Marine Pollution
The ocean is the most valued resource in human society. “The oceans provide humans with energy and mineral resources, food, and climate moderation, as well many other commodities and services.” (Desonie 87)
Oceans, How We Use the Seas Chapters 8 through 10 of Oceans, How We Use the Seas; Dana Desonie informs the reader about the cause and effects of marine pollution, as well as what pollutes our oceans and how, and the types of pollutants that enter our oceans. Marine pollution is when unnatural substances enter the ocean. Dana explains the type of pollutants that enter our oceans such as plastics, man-made chemicals, heavy metals, oil, sediments, nutrients, and even radioactivity. Many pollutants infiltrate our oceans…show more content… Although oceans are cast, the expanding human population seems to be rapidly pushing the seas’ capacity to absorb some types of waste.” (Desonie 87) Dana expresses how ship operations are the greatest deal for marine pollution. She informs the reader of how ships affect our oceans by discharging ballast water, which is mandatory to stabilize the ship; bilge water, another term for the ship’s sewage; and discarding litter, mainly pointing fingers to our plastic materials. Not only active ships, but shipwrecks as well. Shipwrecks disperse oil, heavy metals, plastics, and everyday objects such as shoes, into our oceans. Other than the cause and effects of marine pollution, Oceans discuss how biodegradable and bioaccumulation pollutants have been and are affecting our oceans. Biodegradable pollutants are the waste that are capable of being decomposed of by bacteria and into inorganic compounds that are not too hazardous, for example ammonia. It may be “not too hazardous” however, excessive biodegradable material will end up being hazardous as well as harmful. Bioaccumulation is the toxic compound that heavily affects our marine food web following the human food web. It can all start small to where a tiny marine life