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Irritable Bowel Syndrome Analysis

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Whether you are in a developed, developing, or underdeveloped nation, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a very prevalent condition. In fact, IBS is one of the most common gastrointestinal disorders worldwide (Hyland et al., 2014). Ironically, however, it is one of the most widely misunderstood. IBS is typically defined as a chronic intestinal disorder with ranging symptoms from sharp abdominal pain to altered bowel habits. However, this characterization of the disease is vaguely accurate as IBS is uniquely tailored to each person. The disorder is so individualized that it must be further categorized into IBSD (IBS with diarrhea), IBSC (IBS with constipation), and IBSM (mixed IBS). As a result, the disease is difficult to diagnose …show more content…
In fact, for decades IBS has been diagnosed through exclusion, meaning that doctors perform several medical examinations and rule out other diseases before diagnosing IBS as a default condition (Cunha, 2017). Despite its far-reaching effects and decades of extensive experimentation, the organic etiology of this disorder is still unknown. That is, IBS has not yet been associated with any overt histopathology, structural, or biochemical abnormalities (Ringel and Maharshak, 2013). However, it is often associated with other physiological and/or psychological disorders such as anxiety, depression, and functional dyspepsia. Recently, scientists have paid particularly close attention to the effects of microbes on this chronic disorder. Their studies have ultimately pointed towards the possibility of a correlation between altered gut microbial states and the onset of IBS. The implications have guided many researchers and scholars, like myself, to analyze how these findings could be applied towards the development of new …show more content…
Take stress, for example. Irritable bowel syndrome is often associated with this psychological condition. During IBS “flare ups” patients are typically undergoing a moment of great distress and/or high emotional instability. What scientists have recently found, however, is that microbes can affect an individual’s ability to physically cope with stress. In fact, studies have suggested that an altered gut microbiota can result in an inability to shutdown a stress response (Kennedy et al., 2014). This suggests that gut microbes can directly regulate stress, which in turns influences the onset of this gastrointestinal disorder. Ultimately, microbes serve as intermediaries for the progression of IBS. An altered microbial state influences the development of certain symptoms and conditions which later on more directly affect the onset of this

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