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Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

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Fig. shows how to you use Optical Character Recognition (OCR).
According to Foundations for an Electronic Medical Record “The reassessment of the basics of the medical record is timely for two causes. First, many of the technical limitations on storage and computing power which have in condition the design of existing electronic medical record systems are vanishing. Second, an amount of standards bodies are now watching at the medical record.”(A.L. Rector, W.A. Nolan & S. Kay).
Most important pros of use electronic in medical records is the organized, arrangement and stay away from random, many workers got confused when search in patients’ files that have same name. The error in the files may leads to a number of problems including, the doctor …show more content…
Moreover, 82 to 85% described a positive result on the delivery of long- term and preventive care that lights plans. For doctors with basic systems, the sizes of effects were generally lesser. Consequences were adjusted for the characteristics of doctors and their practices. Respondents also informed on whether the use of electronic health records had assisted in the care of patients in several specific ways” (Catherine M. DesRoches, et al., 2008).
In order to achieve the desired electronic files purpose. Which should include:
Inclusiveness: so that should be a comprehensive electronic file and contains all the information related to the customer in the organization or the patient in the hospital, so the decision-maker can obtain a comprehensive picture of the situation.
Flexibility: electronic file must be easy to use and mobility among workers.
Security and safety: This means the integrity of the electronic files of any risks and tamper or theft, it is also necessary to contain security system, …show more content…
Therefore, what I did in my project, and after discussing the project with some of the staff at International center of Kentucky, I received help to provide me with information that they used in the real files and I made a fake file by used the scanner, then I put all the information in the CD as I mentioned before, I classified electronic files by countries of refugees. For example , because of the majority are from three countries I used them in the fake file such as Somalia, Iraq and Burma, each countries had files were divided on two individuals and groups, than inside those files classified by the alphabet system .To make it easy when they search by

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Sample Report

...------------------------------------------------- Sample report Click on the highlighted text to see the comments. Computer systems computer systems Assignment 1 - Topic: scanners Date:  Student name:  Student number:  Tutor name:  Tutorial time: Abstract This report investigates the current state of scanner technology and examines the predicted future advancements of scanners. A brief history of the scanner and its operation is initially outlined. The discussion then focuses on the advantages and limitations of the five main types of scanners in common use today: drum, flatbed, sheet-fed, slide, and hand held scanners. The performance of these scanners is examined in relation to four main criteria: resolution, bit-depth, dynamic range and software. It is concluded that further technological advances in these four areas as well as the deployment of new sensor technology will continue to improve the quality of scanned images. It is also suggested that specialised scanners will increasingly be incorporated into other types of technology such as digital cameras. Table of contents | Abstract | i | 1.0 | Introduction | 1 | 2.0 | How scanners work | 2 | 3.0 | Types of scanners | 2 | | 3.1 | Drum scanners | 2 | | 3.2 | Flatbed scanners | 2 | | 3.3 | Sheet-fed scanners | 2 | | 3.4 | Slide scanners | 3 | | 3.5 | Hand held scanners | 3 | 4.0 | Scanner specifications | 3 | | 4.1 | Resolution | 3 | | 4.2 | Bit-depth | 4 | | 4.3 | Dynamic range...

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