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Danny Lopez Case Study

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The influence of another can help one grow and become more confident. Danny Lopez is a young man in the 11th grade, whose family has immigrated from Mexico. He was cut from his high school team, and is forced to practice to become a better player.Danny takes his mitt and a bucket of balls to Las Palmas Park, where he is pitching at the backstop by himself. He reflects on his performance in baseball tryouts last year. “Danny starts thinking about his control. Why'd he perform so badly at tryouts last year? He never goes too long without asking himself this question. Picturing all the wild pitches he threw. Why'd it happen? Out here he's putting each ball wherever he wants” (De la Peña 85) Danny's performance at baseball tryouts accurately represents his confidence under pressure. …show more content…
Danny knows he can perform better, and can throw his best without any pressure. The growth of Danny's confidence is influenced by Uno, who has provided him with support and experience. Danny and Uno return to Leucadia Prep, where they are prepared to perform their last hustle. Uno and Danny challenge Kyle Sorensen that Danny can strike him out, “Danny pitches to Kyle....Uno hops out of crouch, points to Danny and pumps his fist. ‘One more, D! One more”(De La Pena 231) This quote shows Uno’s support, and encouragement for Danny in baseball. Through Uno’s mentorship, Danny has been able to compete with the best of baseball. Danny has grown his confidence on the baseball field through his relationship with Uno. Through relationships with others, one can grow their

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