...learning and teaching up to February 2015. It starts with observational and discourse studies undertaken in the north of England during the 1980s and early 1990s. Then follows the Culture and Pedagogy international study out of which Alexander’s approach to dialogic teaching developed. Towards Dialogic Teaching presents this approach in detail, and Essays on Pedagogy extends the dialogic principle into wider aspects of education, reasserting the importance of an international perspective. Next come evaluation reports from two of the UK local authorities with whose teachers Robin Alexander has worked. The bibliography also includes relevant articles and book chapters. It ends with the 2010 final report of the Cambridge Primary Review, which gives dialogue prominence not only in pedagogy but also among education’s guiding principles; the 2012 DfE paper that persuaded the UK government to take spoken language more seriously in its framework for the 2014 revised...
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...of the theme; f) Justify why you chose this theme; g) Provide a brief one paragraph outline for each of 6 readings or articles that are relevant to this theme (articles in the reader can be used); h) In the light of the theme develop either a booklet, or a policy relevant to your role as a leader The nurturing and development of teachers in Catholic Schools is a constant consideration for all educational leaders. A successful Catholic education facility needs to demonstrate consistent commitment to the ongoing development of the whole child. This development needs to reflect the Gospel teachings, while offering current theories and practices embedded in student learning opportunities. Professional development and mentoring of staff is a vital component in order for all staff to stay abreast of the latest pedagogy. Professional development should be purposeful, ongoing and reflective and it takes many forms depending on the individual needs and the needs that are influenced by the context of the school. Individual, target groups, whole staff, pedagogy and practice, content...
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...Culturally Responsive Education Since the early 1970’s, there have been robust conversations about how to improve the K-12 educational experience for students of color, African American students in particular. Most of the studies that were conducted showed that African American students (and students of color) lagged behind their white counterparts in both mathematics and reading. The Coleman Report in 1966 gave rise to future discussions regarding gaps in achievement between African American and White students. Such conversations about disparities in academic achievement between African American and White students were generally from cultural deficit perspectives, meaning, students of color, were blamed for the gap in achievement between...
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...andragogy theory can best be defined as the art and science of helping adults learn. This paper will explore exactly what the andragogy theory is and how it differs from pedagogy. A few examples of earlier andragogy strategies used in adult education were group discussions, interviews, and joint problem solving sessions. Now a days we see online tools such as discussion forums and blogs being used online to promote learning among adult learners. Simply put, andragogy is an organized and sustained effort to assist adults to learn in a way that enhances their capacity to function as self directed learners. ( Mezirow 1981) But does this method really only apply to adults? Could it be used by the younger learners before they reach adulthood? Is either method greater or more efficient than the other? Though mostly seen as a useful tool in adult education, studies into andragogy have shown that there are flaws within the core principles that conflict with its purpose of being a more effective adult learning method, and as of today, the search for an efficient educational theory is ongoing. Keywords: andragogy, pedagogy ADULT LEARNING THEORY: ANDRAGOGY3 ADULT LEARNING THEORY: ANDRAGOGY In the 1830's, a German teacher and editor by the name of Alexander Kapp introduced the term andragogy...
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...Andragogy vs Pedagogy Andragogy vs Pedagogy Today, there are many ways to obtain an education. Before, students obtained their education through sitting in a classroom in schools, colleges or universities. Now, obtaining ones education may be done by home schooling and online classes. The changes in the education system have led to the development of many teaching methods. Two major and common methods of teaching are andragogy and pedagogy. The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast andragogy and pedagogy. “Andragogy is the process of engaging adult learners in the structure of the learning experience” (Conlan, Grabowski, & Smith. 2013). In simple words, it is the art and science of helping adults learn. This learning experience consists of different methods and strategies to assist adult humans in obtaining their education. Pedagogy is the connection of the teaching by the teacher, to the learning of a child student (Gehring, 2010). Thus, pedagogy literally means the art and science of teaching children. This is the most dominant form of teaching and referred to as the traditional, teacher-directed approach. “Andragogy is a newer word that was coined in the 1800s by Alexander Knapp, a German educator, and popularized in the 1960s by Malcolm Knowles, an American educator whose focus was on adult education” (Findsen, 2010). It fell into disuse and didn’t reappear until 1921when...
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...A Constructivist Pedagogy For Career And Technology Education In this article, I explored tenets of constructivism that could be directly applied to the Career and Technology Education Standards for Career and Technology Education Teachers. This article provides a proposed constructivist pedagogy for the Vocational Technology studies. Though I do not consider myself to be a strict- constructivist teacher, when I compared my educational philosophy to this proposed pedagogy, I realized how much the study of constructivist theory and practice had influenced my beliefs and methods of instruction. As a future Technology Education educator, I applied these constructivist principles to my own teaching style and methods. A Constructivist Pedagogy for Career and Technology Education The National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium states: “career studies should be taught in manners that are consistent with a constructivist view of learning” (NASDCTEC, 1999, p. 7). While this may sound good in theory, one underlying problem exists: the lack of a clearly defined, agreed-upon constructivist pedagogy. This article will (1) explore the definition and variations of constructivist theory, (2) present a pedagogy for constructivist teachers of career and technology studies, and (3) compare and relate those pedagogies to the existing standards for powerful career and technology studies as defined by the NASDCTEC. “Constructivism is a topic...
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...complete the following chart. Identification of picture with pedagogical term | Definition of Pedagogical term | Purpose in the Educational Process | Picture A: Content standards | Content standard is an articulate description of content for specific grade levels to be able to do or know, which are specified in the picture with grade 4-6. | Content standards are used in education to make sure the students learn the basics in each course, as well as to make sure the content is adequate for the grade level that is learning the information. | Picture B: Cooperative Learning | Cooperative learning is a teaching strategy where small groups work or study together with a difference in levels of abilities. In this picture it shows a small group working together without confrontation. | In the educational process it helps for the students to be able to work together because they may be able to understand and work with each other. The difference in their ability levels can bring the group together to help those who may not understand the teacher, but may understand the way another student explains the material. | Picture C: Inquiry Instruction | Inquiry instruction is a technique that teachers use by creating a situation where students use their problem solving skills, like the puzzle the child is working. | Inquiry instruction works well in the educational process for those who are active, hands on learners. It helps the students to seek out information to gain a better understanding...
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...major development is an expansion of thought into the complexity of adult learning. Another is the context in which learning takes place is growing in importance. Lastly, adult learning is not merely a cognitive process. “Adult learning is a multi-dimensional phenomenon…” (Merriam, 2008, p. 94). Transformational learning requires the student to be able to reflect and analyze one’s own thoughts as well as, the thoughts of others. This is crucial for adult learning to be successful (Merriam, 2008). Sandlin, Wright & Clark approach adult learning theory through a societal or cultural viewpoint (Sandlin et al., 2011). This viewpoint has been dubbed public pedagogy. The authors define public pedagogy as, “…various forms, processes, and sites of education and learning that occur beyond the realm of formal educational institutions – including popular culture (ie. Movies, television, the...
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...A Comparison of Andragogy to Pedagogy Before the differences between Andragogy and Pedagogy can be examined a working definition of both needs to be established. Pedagogy is derived from the Greek words paid and agogus, which translates to the art and science of teaching children (Sarapin and Bertoline, 2000). Pedagogy is in actuality the study of being a teacher, the process of teaching, and the correct use of instructional strategies (“Pedagogy,” 2011). Pedagogy helps teachers understand the role of learning theory in the design and function of class activities (Okojie, Olinzock, and Okojie-Boulder, 2006). Pedagogy evolved in 7th and 12th century schools of Europe and its foundational theories about learning and learners are based on observations of monks teaching simple skills to children. These ideas were further adopted and reinforced in 18th and 19th century Europe and North America elementary schools. Even in the beginning stages of the scientific study of learning around the turn of the 20th century, research was limited to mostly the reactions of children. Because of this pedagogy evolved into a learning model predominately for the education of pre-adults (Holmes and Abington-Cooper, 2000). In the early 20th century when adult education began emerging, teachers of adults began seeing problems with the pedagogical model. One of the biggest problems was that pedagogy proposes that the purpose of education was the transmittal of knowledge and skills through the...
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...An Obstacle in Education as a Practice of Freedom An education that is free of any oppressive qualities, is an education that will foster personal inquiry, group argumentation, and ultimately, social revolution. This would be the ideal model of education for all educational institutions; however, there is a threat looming within our classrooms and it is affecting the way students and teachers approach educational enlightenment. Paulo Freire’s “Pedagogy of the Oppressed” argues about how our current educational system is denying teachers and students the opportunity to develop a dialogue, thus allowing their critical ability to develop. He dubbed this concept “The Banking Concept of Education”: Education thus becomes an act of depositing, in which the students are the depositories and the teacher is the depositor. Instead of communicating, the teacher issues communiques and makes deposits which the students patiently receive, memorize, and repeat. This is the "banking" concept of education, in which the scope of action allowed to the students extends only as far as receiving, filing, and storing the deposits (para. 5). The banking concept of education is affecting current educational systems by guiding both educational patrons and their students in a direction of oppression and conformity. This is being done by taking away any potential interactions between teachers and students, turning a bidirectional conversation into a one directional narrative where the teacher is raised...
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...The Christian Story and Our Stories: Narrative Pedagogy in Congregation Life In the feature article " The Christian Story and Our Stories: Narrative Pedagogy in Congregation Life" the author, Benjamin D. Espinoza, explains the educational strategy of narrative pedagogy, its characteristics and creative ways to apply it effectively in religious and secular ambits in our life. First, narrative pedagogy is an approach to teaching that involve our life stories through creative ways and another life stories (in the Christian ambit biblical stories) to form and renovate our life from the past through the present to the future. The purpose of explain the theological truths through stories is to develop a clearer understanding of the ideas, avoiding...
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...Unit 308. 1.1 Explain the impact of poverty on outcomes and life chances for children and young people. Poverty can significantly impact the outcomes and life chances of children and young people in several ways: Children living in poverty often lack access to adequate healthcare, nutritious food, and safe living conditions. This can lead to higher rates of chronic illnesses, malnutrition, and developmental delays, ultimately affecting their overall health and well-being. Poverty can hinder educational attainment due to factors such as inadequate resources at home, lack of access to quality schools, and increased stressors that can affect concentration and learning. Children from low-income families may also be more likely to drop out of school...
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...Volume 6 Number 2 (2012): 73-84 http://www.infactispax.org/journal/ Editorial Essay The Importance of Philosophy for Education in a Democratic Society Dale T. Snauwaert The University of Toledo Dale.snauwaert@utoledo.edu This essay explores the importance of philosophy for the study and practice of education in a democratic society. It will be argued that at its core education is a normative enterprise, in that it is driven by fundamental social values as well as the imperatives of social justice. These values and imperatives powerfully shape every dimension of educational theory, policy, and practice. From this perspective, education requires a normative frame of reference. Democracy, understood as not only a political system but more fundamentally as a way of life grounded in specific values and principles, provides a powerful point of reference. At the heart of democracy is the value of liberty, understood as self-determination. Self-determination requires that there should be careful reflection upon and rational deliberation concerning social values and, in turn, the imperatives of justice that inform the purposes and practices of education. It will be argued that philosophy constitutes a mode of inquiry and a discipline that enriches the capacity for reflection and rational deliberation, and hence it is essential for both democracy and the study and practice of education in a democratic society. Education as a Normative Enterprise There are a number...
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...either the academic field of applied philosophy or to one of any educational philosophies that promote a specific type or vision of education, and/or which examine the definition, goals and meaning of education. As an academic field, philosophy of education is "the philosophical study of education and its problems...its central subject matter is education, and its methods are those of philosophy".[1] "The philosophy of education may be either the philosophy of the process of education or the philosophy of the discipline of education. That is, it may be part of the discipline in the sense of being concerned with the aims, forms, methods, or results of the process of educating or being educated; or it may be metadisciplinary in the sense of being concerned with the concepts, aims, and methods of the discipline."[2] As such, it is both part of the field of education and a field of applied philosophy, drawing from fields of metaphysics, epistemology, axiology and the philosophical approaches (speculative, prescriptive, and/or analytic) to address questions in and about pedagogy, education policy, and curriculum, as well as the process of learning, to name a few.[3] For example, it might study what constitutes upbringing and education, the values and norms revealed through upbringing and educational practices, the limits and legitimization of education as an academic discipline, and the relation between educational theory and practice. Instead of being taught in philosophy departments...
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...Does Technology Influence Teaching Practices in the Classroom? April O. Di Benedetto, Ph.D. april.dibenedetto@stpsb.org Instructional Technology Center 2024 Livingston St. Mandeville, LA 70448 Paper presented at the National Educational Computing Conference 2005 Conference Philadelphia, PA June 29, 2005 INTRODUCTION The world is experiencing an information explosion of unprecedented proportions. Not only is the volume of new information large, but it is also growing exponentially. Rapid changes in many fields are making basic knowledge and skills obsolete. In the technological world of the 21st century, the meaning of the phrase “to know“ means more than simply having information stored in one’s memory; it means having access to information and knowing how to use it. The challenge for education is to design technologies for learning that draw both from knowledge about human cognition and from practical application of how technology can facilitate complex tasks in the workplace. “Like training wheels,” computers enable learners to do more advanced activities, and engage in more advanced thinking and problem-solving than they could without such help (Pea, 1985). In this rapidly transforming world, where employment requirements and fundamental literacy expectations are quickly changing, education must also change to meet these demands. The essence of education has been to transmit society’s cultural heritage to successive generations and to foster competencies will permit...
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