...Automatic identification and data capture known as AIDC is the process of identifying and collecting data, while processing information automatically without the need for manual input. This automated process reduces labor cost, increases efficiency, insures accuracy and proficiency (if done properly), and leads to greater innovation. There are three types of AIDC technologies are barcodes, cards, and radio frequency identification known as RFID. Barcode technologies are the oldest and most successful AIDC technologies. There are two main sub categories of barcodes. The first category is linear barcodes which are made up of lines and spaces of multiple widths that create specific patterns recognizable to scanners by storing information vertically. These cards are used in many applications where the use of a simple numeric code can provide the key to a database such as product inventory. The limitation to these barcodes is that it can only hold up to eighty five characters or less. Figure 1 to the left is an illustration of a linear barcode that are used in the industry. The second sub category of barcode technologies is 2D barcodes which is a graphical image that stores information both horizontally and vertically. These barcodes allow large amounts of data to be stored in small spaces. These images are commonly found on app advertisement barcodes, which allow the user to access the full capabilities of the app. The 2D barcodes can hold several hundred to thousands of characters...
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...Technology in Warehouse Management Brandon J Willis The University of Southern Mississippi Technology in Warehouse Management Abstract: The purpose of this research is to identify some technologies in the warehouse and how they are used in the everyday warehouse operations. The first section briefly goes over the history of warehousing. The following section describes a Warehouse Management System and its cost. Then the different technologies that are used in the warehouse are explained followed with the benefits of each and the conclusion. 1 Introduction For centuries there has been a need for warehousing. Most of every product or item that one will acquire will pass through at least one warehouse before it ends up on a store shelf. With the need for warehouses increasing, there comes the need for the technology to run those warehouses to become more efficient. Warehouses have gone from being a small facility to being hundreds of thousands of square feet and can house thousands of different products and items. This is where new advances in Warehouse Management Systems come into play. There are many picking and storage systems and software available in the market today. This has not always been the case when it comes to warehousing. In order for the efficiency of a warehouse to become better the warehouses have to grow around the new technologies that are being offered. Warehouse efficiency has been the main focus for management in today’s global...
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...Using Wireshark to Capture and Filter TCP/IP Data Darin Swan CSEC 640 University of Maryland University College I chose to capture my Internet communication session using the pulldown menu “Capture” (the fifth menu item). To start capturing live data, you merely pull down “Capture” and select “Start” from this menu (you can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-E). Once I started the capture function, I merely perused the Internet through my web browser, tried watching a few videos, downloaded content, and tried to generate as many transactions as I could in a small period of time. After I completed my data capture, I entered the keyboard shortcut of Ctrl-E to stop capturing and went to the File menu (first menu item) and selected “Save As” to save my data for later processing. This generated a file with the unique file extension – “.pcapng” After saving the data, I then began to review the information within the GUI, noting that there were 31,137 packets represented as lines within the data file; quite a few transactions for just a short period of time. Next I noted the various times, sources, destinations, protocols, lengths and info attributable to each transaction and these columns can all be used to manually sort data within the default “Packet List” pane. Packets are color-coded and use default color settings and custom color settings by using the main menu pulldown “View” (the third menu item) and selecting “Coloring Rules…” (Lamping, Sharpe, and Warnicke, 2012...
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...The RFID is a developing technology that uses radio frequency electromagnetic fields to obtain data for tracking and identifying medical products and goods (RFID Journal, 2012). RFID technologies have two main components: a reader, a tag and the application that makes use of the data the reader reads on the tag (Caldwell-Stone, 2010). The reader can be simple or smart, stationary or mobile and it needs to be connected to a network, especially within an infrastructure that captures data from different sites. In this scenario, the network of readers will be served by a host server, which will manage all data transfer between the readers and a central database. While tags have an antenna attached to a microchip containing a short identification number....
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...tujuan mendeteksi adanya plagiarisme. Nama Mahasiswa : Arief Firmansyah Nomor Mahasiswa : 1506810175 Tandatangan : Nama Mahasiswa : Azza Nadia Nomor Mahasiswa : 1506810225 Tandatangan : Nama Mahasiswa : Odetta Nomor Mahasiswa : 1506810641 Tandatangan : Nama Mahasiswa : Tri Oka Putra Nomor Mahasiswa : 1506810805 Tandatangan : Mata Ajaran : Sistem Informasi dan Pengendalian Internal Judul Makalah/Tugas : CASE 2 - FLOWCHART Hari, Tanggal : Kamis, 10 Maret 2016 Nama Pengajar : Machmudin Eka Prasetya, M.Ak Disclaimer Kasus rencana bisnis yang disajikan dalam makalah ini adalah bersifat fiktif / bukan perusahaan yang sebenarnya, baik dari nama, lokasi usaha, dan seluruh keterangan pendukung. Data-data yang berhubungan dengan perusahaan yang disajikan dalam makalah ini adalah merupakan hasil dari pemikiran anggota kelompok ditambah sekilas survei yang dilakukan anggota kelompok terhadap perusahaan sejenis / mendekati sama bidang usahanya. FLOW CHART SIKLUS PENJUALAN PT SMS 1. Penjualan Secara Langsung (Kas) 2. Penjualan Secara Konsinyasi...
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...enough to take out of the studio and deep into a real forest. And long enough that moviemakers no longer need to give a recognizable Hollywood star top billing to bring in audiences. In fact, if you passed the leading man of Dawn—Andy Serkis—on the street, you wouldn't recognize his face at all, for you never see it on the screen. That's because his performance in the woods (actually, forests near Vancouver, not San Francisco) wasn't fillmed traditionally, it was motion captured, and used as a framework for a computer-created realistic digital ape, Caesar. And, for the first time in my knowledge, it's the performances of the motion capture actors, not the regular actors portraying humans, that are getting all the good reviews from critics; there is even talk of the first best-actor Oscar nomination for a motion-capture performance. Motion capture enables moviemakers to create realistic non-human characters—including Gollum in Lord the Rings, the Na’vis of Avatar, and the intelligent chimpanzees and orangutans of Rise of the Planet the Apes. It has also let moviemakers digitally tweak human characters, aging...
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...REVIEWS, REFINEMENTS AND NEW IDEAS IN FACE RECOGNITION Edited by Peter M. Corcoran Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition Edited by Peter M. Corcoran Published by InTech Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia Copyright © 2011 InTech All chapters are Open Access articles distributed under the Creative Commons Non Commercial Share Alike Attribution 3.0 license, which permits to copy, distribute, transmit, and adapt the work in any medium, so long as the original work is properly cited. After this work has been published by InTech, authors have the right to republish it, in whole or part, in any publication of which they are the author, and to make other personal use of the work. Any republication, referencing or personal use of the work must explicitly identify the original source. Statements and opinions expressed in the chapters are these of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of the editors or publisher. No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of information contained in the published articles. The publisher assumes no responsibility for any damage or injury to persons or property arising out of the use of any materials, instructions, methods or ideas contained in the book. Publishing Process Manager Mirna Cvijic Technical Editor Teodora Smiljanic Cover Designer Jan Hyrat Image Copyright hfng, 2010. Used under license from Shutterstock.com First published July, 2011 Printed in Croatia A free online edition of this book is available...
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...ability to efficiently identify, receive, store, retrieve and ship goods and materials is critical to the overall health of a company. Complicating this task is a shrinking labor pool of skilled workers and an influx of workers for whom English is not their first language. Increasingly, companies are recognizing that voice-based solutions offer significant benefits for a number of warehouse applications and help warehouse workforces to rapidly become more efficient and productive in their day-to-day operations, regardless of their skill level or language spoken. Voice solutions recognize spoken words as data entry and provide audio (verbal) directions and confirmations to workers. For the non-technical operator, voice is the easiest and most transparent of all data entry and order picking technologies available. In fact, voice has been called the most natural and intuitive of all data entry methods since it's one of the first skills we learn. Voice Overview Voice solutions leave a worker's hands free and eyes free to focus on the task at hand. Operators don't have to hold a bar code scanner or other type of reader and don't have to take their eyes off their work to read prompts on a screen. This single fact is an indication of the immediate time and productivity gains that can be realized with a well-designed voice solution. Voice Applications In the warehouse, voice solutions...
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...RFUSN / RFID 산업 Ⅰ Ⅰ 개념과 특징 Ⅱ Ⅱ 산업현황과 전망 Ⅲ Ⅲ 현재 / 미래 사용사례 Ⅳ Ⅳ 산업경쟁력과 강화방안 Ⅰ. 개념과 특징(RFID) 무선주파수(RF, Radio Frequency)를 이용하여 대상을 식별할 수 있는 기술 개념 RF태그를 적용대상에 부착 후 RFID리더를 통해 정보를 인식 교통, 주차, 출입, 도서 등 광범위한 분야에 응용 구성요소 태그 안테나 리더 호스트 Ⅰ. 개념과 특징(RFID) 작동원리 Ⅰ. 개념과 특징(RFID) RFID VS 바코드 바코드 인식방법 정보량 인식거리 인식속도 광학식, Read only 수십단어 최대 수십cm 개별스캐닝 RFID 무선, Read/Write 수천단어 최대 100m 최대 수백개 개개상품(일련번호) 태그 수백원 관리레벨 관리레벨 상품그룹 라벨인쇄 10원미만 Ⅰ. 개념과 특징(USN) 개 념 Ubiquitous Sensor Network 주변의 모든 사물과 개체들간의 실시간 네트워크로 관리하는 것 언제 어디서나 모든 통신이 가능한 환경을 구현 센싱(Sensing)기술의 차세대 주자인 RFID를 중심으로 발전 Ⅰ. 개념과 특징(USN) 특 징 저가 / 공급받기 쉬운 센서노드로 구성 저전력 소비 자가설정 네트워크 보안 / 협력적 특성 Ⅰ. 개념과 특징(USN) Redwood 상태 모니터링 위치별로 센서 모니터링 → 데이터 수집 나무의 윗부분만을 모니터링할 수 있는 위성에 반해 나무 전체 모니터링 가능 Ⅰ. 개념과 특징(USN) 금문교 무선 모니터링 보다 효율적인 거대 구조물 관리 / 모니터링 Ⅱ. 산업현황과 전망(국내) 전 망 2007년 약 3,180억원 수준 연평균 성장률 39.1% 성장추세로 2014년에는 3조 1,900억원 수준으로 예상 Ⅱ. 산업현황과 전망(국외) 전 망 2007년 약 52억 달러 수준 - 연평균 성장률 23.9% 성장추세로 2014년에는 233억 달러 수준으로 예상 Ⅱ. 산업현황과 전망(국외) 대표적 국가 유 럽 2001년에 시작된 정보화사회기술계획(IST)의 일환으로 기술개발 미 국 Auto-ID센터를 설립하여 기술개발, 표준화, 상용화를 적극 추진중 일 본 2003년 유비쿼터스 ID센터 설립 NEC 히다찌 중심의 유비쿼터스 e트론 프로젝트 Ⅲ. 현재/향후 사용사례 생활/산업 전반에서 실사용/개발중 개 념 - 의료, 물류, 홈네트워크, 교통 등 USN 동물관리 SCM, 재고관리 자동계산대 홈 네트워크 병원환자 관리 텔레매틱스 ITS시스템 공해감시 / (자연)재해관리 Ⅲ. 현재/향후 사용사례 재고관리, 물류위치/이력추적 식품추적/가축관리 : 식품안정성/가축 전염병 예방...
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...PERAKTEK CARA PEMBAGIAN WARISAN Peraktek cara pembagian warisan, hanya bisa dilaksankan jika memahami ketentuan dalam fiqih mawaris, seperti siapa saja yang menjadi ahli waris, disertai bagian masing-masing; terpenuhinya syarat dan rukun waris, serta adanya kepastian tidak adanya halangan (mawani') menerima waris. Disambping itu, kita perlu mengetahui ilmu berhitung atau cara menghitung harta warisan. Ada kaidah-kaidah perhitungan yang harus diketahui, sehingga selain memudahkan cara pembagiannya, juga dapat membagi harta warisan dengan benar. a. Asal masalah Diantara cara menghitung bagian masing-masing ahli waris adalah dengan cara dicari dahulu asal masalahnya, yaitu bilangan bulat yang digunakan untuk membagi harta warisan, atau dalam istilah matematika disebut sebagai "Kelipatan persekutuan terkecil" (KPT), yang dapat dibagi oleh setiap penyebut al-furudl al-muqaddarah (bagian tertentu) para ahli waris yang ashabul furudl. Caranya adalah sebagai berikut : 1. Jika ahli waris hanya terdiri dari ahli waris 'ashabah binafsih maka asal masalahnya adalah sejumlah ahli waris yang ada : contoh : Ahli waris terdiri dari 6 orang anak laki-laki. Maka asal masalahnya adalah 6. Cara pembagian warisannya langsung dibagi 6, dan masing-masing ahli waris mendapat satu bilangan. 2. Jika ahli waris hanya terdiri dari ahli waris 'ashabah laki-laki dan perempuan, maka untuk laki-laki dua kali lipat perempuan, dengan cara dikalikan dua. Contoh : Ahli waris terdiri dari 3 orang...
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...FAKULTI PENDIDIKAN DAN BAHASA SEMESTER SEPTEMBER 2014 HBHE1203 PEDAGOGI PENDIDIKAN KESIHATAN TAJUK : 1. Bagaimana Kemahiran Berfikir Aras Tinggi (KBAT) dapat dikembangkan secara berkesan dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran Pendidikan Kesihatan peringkat sekolah rendah di Malaysia. 2. Menyediakan Rancangan Pelajaran Harian dalam bentuk grafik terhadap pemupukan Kemahiran Berfikir Aras Tinggi (KBAT) dalam pelajaran yang dirancang. NAMA : ROZEKIYAH BT YAAKOB NO. MATRIKULASI : 711207075482001 NO. KAD PENGENALAN: 711207075482 NO. TELEFON : 019-2185815 E-MEL : roze1971@oum.edu.my PUSAT PEMBELAJARAN: PUSAT PEMBELAJARAN SUNGAI PETANI ISI KANDUNGAN Muka Surat TUGASAN 1 – Kemahiran Berfikir Aras Tinggi (KBAT) 3- 8 dalam Pendidikan Kesihatan * Pengenalan 3 * Definisi Kemahiran Berfikir Aras Tinggi (KBAT) 4 * Mengapa Kemahiran berfikir Aras Tinggi Dalam 5 Pembelajaran Pendidikan Kesihatan? * Kesimpulan 8 TUGASAN 2 – Rancangan Pengajaran Harian Pendidkan Kesihatan 9-16 * Rancangan Pendidikan Harian dalam bentuk grafik 9 - 13 * Huraian Rancangan Pengajaran Harian dan penerapan 14- 15 elemen KBAT * Kesimpulan 16 Lampiran Rujukan Tugasan 1 Bagaimana Kemahiran Berfikir Aras Tinggi (KBAT) dapat dikembangkan secara berkesan dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran Pendidikan Kesihatan...
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...T.C. BİLİM, SANAYİ ve TEKNOLOJİ BAKANLIĞI VERİMLİLİK GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ Türkiye’nin Verimlilik Merkezi Yayın No: 716 Verimlilik ve Kalite Yönetimi: Modüler Program CİLT 2 Editörler Joseph PROKOPENKO ve Klaus NORTH Uluslararası Çalışma Örgütü Cenevre Asya Verimlilik Örgütü Tokyo Telif Hakkı Uluslararası Çalışma Örgütüne aittir, 1996 İlk baskı 1996 İkinci baskı 1997 Bu Modüler Program ILO/APO ortak yayınıdır. Türkçe Çeviri Telif Hakkı © 2011 Verimlilik Genel Müdürlüğü Gerekli izin alınarak çevrilmiş ve çoğaltılmıştır. Takım Numarası: 978 - 975 - 440 - 376 - 3 ISBN: 978 - 975 - 440 - 378 - 7 (2. Cilt) Birleşmiş Milletler uygulamasıyla uyumlu ILO ve APO yayınlarında kullanılan isimler, ve bunların içinde yer alan materyallerin sunumu, herhangi bir ülkenin, alanın ya da bölgenin veya makamlarının hukuki statüsüyle ilgili olarak veya sınırlarının çizilmesiyle ilgili olarak Uluslararası Çalışma Örgütü ve Asya Verimlilik Örgütü adına herhangi bir fikrin ifadesini ima etmez. Çalışmalarda ve diğer katkılarda ifade edilen fikirlerin sorumluluğu, sadece yazarlarına aittir ve yayınlanması, bunların içinde ifade edilen fikirlerin Uluslararası Çalışma Örgütü ve Asya Verimlilik Örgütü tarafından onaylandığını göstermez. Firmaların adlarına ve ticari ürünlerle işlemlere yapılan atıflar, Uluslararası Çalışma Örgütü ve Asya Verimlilik Örgütü tarafından onaylandıklarını ima etmez, ve belirli bir firmanın, ticari ürünün ya da işlemin belirtilmemesi, herhangi bir onaylamama işareti değildir...
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...INSTITUSI PENDIDIKAN GURU KAMPUS BAHASA MELAYU LEMBAH PANTAI, KUALA LUMPUR KERTAS CADANGAN PENYELIDIKAN TINDAKAN SHARIFAH KASTINAH BINTI HABIB MOHD KASSIM TAJUK : PENGGUNAAN SUMBER DARI “YOUTUBE” DAPAT MEMBANTU PEMBENTUKAN KONSEP KENDIRI MURID DALAM MATAPELAJARAN PENDIDIKAN SIVIK DAN KEWARGANEGARAAN PENYELIA : PUAN NOR RUL AZLIFAH BT ZULKAFLI JABATAN SAINS SOSIAL INSTITUT PENDIDIKAN GURU KAMPUS BAHASA MELAYU ISI KANDUNGAN : Muka surat PENDAHULUAN 3 1.1 Pengenalan 3 1.2 Refleksi Pengalaman Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran 5 FOKUS KAJIAN 7 2.1 Isu Kajian 7 2.2 Batasan Kajian 8 OBJEKTIF KAJIAN 9 3.1 Objektif Umum 9 3.2 Objektif Khusus 9 PERSOALAN KAJIAN 9 TINJAUAN LITERATUR 9 KUMPULAN SASARAN 14 PELAKSANAAN KAJIAN 14 PERANCANGAN PELAKSANAAN TINDAKAN 19 8.1 Jadual Tindakan Pelaksanaan 19 8.2 Anggaran Kos 19 SENARAI RUJUKAN 20 LAMPIRAN 23 PENDAHULUAN : 1.1 Pengenalan 1.2.1 Latarbelakang Kajian Konsep kendiri positif maupun negatif merupakan bidang yang agak sukar untuk dijelaskan kerana ianya berbentuk subjektif dan abstrak. Super(1963) dalam kajian Zainuddin(2010), merumuskan konsep kendiri sebagai suatu asas dalam pembentukan personaliti seseorang individu, yang mana ianya merangkumi penilaian, sikap dan persepsi seseorang itu terhadap dirinya sendiri...
Words: 4785 - Pages: 20
...Bar Code Application examined in 2009 and 2010 Overall in every department type from 2009 to 2010 the use of bar code technology has increased. While the laboratory at a 3% increase is the department that experienced the largest volume of use. The pharmacy at a 7% increase and the medication administration at a 4% increase per department have seen the largest growth. This increase in department use also reconfirmed by the department’s plans to purchase and their intended use for the bar code technology. With the largest increase at 75%, the organization’s medication administration was the largest intended purchase plan for bar code implementation. The next largest department with a to plan to purchase the bar code system is the pharmacy department at 42% while two in five hospitals are planning to use the pharmacy as their intended bar code purpose. IT spending in healthcare by comparison to other industries is much less. Healthcare organizations spend approximately 2.7% of their revenue of IT, and this IT spending covers the internal IT staff, the cost of purchasing products and services from the market. Banks, on the other hand, will spend 5.1% of their revenues on IT. This spending of revenue on IT is confusing until you think about how a health care organization operates. Health care organizations have a large, expensive staff base made up of physicians, RNs, LPNs, nurse aides, administrators, medical records staff, secretaries, receptionists, finance and billing...
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...During a family dinner, my sister who owns a small clothing store in the process of a conversation expressed her frustration with having to manually process, track and reorder high demand items. She expressed determination to switch from manual to an automated system but has neither the information nor the budget. To accomplish this, I proposed to her an inventory management technology which entails a mix of hardware and software designed to add reliability to inventory accounting, reduce incidents of theft and facilitate inventory audits. In this process, individual inventory items or batches of items could be equipped with a Radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags that helps in identifying the item type, cost, price, shipment number, date of shipment and virtually any other useful information. Software inventory management solutions replace pen-and-paper systems, thereby reducing the time required to account for inventory additions and subtractions. Describe all the necessary equipment. As the Programmer, I will buy only one laptop, along fast access internet modem, wireless router, barcode scanner, barcode printer, printer and the internet service, due to low availability of funds. For startup, we will begin with the use of the inflow inventory system from Archon Systems. The software will help my sister in the processing of sales to take orders and deduct out of the inventory with one click. This software is also capable of generating instant reports, one of which will...
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