...So is there anything that can be done about distracted driving? The main findings about laws against texting while driving are ineffective shows that nothing can be done but still do it anyways. The main finding about hands-free technology can’t or can keep drivers safe tell that it can deduce the problem but it can be still a form of distraction. The last main finding about texting while driving is as dangerous as drunken driving shows that it’s a way more dangerous form of act behind the wheel. Texting and driving is very dangerous because of the data behind it but technology is a better alternative help people stay more focused on the road. This topic about texting while driving needs to be talked about as much as possible especially when educating teens. There are still a high percentage of adults that still text and do not understand why it is still a big deal. Texting and driving is a huge problem in today world when technology is growing and with new technology comes more distractions like game apps that need miles to get points etc. A call of action to get rid of this problem or reduce it would be to only sell a phone with all voice aviated and no screen stuff and realize that texting and driving is the wrong...
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...It is simple to answer a phone call, text or navigate the web yet it is not the most responsible thing to do behind the wheel. Visual, manual and cognitive are three types of distraction and texting takes up all. Texting on your cellular phone makes you an irresponsible driver. “I’ve seen it firsthand, it does cause accidents, it’s dangerous and it’s irresponsible,” a former police officer commented (Marino, 2012). Driving a vehicle requires full responsibility and one who is not willing to take the precautions on it should not be issued a drivers license. The consequences range from receiving a ticket to having a fatal car accident. All of these distractions can always wait; they are not worth paying a ticket, taking someone’s life or losing your own. Keeping your eyes on the road is the most important thing to do when operating a vehicle. Five seconds off the road traveling at fifty-five mph is like driving an entire football field without looking (Marino, 2012). Five seconds sounds so insignificant yet can be your biggest regret. Many things can go wrong in those five seconds; it simply takes one second for you to rear-end the car in front of you. People do not realize they are operating a weapon with a blind fold when they are looking away. In order to take rapid initiative to prevent an accident visual focus on the road is required to know what is happening or about to happen. Manual distraction adds to the irresponsibility of a driver. Majority of the people drive...
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...day. For the most part, this is a good thing: the benefits of staying connected at any time and at any location are considerable. But if you’re like most Americans, you may regularly talk on the phone or even text while at the wheel of a car. This dangerous behavior has resulted in increasing numbers of accidents and fatalities caused by cell phone usage. The trend shows no sign of slowing down. In 2003, a federal study of 10,000 drivers by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) set out to determine the effects of using cell phones behind the wheel. The results were conclusive: talking on the phone is equivalent to a 10- point reduction in IQ and a .08 blood alcohol level, which law enforcement considers intoxicated. Handsfree sets were ineffective in eliminating risk, the study found, because the conversation itself is what distracts drivers, not holding the phone. Cell phone use caused 955 fatalities and 240,000 accidents in 2002. Related studies indicated that drivers that talked on the phone while driving increased their crash risk fourfold, and drivers that texted while driving increased their crash risk by a whopping 23 times. Since that study, mobile device usage has grown by an order of magnitude, worsening this already dangerous situation. The number of wireless subscribers in America has increased by around 1,000 percent since 1995 to nearly 300 million overall in 2010, and Americans’ usage of wireless minutes increased by approximately 6,000 percent...
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...Why is the use of cell phones while driving dangerous? Studies show that 1.6 million crashes are caused by distracted driving per year. Cell phones should never be used while driving for the following reasons you could get in an accident, you could be injured, or you could possibly die. Drivers ages 15-44 years old die because of accidents. If you were to text while behind the wheel you could get in an accident. In 2011, 1.3 million accidents were caused by texting behind the wheel. Cell phone use while driving leads to 1.6 million crashes per year. 1 out of 4 accidents in the U.S is caused by texting while driving. 21% of teens are involved in accidents due to distracted driving. In 2013, 16 percent of all police-reported crashes were caused...
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...day. Driving is hard enough not being distracted by cell phones. Talking on a cell phone can make a person 1.3 times more likely to get into a crash, and even worse, texting can make a person twenty three times more likely to get into an accident. Getting behind the wheel is a big responsibility. Surely the roads would be a much safer place if cell phones were either put away for the duration of the drive or if there were an app or chip put into phones that detected if they went over ten miles per hour and shut the phones down. Texting and driving may be a dangerous task, but texting at a stop light or stop sign can be understandable. These tasks are performed with the car completely stopped, but even looking down at a cell phone at a light can cause you to miss the light change and hold up traffic, thus causing the people behind you to get mad at you for not paying attention. Even texting at a stop sign can slow up the pace of traffic. If someone were to text at a stop sign and there were other people approaching who saw that a person wasn’t going, they would assume they should go and this could lead to a potential accident. While texting at stop signs may be safer than texting at high rates of speed, it is still dangerous. Let’s...
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...know what they say, “Practice makes perfect.” There’s nothing better than getting into a car after fifteen beers and running head on into a tree and killing yourself. Unfortunately, the general population or I like the thought of someone getting behind the wheel under the influence and taking the lives of the innocent. So I’ve came up with a modest proposal to put an end to drinking and driving. I know what you’re thinking; what kind of ignorant ideas does a person like me have to offer to this problem? But I promise if these actions are applied, there will be a complete end to the treacherous idea of drinking and driving. First off, law enforcement would drive around to random parties and steak out for people trying to drive under the influence. If they catch them and they blow over the limit, they will be tazed until they drop unconscious to the ground, then pop all of the tires on their car. As an alternative, instead of wasting time with a steak out, cops could blow up all the cars in the area of the party. Maybe that will teach the drinkers to take a taxi or a bus. Now unfortunately, there’s always going to be those people who make it behind the wheel. This is very dangerous to the person driving, but more dangerous to the public who’s actually doing the right thing. So for a solution to that...
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...Is it really that important to stay connected during every hour of the day? According to Ian Mulgrew, a journalist/author from Canada, many accidents are blamed on distracted driving and most of the distractions are caused by cell phone usage. (Mulgrew) Many drivers today have such busy lives and never have time to get the things they need to do completed in one day’s time. This leaves them to get things done while on the road. Checking emails is a top priority for Americans and since many havsmartphonees, they will do it on the road as well as send text messages.There are many laws being established to try to prevent distracted driving from happening, although they can’t completely stop it. No matter what age the driver is, under no circumstance should they be texting while driving. Texting or using a cell phone while driving is very hazardous to yourself and the people surrounding you. One reason the majority of people are against this action is because it causes a great amount of car accidents every year. (Copeland) While driving, adults and teenagers cannot resist the urge to pick up their cell phone and send a text or respond to one. When the driver hears the vibrate or ring, nothing can stop them from checking the notification on their phone. As soon as the driver’s eyes meet their cellular device, their focus on the road is drawn away. In 2009, 5,474 lives were taken and 448,000 people got injured from car accidents from being distracted while driving, says the government...
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...calls or for business matters. While driving they check their emails or even go on the Internet! Texting while driving is a highly controversial issue and is discussed constantly all around the world. As a result of texting and driving, many more car accidents occur each day and because of this, research has been conducted about why people text and drive, the dangers of texting while driving, the statistics, laws in New Jersey, and ways to prevent texting while driving. Not only can texting and driving be dangerous for yourself, but it can be dangerous for others around you. When first getting your driver’s license, you are taught to keep your eyes on the road. You are taught to drive with no distractions and to concentrate on what is ahead. After becoming comfortable, drivers soon realize that they can do a lot more than just have two hands on the wheel and drive. Nowadays it is very common to see drivers glancing down at their phone or even holding it up to the steering wheel. Is this because drivers are addicted to texting while driving or is it a matter of just no self-control? Atchley’s study “Why Do We Still Text and Drive” stated, “If you are addicted to something you make irrational decisions.” For example, if you are an alcoholic you will not be worrying about buying the best beer, you will be trying to satisfy your craving even if it is with rubbing alcohol. Atchley says, “It isn’t an addiction; it’s a compulsive behavior.” While driving, your brain is being overloaded...
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...Texting While Driving Is Dangerous Texting While Driving is Dangerous When sending a text message while you are driving your eyes leave the road for an average of 4.6 seconds. It may not seem like much time, but a lot can happen in that small amount of time. In five seconds, a silver Toyota 4 Runner can tap the left side of your green Honda Civic at 65 miles per hour and send you flying across a freeway. In five seconds a car can travel the distance of a football field. In five seconds your neighbor’s daughter can run out into the street to grab her soccer ball as you back out of your driveway. What if you were not paying full attention to what you were doing? What if you were trying to dial a phone number on your cell while trying to back up? What if you did not see the little girl? What if it was your little girl? Tragic accidents like this happen all too often because of a driver being distracted by his cell phone. They have begun to influence our language, our thought process, and all too often, our driving. Within the past decade, Driving While Texting has become an extreme problem in the United States, and it is getting worse year by year. Opposed to those who believe that there is no harm in this act, I will explain that using a phone while behind the wheel is life-threatening Six thousand people die a year due to drivers distracted by their phones. That’s one hundred and sixty five people in one day, or another person every hour and a half which...
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...Sitting behind the wheel in heavy traffic the cell phone goes off. Immediately upon hearing the tone of the text message a person begins to think that it could be a friend wanting to tell them something important or it could be their mom wanting to tell them something is wrong. It does not look like the heavy traffic is going to move too fast while at the same time knowing it will only take a few seconds to respond to the text message, they do. Before a person realizes what is going on, the car in front of them stops too fast causing an accident. There should be more done about texting while behind the wheel because it is very dangerous, texting is known to cause accidents even killing people, and texting is known to distract other drivers. A study was done by AAA, according to Overall (2012), stating that girls were more likely than boys to grab their cell phones while behind the wheel (para. #4). Overall (2012), stated that girls are obsessed with texting while on their cell phones which has become a problem (para. #11). Suggestions are being made, according to Overall (2012), that someone else should be an assigned texter for the driver or that even parents should consider blocking incoming calls as well as text messages or even shutting the cell phone off while their child is driving (para. #14) & 15). According to Copeland (2012), a mother didn’t realize that talking with her 18-year old daughter regarding the dangers of teenage driving ...
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...while driving must be stopped. To do this our government must take action to both add uniformity to the laws and punishments bestowed on the offenders. But, it is also vital that the government provide ample educational programs in order to spread the message about the dangers of tapping the keyboard while behind the wheel. Texting and driving is one of the largest epidemics to sweep our nation. The use of a cell phone while driving is extremely distracting and dangerous to the person behind the wheel, and everyone else on the road as well. Every year, 21% of fatal car crashes involving teenagers between the ages of 16 and 19 were the result of using their cell phone while behind the wheel. This statistic is expected to grow as much as 4% every year. But, this is not just a problem among teen drivers. One-fifth of adult drivers in the United States also report sending text messages while driving (“Cell Phone & Texting Accidents”). To combat this problem, the United States government much take a stronger stance and pass legislation that unifies texting while driving laws and punishments, as well as installing much more education about the dangers of texting behind the wheel to convey the much needed message to the future drivers of the United States. Currently, thirty-five states have enacted complete bans on texting for all drivers. Another seven have banned it from novice drivers, or those who have their license but are under the age of eighteen, with three more banning it...
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...One main factor that adds to distracted driving for teens and prevents roads from being safe is texting and calling while driving. Let alone “texting and driving is a problem or all drivers, regardless, of their age” (“Distracted driving”). “Reading or sending a text is a distracted driving triple-threat because it falls into three categories it splits your attention with the driving you should be focusing on, takes yours hands off the wheel and you take your eyes off the road” (“Distracted driving”). On numerous occasions there has been an incident where teens are texting on their phones and start swerving into the lane I am driving in and it scares the life out of me every time. The thought that someone’s life can end do to reckless thinking and distracted driving can be a nightmare. For teens specifically, these types of behind-the wheel conversations seem to be especially prevalent (and dangerous). Several studies have found that teens are more likely to: text while driving and hold an ongoing, multi-text conversation while behind the wheel. In the IIHS HDLI article, Distracted Driving, it states that “talking on a hand held is banned in 15 states as well as the District of Columbia; the use of all cellphones by novice drivers is restricted in 38 states and the District of Columbia” (“Distracted driving”)....
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...has ever been. I would like all people driving behind the wheel of any vehicle to stop using their cell phones while driving because it is extremely dangerous and irresponsible. People need to be against texting while driving because it causes a large number of car accidents every year. Many of them are fatal. While driving, teenagers and adults cannot resist the urge to pick up their cell phone and text. As soon as the driver’s eyes look down at their cell phone, the focus on the road is drawn away. About 6,000 are killed because of some kind of distraction while driving and about 1,000 of those accidents reported cell phone use as the distraction. If you think you can’t wait five extra minutes to “lol” in response to your friends joke, you’re dead wrong – pun fully intended. The University of North Texas says others were so wrong that it cost 16,141 people their lives during the 2001 to 2007 time frame. Texting while behind the wheel can even be more dangerous than a drunk driver. A texting driver travels 25 more feet than a normal driver when required to stop. Typically, a drunk driver travels four more feet than a non-impaired driver. It is a scary thought that texting while driving is worse than drunk driving. According to the University of Utah, cell phone distractions can increase reaction time as much as if you had a .08% blood alcohol concentration! Common sense should tell you texting would be the most dangerous situation. People do not need to text while driving...
Words: 548 - Pages: 3
...bI feel that driving while intoxicated or drunk it is extremely dangerous and drivers with and increased blood alcohol content are more likely to cause accidents, highway injuries, and even vehicular deaths. Every single injury or death caused by these accidents are all preventable. It is amazing how almost twenty percent of all traffic related fatalities are caused by a drunk driver. I feel that this is a problem on the national level that affects thousands of families each year, and unless the problem gets fixed, it will only increase every year. I feel that a person who has been drinking decides to get behind the wheel of an automobile, not only are they putting their own lives in jeopardy, but the lives of fellow passengers, motorists, and pedestrians. They are risking their lives and most of the time does not even realize it. Alcohol intoxication causes ones reflexes and judgement to slow down and become inadequate to drive. At times I feel that driving while intoxicated or drunk it is extremely dangerous and drivers with and increased blood alcohol content are more likely to cause accidents, highway injuries, and even vehicular deaths. Every single injury or death caused by these accidents are all preventable. It is amazing how almost twenty percent of all traffic related fatalities are caused by a drunk driver. I feel that this is a problem on the national level that affects thousands of families each year, and...
Words: 322 - Pages: 2
...texting. There are many laws being established to try to prevent distracted driving from happening, although they can’t completely stop it. No matter what age the driver is, under no circumstance should they be texting while driving. Many accidents are blamed on distracted driving and most of the distractions are caused by cell phone usage. Unfortunately, some opponents feel that creating a law against cell phone use infringes people personal rights. Others think that banning someone from using their cell phones is equivalent to telling someone that they can't adjust their radio or talk with someone else in their car. However, using a cell phone, whether talking or texting, while driving can be extremely dangerous; it should be made illegal because it is very dangerous to yourself and the people surrounding you. Texting while driving can lead to the death of loved ones, and because of this it is now being compared to the danger level of drinking while driving. One reason the majority of people are against this action is because it causes a great amount...
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