...Lindsay Mount MHL 143 Dr. Ferguson 16 August 2014 The Evolution and Culture of Flamenco Music Flamenco style has evolved drastically over the past century. Flamenco essentially was born from the interaction between gypsy and non-gypsy Andalusians of Spain. The history of oppression and changes in political thought has all contributed to the changes in the role of flamenco in the last 100 years. Currently due to tourism and the popularity of flamenco professionalization has risen out of this popularity. A plethora of public performances and concerts are found in Spain today, carrying on the history of the Andalusia people for all to experience (Manuel 47). Flamenco is a strain of Spanish folk music and dance that stems from the region of Andalusia, closely associated with the Romani people of Spain (Gurza E1). This rich development of dance and music has evolved over the last 100 years and beautifully captures the culture of this region by showing differences in its role for the people (Manuel 47). The old role of flamenco music in Spain was essentially used by the lower classes and persecuted gypsies of Andalusia (Washabaugh 51). It was a “cry of pain” for the suffering gypsies and of all the lower classes (Manuel 48). I observed the emotional nature of the music from my visit to the Musical Instrument Museum. The poetic nature of the lyrics was easily heard in my experience in the Spain exhibit. The use of the music was only for the lower classes of Andalusia but...
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...problemas históricos que plantean tales variantes, fundamentalmente interesa el valor humano de los textos, que reflejan, más que los hechos históricos mismos, e/ modo como los vieron e interpretaron los inaios nahuas de diversas ciudades y procedencias. En este primer caPítulo transcribimos la versión del náhuatl preparada por el doctor Garibay, de los textos de los informantes indígenas de Sahagún contenidos al princiPio de/libro XII del Códice Florentino, así como una breve sección tomada de la Historia de Tlaxcala de DiegoMuñ oz Camargo, que como se indicó en la Introducción General, emparentado con la nobleza indígena de dicho señorío, refleja en sus escritos la oPinión de los inaios tlaxcaltecas, aliados de Canés. Ambos documentos, que guardan estrecha semejanza, narran una serie de prodigios y presagios funestos que afirrrwron ver los rnexicas y de manera especial Motecuhzoma, desde unos diez años antes de la llegada de los españoles. Se transcribe primero el texto de los informantes de Sahagún, de acuerdo con e/ Códice Florentino, y a continuación el testimonio del autor de la Historia de Tlaxcala. Los presagios, según los informantes de Sahagún Primer presagiofunesto:Diez años~ de venir los españoles primeramente se mostro un funesto presagio en el cielo. Una como espiga de fuego, una como llama de fuego, una como aúrora: se mostraba como si estuviera goteando, como si estuviera punzando en el cielo. .Ancha de asiento, angosta de vértice. Bien al medio...
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...Name: Aunso, Jemimah Lea, S. Course and year: BSED 1st 1.What is dance? Dance is a performance art form consisting of purposefully selected sequences of human movement. This movement has aesthetic and symbolicvalue, and is acknowledged as dance by performers and observers within a particular culture.[nb 1] Dance can be categorized and described by its choreography, by its repertoire of movements, or by its historical period orplace of origin. An important distinction is to be drawn between the contexts of theatrical andparticipatory dance,[4] although these two categories are not always completely separate; both may have special functions, whether social,ceremonial, competitive, erotic, martial, or sacred/liturgical. Others disciplines of human movement are sometimes said to have a dance-like quality, including martial arts, gymnastics, figure skating, synchronized swimming and many other forms of athletics. 2. What are the types/kinds of dances? Types of Dance - Categories Here are some of the most popular dance categories and types: Ballroom Dances These dances started appearing first in Italy, during the early years of Renaissance. Popularity of this kind of entertainment quickly swept over the Europe, United States and the World. Although many other simpler and more easily preformed types of dances caused the ballroom dances to lose some of their influence, modern worldwide dancing audience started resurrecting these immortal dances in ever increasing pace...
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