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Youth Literacy

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According to Alexander (2012), “About 70 percent of offenders and ex-offenders are high school dropouts, and according to at least one study, about half are functionally illiterate.” Literacy skills shaped young offender’ chances of succeeding in life, and in other words, their succeeding in life shapes outcomes of future generation. The importance of youth literacy associates with young offenders' chances of opportunities, career and life decision. At first, education and literacy development prepare youth for adaptation and surviving in the workforce, and therefore teachers and researchers seemed to find a link between literacy and deviance behavior (Williamson,). In following, Hopkins (2016) discovered that young offenders who struggle with …show more content…
Literacy programs can be established in schools, prisons, library or community centers. A former Law Enforcement, Tanya Serron Misselt, witness the literacy crisis with the youth. After Law enforcecerment career, Tanya became a librarian, and as a librarian she help set up Literacy program. From her law enforcement experience, she structure efficient and effective literacy program targeted at the community’s early-learning deficits. According to Misselt (2017) Law Enforcement experience aid her to understand the issue and attempt to solve the issue; and therefore Tanya’s literacy program made impact on literacy crisis with youth. As Tayna attempt to lessen the literacy barriers, Williamson address interruption and previous knowledge barrier. Williamson literacy program dealt with hands on experience then write from your experience. Since Williamson literacy programs were so efficient and successful, Williamson implement two literacy program within a prison, and the literacy programs were Garden Project and Alcatraz Project. According to Williamson, the garden project was successful due to writing assignment related to their experience with gardening. The Alcatraz Project offers young offender opportunities to express themselves through writing; and according to Williamson (20) assignment need to be about the students’ experiences and …show more content…
Since the workforce and society envision that schools will set up the adolescent for the workforce and day-by-day life exercises, the young offenders’ shows signs of struggling with adjust to the workforce and day-by-day life. By taking out the marking hindrance, the youthful guilty party can pick up certainty, and the certainty influences the young offender's exertion into figuring out how to peruse and compose. Despite the fact that the United States school expectation is intended to enable the students to be prepared for the workforce and life, students from various foundation or culture battle with school's educational modules. In this manner, the intrusion of the learning procedure and young offender's feeling of pointless effects the more young offenders shot of graduating and prevailing throughout everyday life. On the off chance that option (nontraditional) way to deal with proficiency advancement can help young offender, at that point the young offender have opportunities to enhance their education. Generally speaking, the young offender will profit by or hurt from circumstances, and the education program orders as positive openings. On the off chance that education programs improve the shot for more young offenders to prevail throughout everyday life, at that point society should actualize proficiency

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