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Dane's Tale: A Short Story

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Dane was not the most outgoing dog in his town, nor was he the most interesting; in fact, Dane was ordinary. His appearance was simple, his personality was dull, even his daily life was boring! For one, while other dogs like dalmatians had unique white spots or poodles had beautiful, curly coats, Dane had plain, dirty blonde fur--no spots, no curls, and no interesting colors. His personality was quite dull as well; he did not enjoy barking at squirrels, riding with his head out of the car, or playing with his numerous toys. Instead, Dane would follow the same routine everyday. He was simply boring! Everyone knew about Dane’s plain life and everyone would encourage him to find a dog activity to enjoy, yet it was no use. His teachers would bark: “Come on, …show more content…
Ever! Everrrrr!,” Dane would bark until eventually his teachers gave up.
Next, his parents tried to find him a hobby. “Come on, Dane,” they woofed, “Why don’t you join the Puppy Tee Ball League or the Tug-A-War Club rather than sitting in your room everyday.” Again, Dane would defiantly refuse, and eventually, his parents lost hope too.
It was no use. For months, Dane continued to be just ordinary--constantly following his same dull routine--until one day another dirty, blonde puppy headed towards him. Dane had never seen a dog so similar, and immediately felt respect for his fellow breed. Feeling bold, Dane spoke first. “Hi, what’s your name?” Dane shyly asked.
The puppy replied, “I'm Duke!” and they were immediate friends. Unlike Dane, Duke was not ordinary; even though his coat was plain, he played sports and loved running after tennis balls. Building up courage, Dane finally asked, “How did you become not …show more content…
You simply have to try new personalities and activities until you find the one for you,” Duke replied.
Suddenly, Duke’s mom called and the two went back inside. The following day, Dane took the advice, and decided to try a new personality. Finally, he was ready for a

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