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Danica Patrick Research Paper

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been apart of her journey through racing and now business and they will always be apart of it and try to help her.

The last reason why Danica Patrick is an advocate for females in male-dominated sports is because of her influence on girls and women. She has done so much to influence girls by helping them come out of their shells. “Danica has done such a good job of paving the way for all girl drivers,” Decker said (“Natalie Decker”). Natalie Decker agrees that Danica Patrick has done such a good job of doing just that because she most likely was one of those girls that she helped inspire. She also helps by showing that you need to be brave. Another NASCAR racer Kevin Harvick said, "Danica has been a huge part of this sport and turned a lot of people into …show more content…
She has done so much for the sport and supporting women in their dreams has made them feel good about themselves. She also has had so much ups and downs from winning the Rookie Of the Year to being called cruel names. There can never be enough thanks for what she has done as a role model, supporter, fellow racer, and frankly just an amazing human being. So these are definitely the reasons why she is an advocate for women just in general, because as she said, “This reaches outside racing. This is about finding something you love to do, and following through with it” (Caldwell). Her dedication and hard work is demonstrated because of the fact that she starting at a makeshift oval track in the parking lot of her dad’s store and ended her career with racing at biggest stages of the race tracks. “Patrick was never solely about her racing ability; it was also the fact that this woman dared to enter the good ol’ boy world of racing in the first place, a feminist in the mold of a Billie Jean King who became a hero to millions of young girls across the country”

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