no different because death is bound to happen whether we are prepared or not.

How important is it?

It's very important because everyone needs peace of mind in this critical time. Without proper hospice care, patients may not have access to needed pain alleviation. Physical agony is not …show more content…
Also, it may produce unwanted repercussions in the future. For example, family members who used alcohol as an escape may become alcohol dependent. Add this to sorrow and guilt and you're looking at long-term rehabilitation. The result is spending more money and time needlessly when it's avoidable.

What good can it do?

Hospice care offers benefits both to patients and family members. For the patient, they offer medical assistance along with round-the-clock monitoring and supervision. These steps assure patients will remain comfortable.

Various hospice services now offer religious and/or professional counseling services. Such guidance is vital for family members to address worries and issues. Communicating these worries may then give emotional relief to make important future plans. It could also serve as emotional support to handle stress in the coming days.

Is in-home service available?

Yes, many small and large hospice organizations now provide in-house service too. These institutions realized many patients would rather live their last days at home than anywhere else. Available services are almost the same as those in a specific location. Organizations usually provide nurses and trained caregivers to take care of the patient. This gives family members a chance to carry on regular activities without further

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